CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib

Contributed macros


Name Notes
12many Generalising mathematical index sets
ESIEEcv Curriculum vitae for French use
IEEEconf Macros for IEEE conference proceedings
IEEEtran Document class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences
LingTrees Linguistics trees preprocessor and macros
SIunits International System of Units
Tabbing Tabbing with accented letters
TeXemplar A class for the journal of Cervan
a0poster Support for designing posters on large paper
⇒ /macros/latex/contrib/ntgclass
a4wide "Wide" a4 layout
a5comb Support for a5 paper sizes
aastex Macros for Manuscript Preparation for AAS Journals
abc Support ABC music notation in
abnt Typesetting academic works according to ABNT rules
abntex2 Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules
abntexto class for formatting academic papers in ABNT standards
abraces Asymmetric over-/underbraces in maths
abspos Absolute placement with coffins
abstract Control the typesetting of the abstract environment
accents Multiple mathematical accents
accessibility Create tagged and structured PDF files
accsupp Better accessibility support for PDF files
achemso Support for American Chemical Society journal submissions
acmart Class for typesetting publications of ACM
acmconf Class for ACM conference proceedings
acro Typeset acronyms
acromake Make commands for acronyms
acronym Expand acronyms at least once
acroterm Manage and index acronyms and terms
acrotex Insert document-level JavaScript in documents
acrotex_js JavaScript files used by acrotex and other packages
actuarialangle Angle symbol denoting a duration in actuarial and financial notation
actuarialsymbol Actuarial symbols of life contingencies and financial mathematics
addfont Easier use of fonts without support
addlines A user-friendly wrapper around \enlargethispage
adfathesis Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format
adjmulticol Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output
adjustbox Graphics package-alike macros for “general” boxes
adrconv styles to implement an address database
adrlist Using address lists in
adtrees Macros for drawing adpositional trees
advdate Print a date relative to "today"
aeb_minitoc Create mini-tocs
aeb_mlink Multi-line links with hyperref
aeb_mobile Format PDF files for use on a smartphone
aeb_tilebg AeB Tiling Backgrounds
aeguill Add several kinds of guillemets to the ae fonts
affilauthor Tag author and affiliation information in a key-value style
afparticle Typesetting articles for Archives of Forensic Psychology
afthesis Air Force Institute of Technology thesis class
aguplus Styles for American Geophysical Union
aiaa Typeset AIAA conference papers
akktex A collection of packages and classes
akletter Comprehensive letter support
akshar Support for syllables in the Devanagari script
alertmessage Alert messages for
alg environments for typesetting algorithms
algobox Typeset Algobox programs
algorithm2e Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords
algorithmicx The algorithmic style you always wanted
algorithms A suite of tools for typesetting algorithms in pseudo-code
algpseudocodex Package for typesetting pseudocode
algxpar Support multiple lines of pseudocode
aligned_overset Fix alignment at \overset or \underset
alnumsec Alphanumeric section numbering
alphalph Convert numbers to letters
alterqcm Multiple choice questionnaires in two column tables
altfont Alternative font handling in
altsubsup Subscripts and superscripts with square brackets
amnestyreport A class for Amnesty International
amsaddr Alter the position of affiliations in amsart
amscdx Enhanced commutative diagrams
amsrefs A -based replacement for
analogclock An analog ticking clock package for PDF output
animate Create PDF and SVG animations from graphics files and inline graphics
annee_scolaire Automatically typeset the academic year (French way)
annot_pro Create text, stamp and file attachment annotations
annotate_equations Easily annotate math equations using TikZ
anonchap Make chapters be typeset like sections
anonymous_acm Typeset anonymous versions for ACM articles
answers Setting questions (or exercises) and answers
antanilipsum Generate sentences in the style of “Amici miei”
anufinalexam document shell for ANU final exam
anyfontsize Select any font size in
anysize A simple package to set up document margins
aomart Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics
apa American Psychological Association format
apa6 Format documents in APA style (6th edition)
apa6e Format manuscripts to APA 6th edition guidelines
apa7 Format documents in APA style (7th edition)
⇒ /biblio/bibtex/contrib/apacite
appendix Extra control of appendices
apptools Tools for customising appendices
apxproof Proofs in appendix
arabicfront Frontmatter with arabic page numbers
arcs Draw arcs over and under text
arraycols New column types for array and tabular environments
arraysort Sort arrays (or portions of them)
arsclassica A different view of the ClassicThesis package
articleingud class for articles published in INGENIERIA review
artthreads Support for article threads
arydshln Draw dash-lines in array/tabular
asaetr Transactions of the ASAE
ascelike Bibliography style for the ASCE
asciilist Environments AsciiList and AsciiDocList for prototyping nested lists in
ascmac Boxes and picture macros with Japanese vertical writing support
askinclude Interactive use of \includeonly
askmaps Typeset American style Karnaugh maps
asmeconf A template for ASME conference papers
asmejour A template for ASME journal papers
aspectratio Capital A and capital R ligature for Aspect Ratio
assignment A class file for typesetting homework and lab assignments
assoccnt Associate counters, making them step when a master steps
association_matrix support for creating association matrices
asternote Annotation symbols enclosed in square brackets and marked with an asterisk
asyfig Commands for using Asymptote figures
atbegshi Execute stuff at \shipout time
atenddvi Provides the \AtEndDvi command
atendofenv Add a custom symbol at the end of an environment
attachfile Attach arbitrary files to a PDF document
attachfile2 Attach files into PDF
atveryend Hooks at the very end of a document
aucklandthesis Memoir-based class for formatting University of Auckland masters' and doctors' theses
aurl Extends the hyperref package with a mechanism for hyperlinked URLs abbreviated with prefixes
authoraftertitle Make author, etc., available after \maketitle
authorarchive Adds self-archiving information to scientific papers
auto_pst_pdf Wrapper for pst-pdf (with some psfrag features)
auto_pst_pdf_lua Using Lua together with PostScript code
autobreak Simple line breaking of long formulae
autofancyhdr Automatically compute headlength for fancyhdr package
autonum Automatic equation references
autopdf Conversion of graphics to pdf-compatible formats
auxhook Hooks for auxiliary files
avremu An 8-Bit Microcontroller Simulator written in
axessibility Access to formulas in PDF files by assistive technologies
⇒ /graphics/axodraw2
b1encoding encoding tools for Bookhands fonts
babel_contrib Contributed language-support files for Babel
background Placement of background material on pages of a document
backnaur Typeset Backus Naur Form definitions
bangorcsthesis Typeset a thesis at Bangor University
bangorexam Typeset an examination at Bangor University
bankstatement A class for bank statements based on csv data
bargraph_js Create bar graphs using form fields and JavaScript
bashful Invoke bash commands from within
basicarith Macros for typesetting basic arithmetic
basque_book Class for book-type documents written in Basque
basque_date Print the date in Basque
⇒ /fonts/bbding
bbm support for "blackboard-style" cm fonts
bchart Draw simple bar charts in
beamer A class for producing presentations and slides
beamer_FUBerlin Beamer, using the style of FU Berlin
beamerposter Extend beamer and a0poster for custom sized posters
bearwear Shirts to dress TikZbears
beautybook A beautiful book template for maths and science
beautynote A package designed to meet the publication of books and the production of templates, with elegant chapter
begingreek Greek environment to be used with pdf only
begriff Typeset Begriffschrift
beilstein Support for submissions to the “Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology”
betababel Insert ancient greek text coded in Beta Code
beton Use Concrete fonts
bewerbung Typesetting job applications
bez123 Support for Bezier curves
bfh_ci Corporate Design for Bern University of Applied Sciences
bg Annotate backgammon matches and positions
bgteubner Class for producing books for the publisher “Teubner Verlag”
bibarts “Arts”-style bibliographical information
biblatex Sophisticated Bibliographies in
biblatex_ms Sophisticated Bibliographies in (multiscript version)
biblatex2bibitem Convert Bib-generated bibliography to bibitems
bibleref Format bible citations
bibleref_french French translations for bibleref
bibleref_german German adaptation of bibleref
bibleref_lds Bible references, including those to the scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
bibleref_mouth Consistent formatting of Bible references
bibleref_parse Specify Bible passages in human-readable format
bibletext Insert Bible passages by their reference
bibtopic Include multiple bibliographies in a document
bibtopicprefix Prefix references to bibliographies produced by bibtopic
bibunits Multiple bibliographies in one document
⇒ /macros/xetex/latex/bidi
bigfoot Footnotes for critical editions
bigintcalc Integer calculations on very large numbers
bigints Writing big integrals
bilingualpages Typeset two columns in parallel
binomexp Calculate Pascal's triangle
biochemistry_colors Colors used to display amino acids, nucleotides, sugars or atoms in biochemistry
biocon Typesetting biological species names
bitpattern Typeset bit pattern diagrams
bitset Handle bit-vector datatype
bizcard Typeset business cards
bjfuthesis A thesis class for Beijing Forestry University
blindtext Producing 'blind' text for testing
blkarray Extended array and tabular
block A block letter style for the letter class
blowup Upscale or downscale all pages of a document
bmstu A class for Bauman Moscow State Technical University
bmstu_iu8 A class for IU8 reports
bnumexpr Extends ’s \numexpr...\relax construct to big integers
bohr Simple atom representation according to the Bohr model
boites Boxes that may break across pages
bold_extra Use bold small caps and typewriter fonts
boldtensors Bold latin and greek characters through simple prefix characters
bondgraph Create bond graph figures in documents
bondgraphs Draws bond graphs in , using PGF/TikZ
bookcover A class for book covers and dust jackets
bookest Extended book class
booklet Aids for printing simple booklets
bookmark A new bookmark (outline) organization for hyperref
booktabs Publication quality tables in
booktabs_de German version of booktabs
boolexpr A boolean expression evaluator and a switch command
bophook Provides an At-Begin-Page hook
bosisio A collection of packages by Francesco Bosisio
boxedminipage Framed minipages of a specified total width (text and frame combined)
boxhandler Flexible Captioning and Deferred Box/List Printing
bpchem Typeset chemical names, formulae, etc
br_lex A Class for Typesetting Brazilian legal texts
bracketkey Produce bracketed identification keys
braille Support for braille
braket Dirac bra-ket and set notations
brandeis_dissertation Class for Brandeis University dissertations
brandeis_problemset Document class for COSI Problem sets at Brandeis University (Waltham, MA)
brandeis_thesis A class for Brandeis University M.A. theses
brclc Support 16-bit (double) calculations in
breakcites Ensure that multiple citations may break at line end
breakurl Line-breakable \url-like links in hyperref when compiling via dvips/ps2pdf
bredzenie A Polish version of “lorem ipsum…” in the form of a package
breqn Manage mathematics typesetting style
bropd Simplified brackets and differentials in
bsheaders Double-ruled chapter heading style
bubblesort Bubble sorts a list
bullcntr Display list item counter as regular pattern of bullets
business_research Markup for the journal Business Research
bussproofs Proof trees in the style of the sequent calculus
bussproofs_extra Extra commands for bussproofs.sty
bxcalc Extend the functionality of the calc package
bxdvidriver Enables specifying a driver option effective only in DVI output
bxeepic Eepic facilities using pict2e
bxenclose Enclose the document body with some pieces of code
bxnewfont Enhanced \newfont command
bxorigcapt To retain the original caption names when using Babel
bxpapersize Synchronize output paper size with layout paper size
bxpdfver Specify version and compression level of output PDF files
Additional -family logos
bytefield Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
cachepic Convert document fragments into graphics
cahierprof Schedule and grade books for French teachers
calcage Calculate the age of something, in years
calctab Language for numeric tables
calculation Typesetting reasoned calculations, also called calculational proofs
calculator Use as a scientific calculator
calendar A package for calendars and timetables
calendar_barr A calendar document
calrsfs Copperplate calligraphic letters in
cals Multipage tables with wide range of features
calxxxx Prints a card-size calendar for any year
calxxxx_yyyy Print a calendar for a group of years
camel Prototype work on future citation engine
cancel Place lines through maths formulae
canoniclayout Create canonical page layouts with memoir
capt_of Captions on more than floats
captcont Retain float number across several floats
captdef Declare free-standing \caption commands
caption Customising captions in floating environments
carbohydrates Carbohydrate molecules with chemfig
carlisle David Carlisle’s small packages
cascade Constructions with braces to present mathematical demonstrations
cascadilla Typeset papers conforming to the stylesheet of the Cascadilla Proceedings Project
cases Numbered cases environment
casiofont Support for the Casio ClassWiz font
catchfile Catch an external file into a macro
catchfilebetweentags Catch text delimited by docstrip tags
catechis Macros for typesetting catechisms
catoptions Preserving and recalling standard catcodes
ccaption Continuation headings and legends for floats
ccfonts Support for Concrete text and math fonts in
cchess Chinese chess
cclicenses Typeset Creative Commons licence logos
ccool A key-value document command parser
cd Typeset CD covers
cd_cover Typeset CD covers
cdcmd Expandable conditional commands for
cdpbundl Business letters in the Italian style
cell Bibliography style for Cell
cellprops Accept CSS-like selectors in tabular, array, …
cellspace Ensure minimal spacing of table cells
censor Tools for producing redacted documents
centeredline A macro for centering lines
centerlastline Paragraphs with last line centered, known as “Spanish” paragraphs
cesenaexam A class file to typeset exams
cfr_initials packages for use of initials
⇒ /fonts/cfr-lm
changebar Generate changebars in documents
changelayout Change the layout of individual pages and their text
changelog Typesetting keepachangelog.com style changelogs
changepage Change the page layout in the middle of a document
changes Manual change markup
chappg Page numbering by chapter
chapterfolder Package for working with complicated folder structures
chbibref Change the Bibliography/References title
cheatsheet A simple cheatsheet class
checkend Extend “improperly closed environment” messages
Pass verbatim contents through a compiler and reincorporate the resulting output
chemarrow Arrows for use in chemistry
chemcompounds Simple consecutive numbering of chemical compounds
chemcono Support for compound numbers in chemistry documents
chemexec Creating (chemical) exercise sheets
⇒ /macros/generic/chemfig
chemformula Command for typesetting chemical formulas and reactions
chemformula_ru Using the chemformula package with babel-russian settings
chemgreek Upright Greek letters in chemistry
chemmacros A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents
chemnum A method for numbering chemical compounds
chemschemex Typeset and cross-reference chemical schemes based on TikZ code
chemsec Automated creation of numeric entity labels
chemstyle Support for chemical schemes
chemsym Macros for typing chemical symbols
chess_problem_diagrams A package for typesetting chess problem diagrams
chessboard Print chess boards
chessfss A package to handle chess fonts
chet layout inspired by harvmac
chextras A companion package for the Swiss typesetter
chifoot Chicago-style footnote formatting
childdoc Directly compile \include’d child documents
china2e Font and macros for Chinese calendar
chinesechess Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw
chkfloat Warn whenever a float is placed “to far away”
chletter Class for typesetting letters to Swiss rules
chngcntr Change the resetting of counters
chronology Provides a horizontal timeline
chronosys Drawing time-line diagrams
chs_physics_report Physics lab reports for Carmel High School
chscite Bibliography style for Chalmers University of Technology
cidarticle A class for submissions to the “Commentarii informaticae didacticae” (CID)
circle Maths mode circles for temporal logic
circledsteps Typeset circled numbers
circledtext Create circled text
cite Multiple bibliographies in a document
citeref Add reference-page-list to bibliography-items
cje document class for CJE articles
cjs_rcs_article Article class for The Canadian Journal of Statistics
cjw A bundle of packages and classes
classics Cite classic works
classicthesis A “classically styled” thesis package
cleanthesis A clean style for thesis documents
clefval Key/value support with a hash
cleveref Intelligent cross-referencing
cleveref_forward Forward-referencing functionality for cleveref
cleveref_usedon Adds forward-referencing functionality to the cleveref package
clicks Slide Deck Animation
clipboard Copy and paste into and across documents
clistmap Map and iterate over 3 clists
clock Graphical and textual clocks for and
clrdblpg Control pagestyle of pages left blank by \cleardoublepage
clrscode Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
clrscode3e Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
clrstrip Place contents into a full width colour strip
cmap Make PDF files searchable and copyable
cmcyralt support for the cmcyralt fonts
cmdstring Get command name reliably
cmdtrack Check used commands
cmpj Style for the journal Condensed Matter Physics
cmsd Interfaces to the CM Sans Serif Bold fonts
cnbwp Typeset working papers of the Czech National Bank
cnltx tools and documenting facilities
cntdwn Support for countdowns, and for clocks in any timezone
cntformats A different way to read counters
cntperchap Store counter values per chapter
codebox Highlighted source code in a fancy box
codedescribe code description and documentation
codedoc code and documentation in -format file
codehigh Highlight code and demos with l3regex and lpeg
codepage Support for variant code pages
codesection Provides an environment that may be conditionally included
codicefiscaleitaliano Test the consistency of the Italian personal Fiscal Code
collcell Collect contents of a tabular cell as argument to a macro
collectbox Collect and process macro arguments as boxes
collref Collect blocks of references into a single reference
colophon Provides commands for producing a colophon
color_edits Colorful edits for multiple authors of a shared document
colordoc Coloured syntax highlights in documentation
coloredbelts Insert colored belts (vectorial format) in documents (to presetn skills, for example)
coloredtheorem A colourful boxed theorem environment
colorframed Fix color problems with the package “framed”
colorinfo Retrieve colour model and values for defined colours
coloring Define missing colors by their names
colorist Write your articles or books in a colorful way
colorspace Provides PDF color spaces
colortbl Add colour to tables
colorwav Colours by wavelength of visible light
colorweb Extend the color package colour space
colourchange Colourchange
combelow Typeset "comma-below" letters, as in Romanian
combine Bundle individual documents into a single document
combinedgraphics Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/ combinations
⇒ /fonts/comicsans
comma Formats a number by inserting commas
commath Mathematics typesetting support
commedit Commented editions with
comment Selectively include/exclude portions of text
commonunicode Convert common unicode symbols to code
compactbib Multiple thebibliography environments
competences Track skills of classroom checks
complexity Computational complexity class names
computational_complexity Class for the journal Computational Complexity
concepts Keeping track of formal ‘concepts’ for a particular field
concmath Concrete Math fonts
concprog Concert programmes
conditext Define and manage conditional content
constants Automatic numbering of constants
conteq Typeset multiline continued equalities
continue Prints ‘continuation’ marks on pages of multipage documents
contour Print a coloured contour around text
contracard Generate calling cards for dances
contract Typeset formalized legal documents such as contracts, statutes, etc
conv_xkv Create new key-value syntax
cooking Typeset recipes
cooking_units Typeset and convert units for cookery books and recipes
cookingsymbols Symbols for recipes
cookybooky A based package to easily typeset some professional looking cooking recipes
cool COntent-Oriented
coolfn Typeset long legal footnotes
coollist Manipulate COntent Oriented Lists
coolstr String manipulation in
coolthms Reference items in a theorem environment
cooltooltips Associate a pop-up window and tooltip with PDF hyperlinks
coop_writing Support for Cooperative Writing and editorial comments
coordsys Draw cartesian coordinate systems
copyedit Copyediting support for documents
copyrightbox Provide copyright notices for images in a document
correctmathalign Correct spacing of the alignment in expressions
corridx Correct index entries for chemical compounds
coseoul Context sensitive outline elements
couleurs_fr French version of colour definitions from xcolor
counterz Additional tools for counters
counttexruns Count compilations of a document
courseoutline Prepare university course outlines
coursepaper Prepare university course papers
coverpage Automatic cover page creation for scientific papers
covington macros for Linguistics
cprotect Allow verbatim, etc., in macro arguments
cprotectinside Use cprotect arbitrarily nested
cpssp Draw protein secondary structures
cquthesis Thesis Template for Chongqing University
crbox Boxes with crossed corners
create_theorem Initializing and configuring theorem-like environments, with multilingual support
creationboites Macros to create simple tcolorbox with some customizations
crefthe Cross referencing with proper definite articles and declensions
crop Support for cropmarks
crossreference Crossreferences within documents
crossreftools Expandable extraction of cleveref data
crosswrd Macros for typesetting crossword puzzles
crumbs Add a Navigation Path to the page header
cryptocode Typesetting pseudocode, protocols, game-based proofs and black-box reductions in cryptography
cs_techrep Technical Reports in Computer Science and Software Engineering
csassignments A wrapper for article with macros and customizations for computer science assignments
csbulletin class for articles submitted to the CSTUG Bulletin (Zpravodaj)
csquotes Context sensitive quotation facilities
css_colors Named colors for web-safe design
csvmerge Merge code with csv data
csvsimple Simple CSV file processing
ctable Flexible typesetting of table and figure floats using key/value directives
cuisine Typeset recipes
currency Format currencies in a consistent way
currfile Provide file name and path of input files
curriculum_vitae Lightweight class for CVs
currvita Typeset a curriculum vitae
cursor Draw a cursor in an equation
curve A class for making curriculum vitae
curve2e Extensions for package pict2e
curves Curves for picture environment
custom_bib Customised styles
customenvs Custom environments (MCQ, list with picked items, ...)
cutwin Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it
cv A package for creating a curriculum vitae
cv4tw CV class, with extended details
cvss Compute and display CVSS base scores
cvsty Yet another style for easy CV pagination
cweb A version of CWEB
cyber Annotate compliance with cybersecurity requirements
cybercic “Controls in Contents” for the cyber package
darkmode General Dark Mode Support for -Documents
dashbox Draw dashed boxes
dashrule Draw dashed rules
dashrulex Draw dashed rules
dashundergaps Produce gaps that are underlined, dotted or dashed
dataref Manage references to experimental data
datatool Tools to load and manipulate data
datax Import individual data from script files
dateiliste Extensions of the \listfiles concept
datenumber Convert a date into a number and vice versa
dates Macros for parsing date strings
datetime2 Formats for dates, times and time zones
dblfloatfix Fixes for twocolumn floats
dbshow A package to store and display data with custom filters, orders, and styles
dccpaper Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
ddphonism Dodecaphonic diagrams: twelve-tone matrices, clock diagrams, etc
debate Debates between reviewers
decimal package for the English raised decimal point
decimalcomma Comma for decimal numbers
decision_table An easy way to create Decision Model and Notation decision tables
decorule Decorative swelled rule using font character
defoldfonts Define old font commands
deleq Flexible numbering of equations
delim Simplify typesetting mathematical delimiters
delimseasy Delimiter commands that are easy to use and resize
delimset Typeset and declare sets of delimiters with convenient size control
democodetools Package for code documentation
denisbdoc A personal dirty package for documenting packages
derivative Nice and easy derivatives
designcon Develop DesignCon papers
⇒ /macros/latex/contrib/proposal
dhua German abbreviations using thin space
diabetes_logbook A logbook for people with type one diabetes
diadia Package to keep a diabetes diary
diagbox Table heads with diagonal lines
diagmac A diagram drawing package
diagmac2 Diagram macros, using pict2e
diagnose A diagnostic tool for a installation
dialogl Macros for constructing interactive scripts
dichokey Construct dichotomous identification keys
didactic Tools for writing teaching material
didec Fixed-point arithmetic with two decimal places
diffcoeff Write differential coefficients easily and consistently
digicap_pro Creates captions to digital photos
digiconfigs Writing "configurations"
dijkstra Dijkstra algorithm for
dimnum Commands for dimensionless numbers
dinbrief German letter DIN style
dirtytalk A package to typeset quotations easier
disser Class and templates for typesetting dissertations in Russian
ditaa Use ditaa diagrams within documents
dithesis A class for undergraduate theses at the University of Athens
⇒ /fonts/divine
dlfltxb Macros related to "Introdktion til "
dnaseq Format DNA base sequences
docassembly Use the Acrobat JavaScript API
doclicense Support for putting documents under a license
docmfp Document non- code
docmute Input files ignoring preamble, etc
docshots samples next to their PDF snapshots
doctools Tools for the documentation of code
documentation Documentation support for C, Java and assembler code
docutils Helper commands and element definitions for Docutils output
doi Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers
doipubmed Special commands for use in bibliographies
dot2texi Create graphs within using the dot2tex tool
dotarrow Extendable dotted arrows
dotlessi Provides dotless i’s and j’s for use in any math font
dotseqn Flush left equations with dotted leaders to the numbers
dottex Use dot code in
download Allow to download files using an external process
dox Extend the doc package
dpfloat Support for double-page floats
dprogress -relevant log information for debugging
dps Create a "matching" game with a hidden message
drac Declare active character substitution, robustly
draftcopy Identify draft copies
draftfigure Replace figures with a white box and additional features
draftmark Put draft marks on selected pages
draftwatermark Put a grey textual watermark on document pages
dramatist Typeset dramas, both in verse and in prose
drawmatrix Draw visual representations of matrices in
drawstack Draw execution stacks
droit_fr Document class and bibliographic style for French law
dropping Drop first letter of paragraphs
drs Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS)
⇒ /usergrps/dante/dtk
dtxdescribe Describe additional object types in dtx source files
ducksay Draw ASCII art of animals saying a specified message
duckuments Create duckified dummy content
duerer_latex support for the Duerer fonts
dvdcoll A class for typesetting DVD archives
dvgloss Facilities for setting interlinear glossed text
Dynamically typeset numbers and values in through “symbolic links”
dynbrackets Commands to simplify the syntax of dynamic math brackets
dyntree Construct Dynkin tree diagrams
ean13isbn Print EAN13 for ISBN
easy Simple syntax for custom bibliographies
easy_todo To-do notes in a document
easybook Easily typesetting Chinese theses or books
easyfig Simplifying the use of common figures
easyfloats An easier interface to insert figures, tables and other objects in
easyformat Easily add boldface, italics and smallcaps
easylist Lists using a single active character
easyreview Package to provide a way to review (or perform editorial process) in
ebezier Device independent picture environment enhancement
ebook Helps creating an ebook by providing an ebook class
ebproof Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus
ebsthesis Typesetting theses for economics
ecards Electronic flash cards
ecclesiastic Typesetting Ecclesiastic Latin
eclbip Trees using epic and eepic macros
econlipsum Generate sentences from economic articles
econometrics Defines some commands that simplify mathematic notation in economic and econometric writing
ecothesis thesis template for the Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Brazil
ecv A fancy Curriculum Vitae class
ed Editorial Notes for documents
edfnotes Critical annotations to footnotes with ednotes
edichokey Typeset dichotomous identification keys
edmargin Multiple series of endnotes for critical editions
ednotes Typeset scholarly editions
eemeir Adjust the gender of words in a document
eepic Extensions to epic and the drawing tools
efbox Extension of \fbox, with controllable frames and colours
egameps package for typesetting extensive games
egplot Encapsulate Gnuplot sources in documents
ehhline Extend the \hhline command
eiad support for the eiad font
ejpecp Class for EJP and ECP
ekaia Article format for publishing the Basque Country Science and Technology Journal "Ekaia"
elbioimp A document class for the Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance
eledform Define textual variants
eledmac Typeset scholarly editions in parallel texts
elements Provides properties of chemical elements
ellipsis Fix uneven spacing around ellipses in text mode
elmath Mathematics in Greek texts
elocalloc Local allocation macros for 2015
elpres A simple class for electronic presentations
els_cas_templates Elsevier updated templates
elsarticle Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals
elteiktdk TDK-thesis template for Hungarian TDK conferences, Section of Computer Science
elteikthesis Thesis template for Eötvös Loránd University (Informatics)
eltex Simple circuit diagrams in picture mode
elzcards Typeset business cards, index cards and flash cards easily
emarks Named mark registers with e-
embedall Embed source files into the generated PDF
embedfile Embed files into PDF
embrac Upright brackets in emphasised text
emf Support for the EMF symbol
emisa A package for preparing manuscripts for the journal EMISA
emo Emoji for all ( engines)
emp "Encapsulate" figures in a document
emptypage Make empty pages really empty
emulateapj Produce output similar to that of APJ
endfloat Move floats to the end, leaving markers where they belong
endheads Running headers of the form "Notes to pp.xx-yy"
endiagram Easy creation of potential energy curve diagrams
endnotes Place footnotes at the end
endnotes_hy Patches the endnotes package to create hypertext links to the correct anchors
engpron Helps to type the pronunciation of English words
engrec Enumerate with lower- or uppercase Greek letters
engtlc Support for users in Telecommunications Engineering
enotez Support for end-notes
enumitem Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description
enumitem_zref Extended references to items for enumitem package
envbig Printing addresses on envelopes
environ A new interface for environments in
envlab Addresses on envelopes or mailing labels
eolang Formulas and graphs for the EO programming language
epcqrcode Generate valid EPC QR codes
epic Enhance picture mode
epigraph A package for typesetting epigraphs
epigraph_keys Epigraphs using key values
epsdice A scalable dice "font"
epspdfconversion On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF
epstopdf_pkg Call epstopdf "on the fly"
eq_fetchbbl Match Biblical passages with verse references in a quiz
eq_pin2corr Add PIN security to the “Correct” button of a quiz created by exerquiz
eq_save Save exerquiz quizzes and resume
eq2db Convert a quiz to one submitted to a server-side script
eqell Sympathetically spaced ellipsis after punctuation
eqexam A stand-alone exam package
eqexpl Align explanations for formulas
eqlist Description lists with equal indentation
eqnalign Make eqnarray behave like align
eqnarray More generalised equation arrays with numbering
eqnnumwarn Modifies the amsmath equation environments to warn for a displaced equation number
eqparbox Create equal-widthed parboxes
erdc Style for Reports by US Army Corps of Engineers
errata Error markup for documents
erw_l3 Utilities based on 3
esami Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers
esdiff Simplify typesetting of derivatives
esindex Generate sorting keys for indexes
esint Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern
esk Package to encapsulate Sketch files in sources
eskd Modern Russian typesetting
eskdx Modern Russian typesetting
eso_pic Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page
estcpmm Style for Munitions Management Project Reports
esvect Vector arrows
etaremune Reverse-counting enumerate environment
etdipa Simple, lightweight template for scientific documents
etex_pkg E- support package
etexcmds Avoid name clashes with e- commands
etextools e- tools for users and package writers
⇒ /language/ethiopia/ethiop/latex
etl Expandable token list operations
etoc Completely customisable TOCs
etoolbox e- tools for
etsvthor Some useful abbreviations for members of e.t.s.v. Thor
euclideangeometry Draw geometrical constructions
euenc Generate Unicode characters from accented glyphs
eukdate UK format dates, with weekday
euler Use AMS Euler fonts for math
⇒ /macros/latex/contrib/proposal
euro Provide Euro values for national currency amounts
eurofont Provides a command that prints a euro symbol
europasscv Unofficial class for the new version of the Europass curriculum vitae
europecv Unofficial class for European curricula vitae
europs Access to Adobe’s Euro currency symbol fonts
eurosans Interface to Adobe’s sans-serif Euro font
everyhook Hooks for standard token lists
everypage Provide hooks to be run on every page of a document
everysel Provides hooks into \selectfont
everyshi Take action at every \shipout
exam Package for typesetting exam scripts
exam_lite Quicker preparation of exams in
exam_n Exam class, focused on collaborative authoring
exam_randomizechoices Randomize mc choices using the exam class
examdesign class for typesetting exams
examplep Verbatim phrases and listings in
exams Typeset exam questions
examz Randomized exams with multiple versions
exceltex Get data from Excel files into
excludeonly Prevent files being \include-ed
exercise Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers
exercisebank Creating and managing exercises, and reusing them as composed sets
exercisepoints A package to count exercises and points
Typeset exercises and solutions with automatic addition of points
exercisesheets Typeset exercise sheets for university courses and school classes
exesheet Typesetting exercise or exam sheets
exframe Framework for exercise problems
exp_testopt Expandable \@testopt (and related) macros
expdlist Expanded description environments
⇒ /macros/generic/expex
expex_glossonly Help gb4e, linguex, and covington users use the ExPex glossing macros
export Import and export values of registers
exsheets Create exercise sheets and exams
exsol Exercises and solutions from the same source, into a book
extarrows Extra Arrows beyond those provided in amsmath
extpfeil Extensible arrows in mathematics
extract Extract parts of a document and write to another document
extsizes Extend the standard classes’ size options
fac Macros for FAC journal
facsimile Document class for preparing faxes
factura Typeset and calculate invoices according to Venezuelan law
fadingimage Add full width fading pictures at the top or bottom of a page
fail_fast Turn warnings into errors
faktor Typeset quotient structures with
familytree Draw family trees
famt Project Reports and Notices in FAMT institute
fancybox Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes
fancyhandout A class for producing nice-looking handouts
fancyhdr Extensive control of page headers and footers in
fancylabel Complex labelling with
fancynum Typeset numbers
fancypar Decoration of individual paragraphs
fancyref A package for fancy cross-referencing
fancyslides Custom presentation class built upon Beamer
fancytabs Fancy page border tabs
fancytooltips Include a wide range of material in PDF tooltips
fancyvrb Sophisticated verbatim text
fascicules Create mathematical manuals for schools
fax Document class for preparing faxes
fbithesis Computer Science thesis class for University of Dortmund
fbox Extended \fbox macro from standard
fc_arith Create an arithmetic flash card
fcavtex A thesis class for the FCAV/UNESP (Brazil)
fcltxdoc Macros for use in the author's documentation
fcolumn Typesetting financial tables
fduthesis thesis template for Fudan University
fei Class for academic works at FEI University Center — Brazil
fetchbibpes Creates a DB of Bible verses from e-Sword, then fetches them on command
fetchcls Fetch the current class name
feupphdteses Typeset Engineering PhD theses at the University of Porto
fewerfloatpages Reduce the number of unnecessary float pages
⇒ /fonts/feyn
feynmf Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams
feynmp_auto Automatic processing of feynmp graphics
ffcode Fixed-font code blocks formatted nicely
ffslides Freeform slides based on the article class
fgruler Draw rulers on the foreground or in the text
fifo_stack FIFO and stack implementation for package writers
figbib Organize figure databases with
figsize Auto-size graphics
filecontents Create an external file from within a document
filecontentsdef filecontents + macro + verbatim
filedate Access and compare info and modification dates
filehook Hooks for input files
fileinfo Enhanced display of File Information
filemod Provide file modification times, and compare them
fink The File Name Keeper
finstrut Adjust behaviour of the ends of footnotes
fistrum Access to 150 paragraphs of Lorem Fistrum very dummy text
fitbox Fit graphics on a page
fitch macros for Fitch-style natural deduction
fithesis Thesis class and template for Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)
fitr Set a rectangular destination and jump to it
fix2col Fix miscellaneous two column mode features
fixcmex Fully scalable version of Computer Modern Math Extension font
fixdif Macros for typesetting differential operators
fixfoot Multiple use of the same footnote text
fixltxhyph Allow hyphenation of partially-emphasised substrings
fixmath Make maths comply with ISO 31-0:1992 to ISO 31-13:1992
fixme Collaborative annotation tool for
fixmetodonotes Add notes on document development
fjodor A selection of layout styles
flabels Labels for files and folders
flacards Generate flashcards for printing
flagderiv Flag style derivation package
flashcards A class for typesetting flashcards
flashmovie Directly embed flash movies into PDF files
flexipage Flexible page geometry with marginalia
flipbook Typeset flipbook animations, in the corners of documents
flippdf Horizontal flipping of pages with pdf
float Improved interface for floating objects
floatbytocbasic An enhancement to package float using package tocbasic
floatflt Wrap text around floats
floatrow Modifying the layout of floats
floatrowbytocbasic An enhancement to package floatrow using package tocbasic
flowfram Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines
fltpage Place caption on an adjacent page
fmp Include Functional in
fmtcount Display the value of a counter in a variety of formats
fn2end Convert footnotes to endnotes
fnbreak Warn for split footnotes
fncychap Seven predefined chapter heading styles
fncylab Alter the format of \label references
fnpara Footnotes in paragraphs
fnpct Manage footnote marks’ interaction with punctuation
fnspe Macros for supporting mainly students of FNSPE CTU in Prague
fnumprint Print a number in ‘appropriate’ format
foilhtml Interface between foiltex and 2HTML
foiltex A class for overhead transparencies
foliono Use folio numbers to replace page numbers
fontaxes Additional font axes for
fontscale A flexible interface for setting font sizes
fontsize A small package to set arbitrary sizes for the main font of the document
fonttable Print font tables from a document
footbib Bibliographic references as footnotes
footmisc A range of footnote options
footmisx A range of footnote options
footnotebackref Back-references from footnotes
footnotehyper A hyperref aware footnote environment
footnoterange References to ranges of footnotes
footnpag Per-page numbering of footnotes
forarray Using array structures in
foreign Systematic treatment of ‘foreign’ words in documents
forloop Iteration in
formal_grammar Typeset formal grammars
forms16be Initialize form properties using big-endian encoding
formula Typesetting physical units
formular Create forms containing field for manual entry
fouridx Left sub- and superscripts in maths mode
fp Fixed point arithmetic
fragments Fragments of code
framed Framed or shaded regions that can break across pages
frankenstein Attribution of block quotations in
⇒ /fonts/frcursive/latex
freealign Align math formulas in different lines
frege Typeset fregean Begriffsschrift
frenchmath Typesetting mathematics according to French rules
fribrief Two classes for writing letters in German
frletter Typeset letters in the French style
frontespizio Create a frontispiece for Italian theses
froufrou Fancy section separators
frpseudocode French translation for the algorithmicx package
ftc_notebook Typeset FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) notebooks
ftcap Allows \caption at the beginning of a table-environment
ftnxtra Extend the applicability of the \footnote command
fullblck Left-blocking for letter class
fullminipage Minipage spanning a complete page
fullpict Full page pictures
fullwidth Adjust margins of text block
functan Macros for functional analysis and PDE theory
functional Provide an intuitive functional programming interface for 2
fundus Providing access to various font families
fvextra Extensions and patches for fancyvrb
fwlw Get first and last words of a page
g_brief Letter document class
gaceta A class to typeset La Gaceta de la RSME
galois Typeset Galois connections
gamebook Typeset gamebooks and other interactive novels
gamebooklib Macros for setting numbered entries in shuffled order
gammas Template for the GAMM Archive for Students
gatherenum A crossover of align* and enumerate
gauss A package for Gaussian operations
gb4e Linguistic tools
gcard Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card
gender Gender neutrality for languages with grammatical gender
genealogy_profiles Genealogical profiles for
genealogytree Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
genmpage Generalization of 's minipages
gensymb Generic symbols for both text and math mode
gentombow Generate Japanese-style crop marks
geometry Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions
geradwp Document class for the Cahiers du GERAD series
germkorr Change kerning for German quotation marks
getfiledate Find the date of last modification of a file
getitems Gathering items from a list-like environment
getmap Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents
gettitlestring Clean up title references
gfdl Support for using GFDL in
ghab Typeset ghab boxes in
ghsystem Globally harmonised system of chemical (etc) naming
gincltex Include files as graphics (.tex support for \includegraphics)
gindex Formatting indexes
ginpenc Modification of inputenc for German
gitinfo Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
gitinfo2 Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
gitlog Typesetting git changelogs
gitstatus Include Git information in the document as watermark or via variables
gitver Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document
globalvals Declare global variables
glosmathtools Mathematical nomenclature tools based on the glossaries package
gloss Create glossaries using
gloss_occitan Polyglossia support for Occitan
glossaries Create glossaries and lists of acronyms
glossaries_danish Danish language module for glossaries package
glossaries_dutch Dutch language module for glossaries package
glossaries_english English language module for glossaries package
glossaries_estonian Estonian language module for glossaries package
glossaries_extra An extension to the glossaries package
glossaries_finnish Finnish language module for glossaries package
glossaries_french French language module for glossaries package
glossaries_german German language module for glossaries package
glossaries_irish Irish language module for glossaries package
glossaries_italian Italian language module for glossaries package
glossaries_magyar Magyar language module for glossaries package
glossaries_norsk Norsk Bokmål language module for the glossaries Package
glossaries_nynorsk Nynorsk language module for the glossaries package
glossaries_polish Polish language module for glossaries package
glossaries_portuges Portuges language module for glossaries package
glossaries_serbian Serbian language module for glossaries package
glossaries_slovene Slovene language module for glossaries package
glossaries_spanish Spanish language module for glossaries package
glossaries_swedish Swedish language module for glossaries package
gmdoc Documentation of packages
gmdoc_enhance Some enhancements to the gmdoc package
gmiflink Simplify usage of \hypertarget and \hyperlink
gmp Enable integration between pictures and
gmutils Support macros for other packages
gmverb A variant of \verb, verbatim and shortvrb
gmverse A package for typesetting (short) poems
gnuplottex Embed Gnuplot commands in documents
gotoh An implementation of the Gotoh sequence alignment algorithm
grabbox Read an argument into a box and execute the code afterwards
gradback Gradient backgrounds for dvips output
gradient_text Decorate text with linear gradient colors
gradientframe Simple gradient frames around objects
grading_scheme Typeset grading schemes in tabular format
gradstudentresume A generic template for graduate student resumes
grant Classes for formatting federal grant proposals
graphbox Extend graphicx to improve placement of graphics
graphics_cfg Sample configuration files for color and graphics
graphics_def Colour and graphics support for
graphicscache Cache includegraphics calls
graphicx_psmin Reduce size of PostScript files by not repeating images
graphicxbox Insert a graphical image as a background
graphicxpsd Adobe Photoshop Data format (PSD) support for graphicx package
graphicxsp An extension of the graphicx package
graphpaper A class to generate several types of graph papers
graphviz Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in documents
grayhints Produce ‘gray hints’ to a variable text field
greekdates Provides ancient Greek day and month names, dates, etc
grfext Manipulate the graphics package's list of extensions
grffile Extended file name support for graphics (legacy package)
grfpaste Include fragments of a dvi file
grid Grid typesetting in
grid_system Page organisation, modelled on CSS facilities
gridpapers Graph paper backgrounds and color schemes
gridset Grid, a.k.a. in-register, setting
gridslides Free form slides with blocks placed on a grid
grnumalt Ancient Greek (Athenian) numbers
grundgesetze Typeset Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
gs1 Provide 3 commands for typesetting rules
gsemthesis Geneva School of Economics and Management PhD thesis format
gtrcrd Add chords to lyrics
gtrlib_largetrees Library for genealogytree aiming at large trees
gu Typeset crystallographic group-subgroup-schemes
guitar Guitar chords and song texts
guitarchordschemes Guitar Chord and Scale Tablatures
guitartabs A class for drawing guitar tablatures easily
gzt Bundle of classes for “La Gazette des Mathématiciens”
h2020proposal class and template for EU H2020 RIA proposal
ha_prosper Patches and improvements for prosper
hagenberg_thesis Collection of classes, style files and example documents for academic manuscripts
halloweenmath Scary and creepy math symbols with AMS- integration
handin Light weight template for creating school submissions using
handout Create handout for auditors of a talk
handoutwithnotes Create Handouts with notes from your beamer presentation
hang Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items
hanging Hanging paragraphs
har2nat Replace the harvard package with natbib
hardwrap Hard wrap text to a certain character length
harmony Typeset harmony symbols, etc., for musicology
harnon_cv A CV document class with a vertical timeline for experience
harpoon Extra harpoons, using the graphics package
harvard Harvard citation package for use with 2e
hausarbeit_jura Class for writing “juristische Hausarbeiten” at German Universities
havannah Diagrams of board positions in the games of Havannah and Hex
hc Replacement for the classes
he_she Alternating pronouns to aid gender-neutral writing
hebrew_fonts Input encodings, font encodings and font definition files for Hebrew
hecthese A class for dissertations and theses at HEC Montréal
hep A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages
hep_acronym An acronym extension for glossaries
hep_float Convenience package for float placement
hep_graphic Extensions for graphics, plots and feynman graphs in high energy physics
hep_math Extended math macros
hep_paper Publications in High Energy Physics
hep_reference Adjustments for publications in High Energy Physics
hep_text List and text extensions
hep_title Extensions for the title page
hepnames Pre-defined high energy particle names
hepparticles Macros for typesetting high energy physics particle names
hepthesis A class for academic reports, especially PhD theses
hepunits A set of units useful in high energy physics applications
here Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats
hereapplies A package for referencing groups of pages that share something in common
heria A class for Horizon Europe RIA and IA grant proposals
hexgame Provide an environment to draw a hexgame-board
hfutexam Exam class for Hefei University of Technology (China)
hhtensor Print vectors, matrices, and tensors
hideanswer Generate documents with and without answers by toggling a switch
highlightlatex Syntax highlighting for
highlightx Highlight formulas or paragraphs
hilowres Support high and low resolution versions of same picture
hindawi_latex_template A template for authors of the Hindawi journals
histogr Draw histograms with the picture environment
hitec Class for documentation
hitreport Harbin Institute of Technology Report Template
hitszthesis A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen
hletter Flexible letter typesetting with flexible page headings
hobsub Construct package bundles
homework A class for writing your homework
hopatch Load patches for packages
horoscop Generate astrological charts in
hpsdiss A dissertation class
href_ul Underscored hyperlinks
hrefhide Suppress hyper links when printing
huawei Template for Huawei documents
huaz Automatic Hungarian definite articles
hulipsum Hungarian dummy text (Lórum ipse)
hustthesis Unofficial thesis template for Huazhong University
hvarabic Macros for RTL typesetting
hvextern Write and execute external code, and insert the output
hvfloat Controlling captions, fullpage and doublepage floats
hvindex Support for indexing
hvlogos Print -related names as logo
hvpygmentex Syntax-Highlighting of program code
hvqrurl Insert a QR code in the margin
hwemoji Unicode emoji support for pdf with sequences
hybrid_latex Allow active Python code in documents
hycolor Implements colour for packages hyperref and bookmark
hypdestopt Hyperref destination optimizer
hypdoc Hyper extensions for doc.sty
hypdvips Hyperref extensions for use with dvips
hyper Hypertext cross referencing
hyperbar Add interactive Barcode fields to PDF forms
hypernat Allow hyperref and natbib to work together
hyperref Inter-document hyper-references
hyperxmp Embed XMP metadata within a document
hyphenat Disable/enable hypenation
iaria Write documents for the IARIA publications
iaria_lite Write documents for the IARIA publications
ibrackets Intelligent brackets
icite Indices locorum citatorum
icon_appr Creates icon appearances for form buttons
identkey Typesetting bracketed dichotomous identification keys
idxcmds Semantic commands for adding formatted index entries
idxlayout Configurable index layout, responsive to KOMA-Script and memoir
ieeepes IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions
iexec Execute shell commands and input their output
ifacmtg Elsevier Science preprint style for IFAC meetings
ifallfalse Compare a string against a set of other strings
iffont Conditionally load fonts with fontspec
ifmslide Presentation slides for screen and printouts
ifmtarg If-then-else command for processing potentially empty arguments
ifnextok Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces
ifoddpage Determine if the current page is odd or even
ifplatform Conditionals to test which platform is being used
ifthenx Extra tests for \ifthenelse
iitem Multiple level of lists in one list-like environment
ijmart Class for the Israel Journal of Mathematics
ijsra document class for the International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology
imac International Modal Analysis Conference format
image_gallery Create an overview of pictures from a digital camera or from other sources
imakeidx A package for producing multiple indexes
impnattypo Support typography of l’Imprimerie Nationale Française
import Establish input relative to a directory
imtekda IMTEK thesis class
incgraph Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document
includernw Include .Rnw inside .tex
index Extended index for including multiple indexes
indextools Producing multiple indices
indxcite Generate author index based on citations
infwarerr Complete set of information/warning/error message macros
inkpaper A mathematical paper template
inline_images Inline images in base64 encoding
inlinedef Inline expansions within definitions
inlinelabel Assign equation numbers to inline equations
inputenx Enhanced input encoding handling
inputtrc Trace which file loads which
intcalc Expandable arithmetic operations with integers
interactiveanimation Create PDF files with branching animations
interactiveworkbook -based interactive PDF on the Web
interfaces Set parameters for other packages, conveniently
interval Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing
intopdf Embed non-PDF files into PDF with hyperlink
inversepath Calculate inverse file paths
invoice Generate invoices
invoice_class Produces a standard US invoice from a CSV file
invoice2 Intelligent invoices with 3
iodhbwm Unofficial template of the DHBW Mannheim
ionumbers Restyle numbers in maths mode
ipsum Insert multilingual placeholder text
iscram A class to publish article to ISCRAM conferences
isodate Tune the output format of dates according to language
isodoc A class for typesetting letters and invoices
isomath Mathematics style for science and technology
isonums Display numbers in maths mode according to ISO 31-0
isopt Writing a length with a space between number and unit
isorot Rotation of document elements
isosafety Provides ISO signs and colors according to the standards 7010 and 3864
isotope A package for typesetting isotopes
isphysicalmath Simple way to write nice formulas
issuulinks Produce external links instead of internal ones
itnumpar Spell numbers in words (Italian)
iwonamath support for scaled Iwona math fonts
jacow A class for submissions to the proceedings of conferences on JACoW.org
jasthesis A 'standard' thesis class
javadoc Documenting source code
javascripthttp Add buttons to a PDF to easily get and post web content
jeopardy Build a jeopardy game in
jeuxcartes Macros to insert playing cards
jhep Class for JHEP
jj_game A class to construct Jeopardy-like games
jkmath Macros for mathematics that make the code more readable
jknappen Use the bbold fonts in mathematics
jkthesis Document class for formatting a thesis
jlabels Make letter-sized pages of labels
jmlr Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research
jmsdelim A package for compositional delimiter sizing
jnuexam Exam class for Jinan University
jobname_suffix Compile differently based on the filename
joinbox Join boxes vertically or horizontally
jourcl Cover letter for journal submissions
jourrr A template for journal rebuttal letters
jpneduenumerate Enumerative expressions in Japanese education
jpnedumathsymbols Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education
jpsj Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
jslectureplanner Creation and management of university course material
jsonparse Parse, store and access JSON data in documents
jumplines Articles with teasers and continuation later on
jupynotex Include whole or partial Jupyter notebooks in documents
jura A document class for German legal texts
juraabbrev Abbreviations for typesetting (German) juridical documents
jurabib Extended citation support for the humanities and legal texts
juramisc Typesetting German juridical documents
jurarsp Citations of judgements and official documents in (German) juridical documents
jvlisting A replacement for 's verbatim package
jwjournal A personal class for writing journals
kalendarium Print dates according to the classical Latin calendar
kalender Create a calendar, in German
kanbun Typeset kanbun-kundoku with support for kanbun annotation
kantlipsum Generate sentences in Kant's style
karnaugh Typeset Karnaugh-Veitch-maps
kdgdocs Document classes for Karel de Grote University College
kdpcover Covers for books published by Kindle Direct Publishing
kerntest Print tables and generate control files to adjust kernings
keycommand Simple creation of commands with key-value arguments
keyfloat Provides a key/value interface for generating floats
keyindex Index entries by key lookup
keyparse Key based parser
keyreader A robust interface to xkeyval
keystroke Graphical representation of keys on keyboard
keyval2e A lightweight and robust key-value parser
keyvaltable Re-usable table layouts separating content and presentation
kfupm_math_exam A document style to produce homework, quiz and exam papers
kix Typeset KIX codes
knittingpattern Create knitting patterns
knowledge Displaying, hyperlinking, and indexing notions in a document
koi8 KOI-8 input support
koma_moderncvclassic Makes the style and command of moderncv (style classic) available for koma-classes and thus compatible with Bib
koma_script Set page margins
koma_script_SFS Koma-script letter class option for Finnish
komacv Typesetting a beautiful CV with various style options
komacv_rg packages that aid in creating CVs based on the komacv class and creating related documents
korigamik Typeset articles using KorigamiK’s document class
ksp_thesis A class for theses published with KIT Scientific Publishing
ktv_texdata Extract subsets of documents
ku_template Copenhagen University or faculty logo for front page
kvdefinekeys Define keys for use in the kvsetkeys package
kvmap Create Karnaugh maps with
kvoptions Key value format for package options
kvsetkeys Key value parser with default handler support
l3backend 3 backend drivers
l3build A testing and building system for
l3experimental Experimental 3 concepts
l3kernel Strip documentation in 3 source
l3packages option processing using 3 keys
labbook Typeset laboratory journals
labels Print sheets of sticky labels
labels4easylist Add reference labels to easylist items
labelschanged Identify labels which cause endless “may have changed” warnings
labyrinth Draw labyrinths and solution paths
lambdax Use Lambda expression within
langnames Name languages and their genetic affiliations consistently
langsci_avm Feature structures and attribute-value matrices (AVM)
lapdf PDF drawing directly in documents
lastbib Record the number of citations in a document
lastpackage Indicates the last loaded package
lastpage Reference last page for Page N of M type footers
latex_uni8 Universal inputenc, fontenc, and babel for pdf and Lua
latex2pydata Write data to file in Python literal format
latexalpha2 Embed Mathematica code and plots into
latexcolors Use color definitions from latexcolor.com
latexdemo Demonstrate code with its resulting output
latexgit A git wrapper
latino_sine_flexione support for documents written in Peano’s Interlingua
layaureo A package to improve the A4 page layout
layouts Display various elements of a document's layout
lazylist Lists in ’s “mouth”
lccaps Lowercased (spaced) small capitals
lcd Alphanumerical LCD-style displays
lcg Generate random integers
lcyw Make Classic Cyrillic CM fonts accessible in
leading Define leading with a length
leadsheets Typesetting leadsheets and songbooks
leaflet Create small handouts (flyers)
lectures A document class for quickly drafting nice looking lecture notes
lectureslides Combine single PDF files into one file
ledmac Typeset scholarly editions
leftidx Left and right subscripts and superscripts in math mode
leftindex Left indices with better spacing
leiletter A letter class for Leiden University
leipzig Typeset and index linguistic gloss abbreviations
lengthconvert Express lengths in arbitrary units
letltxmacro Let assignment for macros
letterswitharrows Draw arrows over math letters
lettre Letters and faxes in French
lettrine Typeset dropped capitals
levy Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts
lewis Draw Lewis structures
lexikon Macros for a two language dictionary
lexitex Footnote-style citations for law journals
lexref Convenient and uniform references to legal provisions
lgreek macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts
lgrmath Use LGR-encoded fonts in math mode
lhcyr A non-standard Cyrillic input scheme
lhelp Miscellaneous helper packages
libgreek Greek letters in math mode from Libertinus or Linux Libertine/Biolinum
lifia_th A thesis class for LIFIA, Grenoble
limecv A (Xe/Lua) document class for curriculum vitæ
linegoal A “dimen” that returns the space left on the line
lineno Line numbers on paragraphs
ling_macros Macros for typesetting formal linguistics
linguex Format linguists' examples
linop Typeset linear operators as they appear in quantum theory or linear algebra
lion_msc class for B.Sc. and M.Sc. reports at Leiden Institute of Physics (LION)
lipsum Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum and other dummy texts
lisp_on_tex Execute LISP code in a document
listbib Lists contents of files
listing Produce formatted program listings
listings Typeset source code listings using
listings_ext Automated input of source
listingsutf8 Allow UTF-8 in listings input
listlbls Creates a list of all labels used throughout a document
listliketab Typeset lists as tables
listofanswers Provide a list of answers to mathematical problems
listofsymbols Create and manipulate lists of symbols
litebook A fresh cover and chapter design for books
litesolution A template providing a light design for solutions of test papers
litetable Class schedules with colorful course blocks
liturg Support for typesetting Catholic liturgical texts
lkproof LK Proof figure macros
llncs Document class and bibliography style for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
llncsconf package extending Springer's llncs class
lmacs A simple package for including support files
lmake Process lists to do repetitive actions
lni Official class for the “Lecture Notes in Informatics”
locality Various macros for keeping things local
logbox e- showbox facilities for exploration purposes
logical_markup_utils Packages for language-dependent inline quotes and dashes
logicproof Box proofs for propositional and predicate logic
logoetalab Insert Licence Etalab 2.0 logo
logpap Generate logarithmic graph paper with
logreq Support for automation of the workflow
longdivision Typesets long division
longfbox Draw framed boxes with standard CSS attributes that can break over multiple pages
longfigure Provides a figure-like environment that break over pages
longnamefilelist Tidy \listfiles with long file names
loops General looping macros for use with
lpic Put material over included graphics
lplfitch Fitch-style natural deduction proofs
lps Class for "Logic and Philosophy of Science"
lroundrect macros for utilizing the roundrect routines
lsc Typesetting Live Sequence Charts
lscapeenhanced An enhancement to the lscape and pdflscape packages
lstaddons Add-on packages for listings: autogobble and line background
lstbayes Listings language driver for Bayesian modeling languages
lstfiracode Use Fira Code font for listings
lt3graph Provide a graph datastructure for experimental 3
lt3rawobjects Objects and proxies in 3
ltablex Table package extensions
ltabptch Bug fix for longtable
ltx4yt Play YouTube videos in the default browser
ltxdockit Documentation support
ltxguidex An extended ltxguide class
ltxkeys A robust key parser for
ltxnew A simple means of creating commands
ltxtools A collection of API macros
luacolor Color support based on Lua’s node attributes
lucold Use old-style digits with Lucida fonts
lwarp Converts to HTML
macrolist List operations for
macroswap Swap the definitions of two macros
mafr Mathematics in accord with French usage
magaz Magazine layout
magicnum Access systems’ “magic numbers”
magicwatermark An easy and flexible way to set watermarks
mailing Macros for mail merging
mailmerge Repeating text field substitution
makebarcode Print various kinds 2/5 and Code 39 bar codes
makebase Typeset counters in a different base
makebox Defines a \makebox* command
makecell Tabular column heads and multilined cells
makecmds The new \makecommand command always (re)defines a command
⇒ /support/makedtx
makeglos Include a glossary into a document
makelabels Add a ‘\makelabels’ feature to KOMA-Script letter classes and package
maker Include Arduino or Processing code in documents
makerobust Making a macro robust (legacy package)
mandi Macros for introductory physics and astronomy
manfnt support for the book symbols
manuscript Emulate look of a document typed on a typewriter
manyind Provides support for many indexes
mapcodes Support for multiple character sets and encodings
maple Styles and examples for the MAPLE newsletter
margbib Display bibitem tags in the margins
marginfit Improved margin notes
marginfix Patch \marginpar to avoid overfull margins
marginnote Notes in the margin, even where \marginpar fails
matapli Class for the french journal “MATAPLI”
matc3 Commands for MatematicaC3 textbooks
matc3mem Class for MatematicaC3 textbooks
mathalpha General package for loading maths alphabets in
mathastext Use the text font in maths mode
mathcommand \newcommand-like commands for defining math macros
mathcomp Text symbols in maths mode
mathexam Package for typesetting exams
mathfam256 Extend math family up to 256 for p/up/Lamed
mathfixs Fix various layout issues in math mode
mathfont Use TrueType and OpenType fonts in math mode
mathpartir Typesetting sequences of math formulas, e.g. type inference rules
mathpunctspace Control the space after punctuation in math expressions
mathsemantics Semantic math commands in
mathtools The mathtools “setup” function
matlab_prettifier Pretty-print Matlab source code
mattens Matrices/tensor typesetting
mattex Import Matlab values to documents
maybemath Make math bold or italic according to context
maze Generate random mazes
mcaption Put captions in the margin
mceinleger Creating covers for music cassettes
mcexam Create randomized Multiple Choice questions
mcite Multiple items in a single citation
mciteplus Enhanced multiple citations
mcmthesis Template designed for MCM/ICM
mdframed Framed environments that can split at page boundaries
mdwfonts A model for font manipulation
mdwtools Short commands starting '@'
mecaso Formulas frequently used in rigid body mechanics
media4svg Multimedia inclusion for the dvisvgm backend
media9 Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility
medmath Better medium-size math commands
medstarbeamer Beamer document class for MedStar Health Research Institute
meetingmins Format written minutes of meetings
membranecomputing Membrane Computing notation
memexsupp Experimental memoir support
memoir Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books
memory Containers for data in
mensa_tex Typeset simple school cafeteria menus
mentis A basis for books to be published by Mentis publishers
menu Typesetting menus
menucard Typesetting menu cards with
menukeys Format menu sequences, paths and keystrokes from lists
mercatormap Spherical Mercator coordinate systems and Web Mercator tile integration
messagebubbles Display message bubbles as a conversation
Extended logo macros
metalogox Adjust logos, with font detection
metanorma Write Metanorma standardization documents using LaTe
metastr Store and compose strings
method Typeset method and variable declarations
metre Support for the work of classicists
metrix Typeset metric marks for Latin text
mff Multiple font formats
mfirstuc Uppercase the first letter of a word
support for logo fonts
mfnfss Packages to typeset oldgerman and pandora fonts in
mfpic4ode Macros to draw direction fields and solutions of ODEs
mftinc Pretty-print source
mhchem Typeset chemical formulae/equations and H and P statements
mhequ Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering
mhs Historical mathematics
mi_solns Extract solutions from exercises and quizzes
microtype Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection
midpage Environment for vertical centring
miller Typeset miller indices
milog A class for fulfilling the documentation duties according to the German minimum wage law MiLoG
mindflow Write your ideas in a clear way
minibox A simple type of box for
minidocument Creates miniature documents inside other documents
minimalist Write your articles or books in a simple and clear way
minipage_marginpar Minipages with marginal notes
miniplot A package for easy figure arrangement
minitoc Produce a table of contents for each chapter, part or section
minorrevision Quote and refer to a manuscript for minor revisions
minted Highlighted source code for
minutes Typeset the minutes of meetings
misc Miscellaneous packages, etc
mismath Miscellaneous mathematical macros
mitthesis A template for an MIT thesis
mkstmpdad A drag-and-drop matching game with PDF files
mla_paper Proper MLA formatting
mlacls class for MLA papers
mlbib Support for multilingual bibliographies
mleftright Variants of delimiters that act as maths open/close
mlist Logical markup for lists
mlmath Mathematical notation for Machine Learning
mltex support for ML
mluexercise Exercises/homework at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
mmap Include CMap resources in PDF files from pdf
mnotes Margin annotation for collaborative writing
mnras Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
modeles_factures_belges_assocs Generate invoices for Belgian non-profit organizations
moderncv A modern curriculum vitae class
modernposter A modern poster theme
moderntimeline Timelines for use with moderncv
modiagram Drawing molecular orbital diagrams
modref Customisation of cross-references in
modroman Write numbers in lower case roman numerals
modular Relative section headings for modular documents
monofill Alignment of plain text
moodle Generating Moodle quizzes via
moreenum More enumeration options
morefloats Increase the number of simultaneous floats
morehelp Improve error messages
morehype Hypertext tools for use with
moresize Allows font sizes up to 35.83pt
moreverb Extended verbatim
morewrites Always room for a new write stream
movement_arrows Drawing movement arrows on linguistic example sentences
movie15 Multimedia inclusion package
mparhack Work around a bug in marginpars
mpdinbrief An enhanced version of dinbrief
mpgraphics Process and display figures inline
mpostinl Embed figures within documents
ms Make use of count1 to count9
msc Draw MSC diagrams
msg A package for localisation
mslapa Michael Landy’s APA citation style
msu_thesis Class for Michigan State University Master’s and PhD theses
mtgreek Use italic and upright greek letters with mathtime
mucproc Conference proceedings for the German MuC-conference
mugsthesis Thesis class complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements
muling MA Thesis class for the Department of Linguistics, University of Mumbai
multenum Multi-column enumerated lists
multiaudience Several versions of output from the same source
multibbl Multiple bibliographies
multibib Multiple bibliographies within one document
multibibliography Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders
multibox Multiple boxes and frames for the picture environment
multicap Format captions inside multicols
multicolrule Decorative rules between columns
multidef Quickly define several similar macros
multienv Multiple environments using a “key=value” syntax
multifootnote Multiple numbers for the same footnote
multilang A package for maintaining multiple translations of a document
multiobjective Symbols for multiobjective optimisation etc
multiple_choice package for multiple-choice questions
multirow Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows
musical Typeset (musical) theatre scripts
musicography Accessing symbols for music writing with pdf
musikui Easy creation of “arithmetical restoration” puzzles
musixguit Easy notation for guitar music, in Musix
musuos Typeset papers for the department of music, Osnabrück
muthesis Classes for University of Manchester Dept of Computer Science
mversion Keeping track of document versions
mwcls Polish-oriented document classes
mwe Packages and image files for MWEs
mweights Support for multiple-weight font packages
mwrite Write information to files
mycv A list-driven CV class, allowing TikZ decorations
mylatex Make a format containing a document’s preamble
mylatexformat Build a format based on the preamble of a file
nag Detecting and warning about obsolete commands
naive_ebnf EBNF in plain text
nameauth Name authority mechanism for consistency in body text and index
namedtensor Macros for named tensor notation
namespc Rudimentary C++-like namespaces in
nassflow Drawing Nassi-Shneiderman diagrams and flowcharts
natbib Flexible bibliography support
natded Typeset natural deduction proofs
nath Natural mathematics notation
nature Prepare papers for the journal Nature
navydocs Support for Technical Reports by US Navy Organizations
ncclatex An extended general-purpose class
ncctools Adds footnote levels to standard ’s footnote mechanism
nchairx Maths macros from chair X of Würzburg University
nddiss Notre Dame Dissertation format class
ndsu_thesis North Dakota State University disquisition class
ndsu_thesis_2022 North Dakota State University disquisition class 2022
needspace Insert pagebreak if not enough space
nestquot Alternate quotes between double and single with nesting
nevelok package for automatic definite articles for Hungarian
newalg Format algorithms like Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest
newenviron Processing an environment’s body
newfile User level management of input and output
newfloat Define new floating environments
newlfm Write letters, facsimiles, and memos
newpax Experimental package to extract and reinsert PDF annotations
newspaper Typeset newsletters to resemble newspapers
newunicodechar Definitions of the meaning of Unicode characters
newvbtm Define your own verbatim-like environment
newverbs Define new versions of \verb, including short verb versions
nexus_otf Supporting for the Nexus OpenType or True Type Fonts
nfssext_cfr Extensions to the NFSS
nicefilelist Provide \listfiles alignment
niceframe Support for fancy frames
nicematrix Improve the typesetting of mathematical matrices with PGF
nicetext Preprocessing documentation with
nidanfloat Bottom placement option for double float in two column mode (nidan-kumi)
nih A class for NIH grant applications
nihbiosketch A class for NIH biosketches based on the 2015 updated format
ninecolors Select colors with proper WCAG color contrast
njurepo Reports for Nanjing University
njustthesis Thesis template for the Nanjing University of Science and Technology
njuvisual Display logos related to Nanjing University
nlctdoc Package documentation class
nmbib Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders
nnext Extension for the gb4e package
noconflict Resolve macro name conflict between packages
noindentafter Prevent paragraph indentation after environments or macros
noitcrul Improved underlines in mathematics
nolbreaks No line breaks in text
nomencl Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature
nomentbl Nomenclature typeset in a longtable
non_decimal_units Display and manipulate historical non-decimal units
nonfloat Non-floating table and figure captions
nonumonpart Prevent page numbers on part pages
nopageno No page numbers in documents
normalcolor Changing \normalcolor
nostarch class for No Starch Press
notebeamer A template for printing presentations on notepaper
notes Mark sections of a document
notes2bib Integrating notes into the bibliography
notespages Filling documents with notes pages and notes areas
notestex An all-in-one notes package for students
notoccite Prevent trouble from citations in table of contents, etc
nowidow Avoid widows
nox Adaptable tables
nrc Class for the NRC technical journals
ntabbing Simple tabbing extension for automatic line numbering
ntgclass "European" versions of standard classes
ntheorem Enhanced theorem environment
nuc Notation for nuclear isotopes
nucleardata Provides data about atomic nuclides for documents
numberedblock Print a block of code, with unique index number
numberpt Counters spelled out in Portuguese
numending Generates morphological end of units
numerica Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in form
numerica_plus Iteration and recurrence relations: finding fixed points, zeros and extrema of functions
numerica_tables Create multi-column tables of mathematical functions
numname Convert a number to its English expression
numnameru Converts a number to the russian spelled out name
numprint Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary
numspell Spelling cardinal and ordinal numbers
nwejm Support for the journal “North-Western European Journal of Mathematics”
oberdiek A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek
objectz Macros for typesetting Object Z
ocg_p PDF OCG support in
ocgtools Manipulate OCG layers in PDF presentations
ocgx Use OCGs within a PDF document without JavaScript
ocgx2 Drop-in replacement for ‘ocgx’ and ‘ocg-p’
ocr_latex support for ocr fonts
octave Typeset musical pitches with octave designations
octavo Typeset books following classical design and layout
odesandpdes Optimizing workflow involving odes and pdes
ogonek Support for Polish typography and the ogonek
oldstyle Old style numbers in OT1 encoding
onedown Typeset Bridge Diagrams
onlyamsmath Inhibit use of non-amsmath mathematics markup when using amsmath
onrannual Class for Office of Naval Research Ocean Battlespace Sensing annual report
opacity_pro Set transparency and blend mode
opcit Footnote-style bibliographical references
opencolor Definitions from the Open Color library
oplotsymbl Some symbols which are not easily available
opteng SPIE Optical Engineering and OE Letters manuscript template
optidef Environments for writing optimization problems
optional Facilitate optional printing of parts of a document
options Provides convenient key-value options for package writers
orcidlink Insert hyperlinked ORCiD logo
ordinalpt Counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese
orientation Set page orientation with dvips/Ghostscript (ps2pdf)
osa Macros for Optical Society of America Journals, etc
osda Commands for Proceedings of the Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation
oststud Templates for the student organization at OST FH, Switzerland
ot_tableau Optimality Theory tableaux in
othello Modification of a Go package to create othello boards
othelloboard Typeset Othello (Reversi) diagrams of any size, with annotations
oubraces Braces over and under a formula
oup_authoring_template A general template for journals published by Oxford University Press (OUP)
outline List environment for making outlines
outliner Change section levels easily
outlines Produce "outline" lists
outlining Create outlines for scientific documents
overarrows Custom extensible arrows over math expressions
overlays Incremental slides
overpic Combine commands over included graphics
padcount Pad numbers with arbitrary characters
pagecolor Interrogate page color
pagecont Page numbering that continues between documents
pagegrid Print page grid in background
pagelayout Layout graphic rich documents
pageno Page number-only page styles
pagenote Notes at end of document
pagerange Flexible and configurable page range typesetting
pagesel Select pages of a document for output
pageslts Variants of last page labels
palette Create palettes for colors and symbols that can be swapped in
pandora_latex support for the Pandora fonts
pangram A package for testing fonts
panneauxroute Commands to display French road signs (vector graphics)
paper Versions of article class, tuned for scholarly publications
papercdcase Origami-style folding paper CD case
papermas Compute the mass of a printed version of a document
papertex Class for newspapers, etc
paracol Multiple columns with texts “in parallel”
parades Tabulators and space between paragraphs in galley approach
paralist Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
parallel Typeset parallel texts
paresse Define simple macros for greek letters
parnotes Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere)
parrun Typesets (two) streams of text running parallel
parselines Apply a macro to each line of an environment
parskip Layout with zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip
pas_cours Macros useful in preparing teaching material
pas_crosswords Creating crossword grids, using TikZ
pas_cv Flexible typesetting of Curricula Vitae
pas_tableur Create a spreadsheet layout
pascaltriangle Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles
patchcmd Change the definition of an existing command
⇒ /macros/generic/path
pauldoc German package documentation
pawpict Using graphics from PAW
pax Extract and reinsert PDF annotations with pdf
pb_diagram A commutative diagram package using LAMS or Xy-pic fonts
pbalance Balance last page in two-column mode
pbox A variable-width \parbox command
pbsheet Problem sheet class
pclnfss Font support for current PCL printers
pdf14 Restore PDF 1.4 to a live 2010 format
pdfannotations Annotate PDF slides
pdfcol Macros for maintaining colour stacks under pdf
pdfcolfoot Separate color stack for footnotes with pdf
pdfcolmk Improved colour support under pdf (legacy stub)
pdfcomment A user-friendly interface to pdf annotations
pdfcprot Activating and setting of character protruding using pdf
pdfescape Implements pdf's escape features using or e-
pdflscape Make landscape pages display as landscape
pdfmanagement_testphase PDF management testphase bundle
pdfmarginpar Generate marginpar-equivalent PDF annotations
pdfoverlay A style for overlaying text on a PDF
pdfpagediff Find difference between two PDF's
pdfpages Include PDF documents in
pdfpc Define data for the pdfpc presentation viewer
pdfpc_movie Pdfpc viewer-compatible hyperlinks to movies
pdfprivacy A package to remove or suppress pdf meta-data
pdfrender Control rendering parameters
pdfreview Annotate PDF files with margin notes
pdfscreen Support screen-based document design
pdfslide Presentation slides using pdf
pdfsync Provide links between source and PDF
⇒ /graphics/pdftricks
pdfx PDF/X and PDF/A support for pdf, Lua and
perfectcut Nested delimiters that consistently grow regardless of the contents
perltex Define macros in terms of Perl code
permute Support for symmetric groups
petiteannonce A class for small advertisements
pfarrei support of pastors’ and priests’ work
pgfkeysearch This package offers a way to find keys in a given path 'recursively', unlike pgfkeysvalueof
pgfkeyx Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys
pgfmath_xfp Define pgfmath functions using xfp
pgfopts package options with pgfkeys
phfcc Convenient inline commenting in collaborative documents
phfextendedabstract Typeset extended abstracts for conferences, such as often encountered in quantum information theory
phffullpagefigure Figures which fill up a whole page
phfnote Basic formatting for short documents
phfparen Parenthetic math expressions made simpler and less redundant
phfqit Macros for typesetting Quantum Information Theory
phfquotetext Quote verbatim text without white space formatting
phfsvnwatermark Watermarks with version control information from SVN
phfthm Goodies for theorems and proofs
philex Cross references for named and numbered environments
philosophersimprint Typesetting articles for "Philosophers' Imprint"
phonenumbers Typesetting telephone numbers with
phonrule Typeset linear phonological rules
photo A float environment for photographs
photobook A document class for typesetting photo books
physconst Macros for commonly used physical constants
physics Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics
physics2 Macros for typesetting maths faster and more simply
physunits Macros for commonly used physical units
piano Typeset a basic 2-octave piano diagram
pict2e New implementation of picture commands
picture Dimens for picture macros
piff Macro tools by Mike Piff
pinlabel A labelling package
pittetd Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Pitt
pitthesis Document class for University of Pittsburgh theses
pkgloader Manage the options and loading order of other packages
pkuthss template for dissertations in Peking University
placeins Control float placement
plantslabels Write labels for plants
plari Typesetting stageplay scripts
plates Arrange for "plates" sections of documents
play Typeset drama using
pm_isomath Poor man ISO math for pdf users
⇒ /macros/generic/pmat
pmboxdraw Poor man’s box drawing characters
pmdb Create a DB (PDF) document for selecting content for inclusion in another documents
pmgraph "Poor man's" graphics
poemscol Typesetting Critical Editions of Poetry
poetry Facilities for typesetting poetry and poetical structure
poetrytex Typeset anthologies of poetry
pointRuler 12" Ruler containing Points and Inches
polski Typeset Polish documents with and Polish fonts
polynom Macros for manipulating polynomials
polynomial Typeset (univariate) polynomials
polytable Tabular-like environments with named columns
popupmenu Create popup menus in PDF files
postcards Facilitates mass-mailing of postcards (junkmail)
postit A package for displaying Post-it notes
postnotes Endnotes for
powerdot A presentation class
powerdot_FUBerlin Powerdot, using the style of FU Berlin
powerdot_tuliplab A style package for Powerdot to provide the design of TULIP Lab
ppr_prv Prosper preview
ppt_slides Good-looking slide decks à la PowerPoint (PPT)
pracjourn Typeset articles for Prac
practicalreports Some macros for writing practical reports
precattl Prepare special catcodes from token list
prelim2e Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a document
preprint Balanced two-column mode
pressrelease A class for typesetting press releases
prettyref Make label references "self-identify"
prettytok Pretty-print token lists
preview Extract bits of a source for output
prftree Macros for building proof trees
principia Notations for typesetting the “Principia Mathematica”
printlen Print lengths using specified units
proba Shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts
probsoln Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets
prociagssymp Macros for IAG symposium papers
profcollege A package for French maths teachers in college
proflabo Draw laboratory equipment
proflycee A package for French maths teachers in high school
profmaquette Use exercises in different types of documents
progkeys Typeset programs, recognising keywords
program Typesetting programs and algorithms
progress Creates an overview of a document's state
progressbar Visualize shares of total amounts in the form of a (progress-)bar
projlib A collection of facilitative tools
proof_at_the_end A package to move proofs to appendix
proofread Commands for inserting annotations
properties Load properties from a file
proposal A set of classes for preparing proposals for collaborative projects
prosper class for high quality slides
protocol A class for minutes of meetings
prtec A template for PRTEC conference papers
pseudo Straightforward pseudocode
pseudocode environment for specifying algorithms in a natural way
psfrag Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
psfragx A psfrag eXtension
pslatex Use PostScript fonts by default
psnfssx Extra styles and encodings for PostScript fonts
pspicture PostScript picture support
pst_calculate Support for floating point operations at level
pst_pdf Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs
pst_vowel Enable arrows showing diphthongs on vowel charts
pstool Support for psfrag within pdf
pstring Typeset sequences with justification pointers
ptlatexcommands to commands in Portuguese
ptptex Macros for 'Progress of Theoretical Physics'
punk_latex support for punk fonts
pxgreeks Shape selection for PX fonts Greek letters
pygmentex Use Pygments to format code listings in documents
pynotebook pynotebook presents (raw, Markdown or Python) codes (and execution with Lua) as in a Jupyter Notebook
python Embed Python code in
pythonhighlight Highlighting of Python code, based on the listings package
pythonimmediate Library to run Python code
pythontex Run Python from within a document, typesetting the results
q_and_a Typesetting Q&A-style conversation made easier
qcm A class for making multiple choice questionnaires
qobitree macros for typesetting trees
qrbill Create QR bills using
qrcode Generate QR codes in
qrcstamps Create QR codes using stamps
qsharp Syntax highlighting for the Q# language
qstest Bundle for unit tests and pattern matching
qsymbols Maths symbol abbreviations
qtree Draw tree structures
quantumarticle Document class for submissions to the Quantum journal
quicktype package for quick typesetting
quiz2socrative Prepare questions for socrative quizzes
quizztex Create quizzes like in TV shows
quotchap Decorative chapter headings
quoting Consolidated environment for displayed text
quotmark Consistent quote marks
qyxf_book Book Template for Qian Yuan Xue Fu
r_und_s Chemical hazard codes
ragged2e Alternative versions of “ragged”-type commands
ran_toks Randomise token strings
randbild Marginal pictures
randexam Make an exam paper and its randomized variants
randomwalk Random walks using TikZ
randtext Randomise the order of characters in strings
rangen Generate random integers, rational and decimal numbers
rbt_mathnotes Rebecca Turner’s personal macros and styles for typesetting mathematics notes
rccol Decimal-centered optionally rounded numbers in tabular
rcs Use RCS (revision control system) tags in documents
rcs_multi Typeset RCS version control in multiple-file documents
rcsinfo Support for the revision control system
readablecv A highly readable and good looking CV and letter class
readarray Read, store and recall array-formatted data
realboxes Variants of common box-commands that read their content as real box and not as macro argument
realhats Put real hats on symbols instead of ^
realtranspose The “real” way to transpose a Matrix
rec_thy Commands to typeset recursion theory papers
recipe A class to typeset recipes
recipebook Typeset 5.5" x 8" recipes for browsing or printing
recipecard Typeset recipes in note-card-sized boxes
recorder_fingering Package to display recorder fingering diagrams
rectopma Recycle top matter
refcheck Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc)
refcount Counter operations with label references
refenums Define named items and provide back-references with that name
reflectgraphics Techniques for reflecting graphics
refman Format technical reference manuals
refstyle Advanced formatting of cross references
regcount Display the allocation status of the registers
regexpatch High level patching of commands
register Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers)
regstats Information about register use
regulatory Flexible drafting of legal documents, especially in Dutch
reledmac Typeset scholarly editions
relenc A "relaxed" font encoding
relsize Set the font size relative to the current font size
renditions Multiple versions from the same content
repeatindex Repeat items in an index after a page or column break
repltext Control how text gets copied from a PDF file
reptheorem Repetition of theorem environments
rerunfilecheck Checksum based rerun checks on auxiliary files
rescansync Re-scan tokens with synctex information
resmes Measure restriction symbol in
resolsysteme Work on linear systems using xint or pyluatex
resphilosophica Typeset articles for the journal Res Philosophica
responsive Responsive design methods for
rest_api Describing a rest api
returntogrid Semi-automatic grid typesetting
revnum Reverse enumerate
revquantum Hacks to make writing quantum papers for revtex4-1 less painful
revtex utility macros
rgltxdoc Common code for documentation of the author’s packages
ribbonproofs Drawing ribbon proofs
richtext Create rich text strings
rjlparshap Support for use of \parshape in
rmannot Create rich media annotations in a PDF file
rmathbr Repeating of math operator at the broken line and the new line in inline equations
rmpage A package to help change page layout parameters in
robust_externalize Cache anything (TikZ, python, ...) in a robust, efficient and pure way
robustcommand Declare robust command, with \newcommand checks
robustindex Create index with pagerefs
romanbar Write roman number with "bars"
romanbarpagenumber Typesetting roman page numbers
romanneg Roman page numbers negative
romannum Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits
rorlink Create ROR symbols which links to the given ROR-IDs
rotfloat Rotate floats
rotpages Typeset sets of pages upside-down and backwards
roundbox Round boxes in
rpg_module Typesetting old-school Dungeons and Dragons modules
rrgtrees Linguistic tree diagrams for Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) with
rsc style for use with RSC journals
rst Drawing rhetorical structure analysis diagrams in
rterface Access to R analysis from within a document
rtkinenc Input encoding with fallback procedures
rtklage Make suit details for German courts
rtsched Draw Real-Time scheduling (GANTT) charts
rubik Typeset Rubik TwoCubes and move notation
rulerbox Draw rulers around a box
runcode Execute foreign source code and embed the result in the pdf file
russ in Russian, without babel
rutitlepage Radboud University Titlepage Package
rviewport Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion
rvwrite Increase the number of available output streams in
ryersonsgsthesis Ryerson School of Graduate Studies thesis template
ryethesis Class for Ryerson Unversity Graduate School requirements
sae Typeset an SAE technical paper
saferef Safer references through strong typing of references
sageep Format papers for the annual meeting of EEGS
sagetex Embed Sage code and plots into
sanitize_umlaut Sanitize umlauts for MakeIndex and pdf
sansmath Maths in a sans font
sapthesis Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome
sasnrdisplay Typeset SAS or R code or output
sauerj Collect text for later re-use
sauterfonts Use Sauter's fonts in
saveenv Save environment content verbatim
savefnmark Save name of the footnote mark for reuse
savetrees Optimise the use of each page of a document
scale Scale document by sqrt(2) or magstep(2)
scalebar Create scalebars for maps, diagrams or photos
scalerel Constrained scaling and stretching of objects
scanpages Support importing and embellishing scanned documents
schedule Weekly schedules
schooldocs Various layout styles for school documents
schule Support for teachers at German schools
schulmathematik Commands and document classes for German-speaking teachers of mathematics and physics
schwalbe_chess Typeset the German chess magazine “Die Schwalbe”
scientific_thesis_cover Provides cover page and affirmation at the end of a thesis
scientificpaper Format a scientific paper for journal publication
sciposter Make posters of ISO A3 size and larger
sciwordconv Use Scientific Word/WorkPlace files with another
sclang_prettifier Prettyprinting SuperCollider source code
scontents Stores contents in memory or files
scrambledenvs Create and print scrambled environments
scratch3 Draw programs like “scratch”
scratchx Include Scratch programs in documents
screenplay A class file to typeset screenplays
screenplay_pkg Package version of the screenplay document class
script Variant report and book styles
scripture A style for typesetting Bible quotations
scrjrnl Typeset diaries or journals
scrlayer_fancyhdr Combining package fancyhdr with KOMA-Script’s scrlayer
scrlttr2copy A letter class option file for the automatic creation of copies
scrwfile Use .aux file in place of \newrite files
sdaps support files for SDAPS
sdrt Macros for Segmented Discourse Representation Theory
sduthesis Thesis Template of Shandong University
se2thesis A Thesis Class for the Chair of Software Engineering II at the University of Passau, Germany
secdot Section numbers with trailing dots
secnum A macro to format section numbering intuitively
section Modifying section commands in
sectionbox Create fancy boxed ((sub)sub)sections
sectionbreak support for section breaks
sectsty Control sectional headers
seealso Improve the performance of \see macros with makeindex
selectp Select pages to be output
selinput Semi-automatic detection of input encoding
semantex Semantic, keyval-based mathematics
semantic Help for writing programming language semantics
semantic_markup Meaningful semantic markup in the spirit of the Text Encoding Initiative
seminar Make overhead slides
semioneside Put only special contents on left-hand pages in two sided layout
semproc Seminar proceedings
semtex Deals with stripped Seman documents
sepfootnotes Support footnotes and endnotes from separate files
sepnum Print numbers in a "friendly" format
seqsplit Split long sequences of characters in a neutral way
serbian_def_cyr Serbian cyrillic localization
serbianpart Redefines \thepart to be used in Roman lettered Serbian
serial Generate serial letters
sesamanuel Class and package for sesamath books or paper
sesstime Session and timing information in lecture notes
setspace Set space between lines
setspaceenhanced An enhancement of the setspace package
seu_ml_assign Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment template
seuthesis template for theses at Southeastern University
seuthesix class for theses at Southeast University, Nanjing, China
sf298 Standard form 298
sfee A class for the Smart Factory and Energy Efficence magazine of the Tecnológico
sffms Typesetting science fiction/fantasy manuscripts
sfg Draw signal flow graphs
sfheaders Sans headers
sgame style for typesetting strategic games
shadbox Shade the background of any box
shadethm Theorem environments that are shaded
shadow Shadow boxes
shadowtext Produce text with a shadow behind it
shapepar A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes
shdoc Float environment to document the shell commands of a terminal session
shipunov Simplified tables for
shortlst Compact lists by running several items per line
shortmathj Automatically shortify titles of mathematical journals
shorttoc Table of contents with different depths
show2e Variants of \show for
showcharinbox Show characters inside a box
showexpl Typesetting source code
showlabels Show label commands in the margin
showtags Print the tags of bibliography entries
shtthesis An unofficial thesis template for ShanghaiTech University
siam Styles for SIAM publications
sidecap Typeset captions sideways
sidenotes Typeset notes containing rich content, in the margin
sidenotesplus Place referenced notes, alerts, figures and tables into the document margin
sides A class for typesetting stage plays
siggraph SIGGRAPH conference class
signchart Create beautifully typeset sign charts
silence Selective filtering of error messages and warnings
sillypage John Cleese’s Silly Walk as page numbering style
sim_os_menus Insert 'terminal' or 'context menu' or 'viewers' like in an OS
simplebnf A simple package to format Backus-Naur form (BNF)
simplecd Simple CD, DVD covers for printing
simplecv A simple class for writing curricula vitae
simpleinvoice Easy typesetting of invoices
simpler_wick Simpler Wick contractions
simples_matrices Define matrices by given list of values
simplewick Simple Wick contractions
sistyle Package to typeset SI units, numbers and angles
sitem Save the optional argument of \item
siunitx A comprehensive (SI) units package
sjtutex classes for Shanghai Jiao Tong University
⇒ /fonts/chess/skak/tex
skb Tools for a repository of long-living documents
skdoc Documentation and extraction for packages and document classes
skeldoc Placeholders for unfinished documents
skeycommand Create commands using parameters and keyval in parallel
skeyval Key-value parsing combining features of xkeyval and pgfkeys
skills Create proficiency tests
skmath Extensions to the maths command repertoir
skrapport ‘Simple’ class for reports, etc
slantsc Access different-shaped small-caps fonts
slashbox Both column and row headings in a tabular cell
slidenotes Typeset slides accompanied by notes
smallcap Promote small caps to a font family, so NFSS can deal with different shapes
smalltableof Create listoffigures etc. in a single chapter
smart_eqn Automatic math symbol styling for documents
smartref Extend 's \ref capability
smartunits Converting between common metric and Imperial units
smflatex Classes for Société mathématique de France publications
snapshot List the external dependencies of a document
snaptodo A todo that snaps to the closer side
snotez Typeset notes, in the margin
songbook Package for typesetting song lyrics and chord books
songproj Generate Beamer slideshows with song lyrics
songs Produce song books for church or fellowship
soton University of Southampton-compliant slides
soulpos A fancy means of underlining
soup Generate alphabet soup puzzles
spacingtricks Addressing various spacing issues
spalign Typeset matrices and arrays with spaces and semicolons as delimiters
spbmark Customize superscripts and subscripts
sphack Patch kernel spacing macros
sphdthesis template for writing PhD Thesis
spie Support for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts
splitbib Split and reorder your bibliography
splitindex Unlimited number of indexes
spotcolor Spot colours for pdf
spreadtab Spreadsheet features for tabular environments
sprite Macros to typeset simple bitmaps with
spverbatim Allow line breaks within \verb and verbatim output
srbook_mem Support for use of memoir in Serbian
srcltx Jump between DVI and files
srdp_mathematik Typeset Austrian SRDP in mathematics
sseq Typesetting spectral sequence charts
sslides Slides with headers and footers
ssqquote Use the cmssq fonts
stack Tools to define and use stacks
stackengine Highly customised stacking of objects, insets, baseline changes, etc
stage A class for stage plays
standalone Compile pictures stand-alone or as part of a document
starray A structured array (of properties) based on expl3
statex Statistics style
statex2 Statistics style
statistics Compute and typeset statistics tables and graphics
statistik Store statistics of a document
statmath A package for simple use of statistical notation
statrep Displays SAS code and results of running the code
stdclsdv Provide sectioning information for package writers
stdpage Standard pages with n lines of at most m characters each
stealcaps “Steal” small capitals
steinmetz Print Steinmetz notation
stellenbosch Stellenbosch thesis bundle (legacy version)
stellenbosch_2 Stellenbosch University thesis bundle
stex An infrastructure for semantic preloading of documents
⇒ /fonts/stmaryrd
storebox Storing information for reuse
storecmd Store the name of a defined command in a container
streetex Structural organic chemistry
stringenc Converting a string between different encodings
stringstrings String manipulation for cosmetic and programming application
struktex Draw Nassi-Shneiderman charts
sttools Sort/compress numerical lists
stubs Create tear-off stubs at the bottom of a page
studenthandouts Management and styling of student handout projects
styledcmd Handling multiple versions of user-defined macros
subdepth Unify maths subscript height
subdocs Multifile documents
subeqn Package for subequation numbering
subeqnarray Equation array with sub numbering
subfig Figures broken into subfigures
subfigmat Automates layout when using the subfigure package
subfiles Individual typesetting of subfiles of a “main” document
subfloat Sub-numbering for figures and tables
substances A database of chemicals
substr Deal with substrings in strings
subsupscripts A range of sub- and superscript commands
subtext Easy text-style subscripts in math mode
sudoku Create sudoku grids
sudokubundle A set of sudoku-related packages
suftesi A document class for typesetting theses, books and articles
superiors Attach superior figures to a font family
supertabular A multi-page tables package
suppose Abbreviate the word “Suppose”
susy Macros for SuperSymmetry-related work
svgcolor Define SVG named colours
svn Typeset Subversion keywords
svn_multi Subversion keywords in multi-file documents
svn_prov Subversion variants of \Provides... macros
svninfo Typeset Subversion keywords
swfigure Insert large images that do not fit into a single page
swimgraf Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
syllogism Typeset syllogisms in
symbolindex Generate a list of symbols with different subgroups
sympytexpackage Include symbolic computation (using sympy) in documents
synproof Easy drawing of syntactic proofs
syntax Creation of syntax diagrams
syntrace Labels for tracing in a syntax tree
synttree Typeset syntactic trees
t_angles Draw tangles, trees, Hopf algebra operations and other pictures
t2 Support for using T2 encoding
tabfigures Maintain vertical alignment of figures
tableaux Construct tables of signs and variations
tablefootnote Permit footnotes in tables
tableof Tagging tables of contents
tablists Tabulated lists of short items
tablor Create tables of signs and of variations
tabls Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays
tablvar Typesetting pretty tables of signs and variations according to French usage
tabstackengine “Tabbing” front-end to stackengine
tabto “Tab” to a measured position in the line
tabu Flexible tabulars
tabularborder Remove excess space at left and right of tabular
tabularcalc Calculate formulas in a tabular environment
tabularew A variation on the tabular environment
tabularray Typeset tabulars and arrays with 3
tabulary Tabular with variable width columns balanced
tabvar Typesetting tables showing variations of functions
tagging Document configuration with tags
tagpair Word-by-word glosses, translations, and bibliographic attributions
tagpdf Tools for experimenting with tagging using pdf and Lua
talk A class for presentations
tamefloats Experimentally use \holdinginserts with floats
tangocolors Use colors from the Tango color palette
tasks Horizontally columned lists
tblr_extras Extra libraries for tabularray for caption and babel compatibility
⇒ /macros/latex/contrib/tclldoc
tclldoc Doc/docstrip for tcl
tcolorbox Coloured boxes, for examples and theorems, etc
tdclock A ticking digital clock package for PDF output
tdsfrmath Macros for French teachers of mathematics
technica Typesetting for the humanities
technics A package to format technical documents
ted A (primitive) token list editor
templatetools Commands useful in templates
tengwarscript support for using Tengwar fonts
tensind Typeset tensors
tensor Typeset tensors
termcal Print a class calendar
termcal_de German localization for termcal
termlist Label any kind of term with a continuous counter
termsim Simulate Win10, Ubuntu, and Mac terminals
testhyphens Testing hyphenation patterns
testidx Dummy text for testing index styles and indexing applications
teubner Philological typesetting of classical Greek
tex_label Place a classification on each page of a document
texmate Comprehensive chess annotation in
texments Using the Pygments highlighter in
texpower Create dynamic online presentations with
texshade Package for setting nucleotide and peptide alignments
texsurgery A companion to the “texsurgery” python project
textcase Case conversion ignoring mathematics, etc
textfit Fit text to a desired size
textglos Typeset and index linguistic gloss abbreviations
textgreek Upright greek letters in text
textmerg Merge text in and
textopo Annotated membrane protein topology plots
textpos Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the page
textualicomma Use the textual comma character as decimal separator in math mode
texvc Use MediaWiki commands
thaienum Thai labels in enumerate environments
thalie Typeset drama plays
theatre A sophisticated package for typesetting stage plays
theoremref References with automatic theorem names
thermodynamics Macros for multicomponent thermodynamics documents
thesis Typeset thesis
thesis_ekf Thesis class for Eszterházy Károly Catholic University
thesis_gwu Thesis class for George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science
thesis_titlepage_fhAC Little style to create a standard titlepage for diploma thesis
thinsp A stretchable \thinspace for
thmbox Decorate theorem statements
thmlist A package for adding theorem environments quickly
thmtools Extensions to theorem environments
thorshammer Assessment based on Acro quizzes
threadcol Organize document columns into PDF “article thread”
threeparttable Tables with captions and notes all the same width
threeparttablex Notes in longtables
thuaslogos Logos for The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS)
thucoursework Coursework template for Tsinghua University
thumb Thumb marks in documents
thumbs Create thumb indexes
thumby Create thumb indexes for printed books
thuthesis Thesis template for Tsinghua University
ticket Make labels, visiting-cards, pins with
tidyres Create formal resumes easily
tikzquests A parametric questions’ repositories framework
tile_graphic Create tiles of a graphical file
timbreicmc Typeset documents with ICMC/USP watermarks
timing Fonts and macro package for drawing timing diagrams
tiscreen Mimic the screen of older Texas Instruments calculators
titlecaps Setting rich-text input into Titling Caps
titlefoot Add special material to footer of title page
titlepage_uni_dortmund Titlepage for University of Dortmund (Germany)
titlepic Add picture to title page of a document
titleref A "\titleref" command to cross-reference section titles
titlesec Select alternative section titles
titling Control over the typesetting of the \maketitle command
tkz_doc Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages
tlc_article A document class for formal documents
to_be_determined Highlight text passages that need further work
tocbibind Add bibliography/index/contents to Table of Contents
tocdata Adds names to chapters, sections, figures in the TOC and LOF
tocloft Control table of contents, figures, etc
tocvsec2 Section numbering and table of contents control
todo Make a to-do list for a document
todonotes Marking things to do in a document
tokenizer A tokenizer
toolbox Tool macros
topfloat Move floats to the top of the page
topiclongtable Extend longtable with cells that merge hierarchically
topletter Letter class for the Politecnico di Torino
toptesi Bundle for typesetting multilanguage theses
totalcount Commands for typesetting total values of counters
totcount Find the last value of a counter
totpages Count pages in a document, and report last page number
tpcmfont Computer modern fonts in "true point sizes"
tqft Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF
tram Typeset tram boxes in
tramlines A package for creating tramlines (lines above and below a title used by lawyers in the UK)
translations Internationalisation of packages
translator Easy translation of strings in
transparent Using a color stack for transparency with pdf
treesvr Tree macros
trfsigns Typeset transform signs
trimspaces Trim spaces around an argument or within a macro
trivfloat Quick float definitions in
truncate Truncate text to a specified width
tsemlines Support for the ancient \emline macro
tucv Support for typesetting a CV or résumeé
tuda_ci templates of Technische Universität Darmstadt
tudscr Corporate Design of Technische Universität Dresden
tufte_latex Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte
tugboat macros for TUGboat articles
tui Thesis style for the University of the Andes, Colombia
turabian Create Turabian-formatted material using
turabian_formatting Formatting based on Turabian's Manual
turnstile Typeset the (logic) turnstile notation
turnthepage Provide "turn page" instructions
tutodoc Typeset tutorial-like documentations
twemojis Use Twitter’s open source emojis through commands
twoinone Print two pages on a single page
twoup Print two virtual pages on each physical page
txgreeks Shape selection for TX fonts Greek letters
type1cm Arbitrary size font selection in
typed_checklist Typesetting tasks, goals, milestones, artifacts, and more in
typedref Eliminate errors by enforcing the types of labels
typeface Select a balanced set of fonts
typehtml Typeset HTML directly from
typoaid Macros for font diagnostics
typogrid Print a typographic grid
uaclasses University of Arizona thesis and dissertation format
uafthesis Document class for theses at University of Alaska Fairbanks
uantwerpendocs Course texts, master theses, and exams in University of Antwerp style
uassign Environments and options for typesetting university assignments
ucalgmthesis thesis class for University of Calgary Faculty of Graduate Studies
ucbthesis Thesis and dissertation class supporting UCB requirements
ucdavisthesis A thesis/dissertation class for University of California at Davis
ucharcat Implementation of the (new in 2015) \Ucharcat command in lua, for Lua
ucph_revy Musical script formatting
ucs Extended UTF-8 input encoding support for
ucsmonograph Typesetting academic documents from the University of Caxias do Sul
ucthesis University of California thesis format
udepcolor University of Piura (UDEP) institutional and corporate colors for digital and electronic media
udes_genie_these A thesis class file for the Faculté de génie at the Université de Sherbrooke
udesoftec Thesis class for the University of Duisburg-Essen
uebungsblatt A class for writing exercise sheets
uestcthesis Thesis class for UESTC
ufrgscca A bundle for undergraduate students final work/report (tcc) at UFRGS/EE
uhhassignment A document class for typesetting homework assignments
uhrzeit Time printing, in German
uiucredborder Class for UIUC thesis red-bordered forms
uiucthesis UIUC thesis class
ukbill A class for typesetting UK legislation
ulem Package for underlining
ulqda Support of Qualitative Data Analysis
ulthese Thesis class and templates for Université Laval
umbclegislation A class for building legislation files for UMBC Student Government Association Bills
umich_thesis University of Michigan Thesis class
umlaute German input encodings in
umoline Underline text allowing line breaking
umthesis Dissertations at the University of Michigan
unam_thesis Create documents according to the UNAM guidelines
unamth_template UNAM Thesis Template
unamthesis Style for Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico theses
unbtex A class for theses at University of Brasilia (UnB)
undar_digitacion Musical fingering diagrams of Pinkullo Huanuqueño, Flute (Recorder), Quena and Saxophone
underlin Underlined running heads
underoverlap Position decorations over and under expressions
underscore Control the behaviour of "_" in text
undertilde Typeset a tilde under one (or many) maths symbols
undolabl Override existing labels
uni_titlepage Universal titlepages with configuration options and predefined styles
unicode_alphabets Macros for using characters from Unicode’s Private Use Area
unicode_math_input Allow entering Unicode symbols in math formulas
unicodefonttable A Unicode font table generator
unifith Typeset theses for University of Florence (Italy)
unifront Give notes a unique front page for every chapter and section
unigrazpub templates for University of Graz Library Publishing Services
uniquecounter Provides unlimited unique counter
unitn_bimrep A bimonthly report class for the PhD School of Materials, Mechatronics and System Engineering
units Typeset in-line fractions in a "nice" way
unitsdef Typesetting units in
univie_ling Papers, theses and research proposals in (Applied) Linguistics at Vienna University
unizgklasa A class for theses at the Faculty Of Graphic Arts in Zagreb
unravel Watching digest tokens
unswcover Typeset a dissertation cover page following UNSW guidelines
unswthesis UNSW theses
uol_physics_report A document class for writing lab reports
uothesis Class for dissertations and theses at the University of Oregon
uowthesis Document class for dissertations at the University of Wollongong
uowthesistitlepage Title page for dissertations at the University of Wollongong
updatemarks Extract and update marks from boxes
upmethodology Writing specifications such as for UP-based methodologies
upquote Show "realistic" quotes in verbatim
Beamer and scrlttr2 classes and styles for the University of Regensburg
uri Hyperlinks for a wide range of URIs
url Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks
usebib A simple bibliography processor
useclass Load classes as packages
ushort Shorter (and longer) underlines and underbars
uspace Giving meaning to various Unicode space characters
uspatent U.S. Patent Application Tools for and
ut_thesis University of Toronto thesis style
utexasthesis University of Texas at Austin graduate thesis style
utf8add Additional support for UTF-8 encoded input
utorontothesis A thesis class definition for University of Toronto
utthesis Thesis package for the University of Texas at Austin
uvaletter Unofficial letterhead template for the University of Amsterdam
uwa_colours The colour palette of The University of Western Australia
uwmslide Slides with a simple Power Point like appearance
uwthesis University of Washington thesis class
varindex Luxury frontend to the \index command
varsfromjobname Extract variables from the name of the file
varwidth A variable-width minipage
vcell Vertical alignment of content inside table cells
vdm Typesetting VDM schemas
vdmlisting Typesetting VDM in ASCII syntax
vector macros for vectors
vectorlogos Vectorial logos (GeoGebra, Emacs, Scratch, ...) with ‘inline’ support
venndiagram Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ
verbasef VERBatim Automatic Splitting of External Files
verbatimbox Deposit verbatim text in a box
verbatimcopy Make copies of text documents from within
verbdef Define commands which expand to verbatim text
verbments Syntax highlighting of source code in documents
verifica Typeset (Italian high school) exercises
verifiche A package to typeset (Italian) high school tests
verifycommand Verifies definitions are unchanged, such as before patching
verse Aids for typesetting simple verse
version Conditionally include text
versions Optionally omit pieces of text
versonotes Display brief notes on verso pages
vertbars Mark vertical rules in margin of text
vgrid Overlay a grid on the printed page
vhistory Support for creating a change log
viiptart 7pt-article class
vita Configurable class for curricula vitarum
vmargin Set various page dimensions
volumes Typeset only parts of a document, with complete indexes etc
vpe Source specials for PDF output
vrsion Add version number to a DVI file
vruler Numbering text
vtable Vertical alignement of table cells
vwcol Variable-width multiple text columns
wallpaper Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to documents, including tiling
wargame A package to prepare hex’n’counter wargames
warning Global warnings at the end of the logfile
warpcol Relative alignment of rows in numeric columns in tabulars
was Upright Greek letters
wasysym support for the wasy fonts
webquiz Write interactive web based quizzes
weiqi Use 3 to typeset Weiqi (Go)
widetable An environment for typesetting tables of specified width
widows_and_orphans Identify (typographic) widows and orphans
williams Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams
willowtreebook Easy basic book class, built on memoir
withargs In-place argument substitution
withesis University of Wisconsin-Madison Thesis Class
wnri_latex support for wnri fonts
wordcount Estimate the number of words in a document
wordlike Simulating word processor layout
worksheet Easy creation of worksheets
wrapfig Produces figures which text can flow around
wrapfig2 Wrap text around figures
wrapstuff Wrapping text around stuff
writeongrid Write on grid lines
wsemclassic class for Bavarian school w-seminar papers
wtref Extend ’s cross-reference system
xargs Define commands with many optional arguments
xassoccnt Associated counters stepping simultaneously
xbmks Create a cross-document bookmark tree
xcite Use citation keys from a different document
xcjk2uni Convert CJK characters to Unicode, in pdf
xcntperchap Track the number of subsections etc. that occur in a specified tracklevel
xcolor Driver-independent color extensions for and pdf
xcolor_material Defines the 256 colors from Google Material Color Palette
xcolor_solarized Defines the 16 colors from Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized palette
xcookybooky Typeset (potentially long) recipes
xcpdftips Natbib citations with PDF tooltips
xdoc Extending the doc system
xduthesis XeLaTeX template for writing Xidian University Thesis
xellipsis Extremely configurable ellipses with formats for various style manuals
xfakebold Fake a regular font for bold characters
xfor A reimplementation of the for-loop macro
xfrac Split-level fractions
xhfill Extending \hrulefill
xifthen Extended conditional commands
xkcdcolors xkcd names of colors
xkeymask An extension of xkeyval with a mask
xkeyval Extension of the keyval package
xltabular Longtable support with possible X-column specifier
xmpincl Include eXtensible Metadata Platform data in pdf
xmuthesis XMU thesis style
xnewcommand Define \global and \protected commands with \newcommand
xoptarg Expandable macros that take an optional argument
xpatch Extending etoolbox patching commands
xpeek Define commands that peek ahead in the input stream
xpiano An extension of the piano package
xpicture Extensions of picture drawing
xpinyin Automatically add pinyin to Chinese characters
xprintlen Print lengths in a variety of units
xpunctuate Process trailing punctuation which may be redundant
xsavebox Saveboxes for repeating content without code replication, based on PDF Form XObjects
xsim eXercise Sheets IMproved
xskak An extension to the skak package for chess typesetting
xtab Break tables across pages
xtcapts Defining language-dependent text macros
xtuthesis XTU thesis template
xurl Allow URL breaks at any alphanumerical character
xwatermark Graphics and text watermarks on selected pages
xyling Draw syntactic trees, etc., for linguistics literature, using xy-pic
xymtex Typesetting chemical structures
⇒ /macros/generic/diagrams/xypic
xytree Tree macros using XY-Pic
yafoot Double-column footnotes
yagusylo A symbol loader
yaletter Extremely flexible macros for letters, envelopes, and label sheets
yathesis A class for writing a thesis following French rules
yb_book Template for YB Branded Books
ycbook A versatile book class
ydoc Macros for documentation of classes and packages
yfonts Support for old German fonts
⇒ /fonts/yhmath
york_thesis A thesis class file for York University, Toronto
yplan Daily planner type calendar
ytableau Many-featured Young tableaux and Young diagrams
zebra_goodies A collection of handy macros for paper writing
zed_csp Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications
zennote Streamline your note-taking process!
zhlipsum Chinese dummy text
zhnumber Typeset Chinese representations of numbers
ziffer Conversion of punctuation in maths mode
zref A new reference scheme for
zref_check Flexible cross-references with contextual checks based on zref
zref_clever Clever cross-references based on zref
zref_vario Extended page cross-references with varioref and zref-clever
zwgetfdate Get package or file date
zwpagelayout Page layout and crop-marks
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