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Directory macros/latex/contrib/musicography


The musicography package: Symbols for Music Writing with pdflatex

This package makes available the most commonly used symbols in writing about music in a way that can be used with pdflatex and looks consistent and attractive. (It also works with xelatex.) It includes accidentals, meters, and notes of different rhythmic values. The package provides a flexible, user-friendly interface written using xparse.

The package requires the musixtex fonts.

This material is subject to the current version of the Project Public License. The author and maintainer is Andrew A. Cashner, andrewacashner@gmail.com.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (397.9k).

musicography – Accessing symbols for music writing with pdf

This package makes available the most commonly used symbols in writing about music in a way that can be used with pdf and looks consistent and attractive.

It includes accidentals, meters, and notes of different rhythmic values.

The package builds on the approach used in the harmony package, where the symbols are taken from the MusiX fonts. But it provides a larger range of symbols and a more flexible, user-friendly interface written using xparse and stackengine.

Version 2023-09-08
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2017–2023 Andrew A. Cashner
MaintainerAndrew A. Cashner
Contained inTeX Live as musicography
MiKTeX as musicography
Font supp symbol
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