CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

xparse – A generic document command parser

This package is deprecated in favor of methods integrated into the kernel from 2020-10-01.

The package provides a high-level interface for producing document-level commands. In that way, it offers a replacement for ’s \newcommand macro, with significantly improved functionality.

The package is distributed as part of the l3packages bundle.

Version 2024-08-16
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright1999 Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley, David Carlisle
2004–2008 Frank Mittelbach, The 3 Project
2009–2024 3 Project
MaintainerThe Project Team
TDS archivel3packages.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as l3packages
MiKTeX as l3packages
Defining Macro
Pre release

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.7M).

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