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Directory macros/latex/contrib/qyxf-book


qyxf-book: Book Template for Qian Yuan Xue Fu

Warning: The template (including demo and docs) is currently designed only for Chinese typesetting. If you would like to use the template in other languages, please contact with us and offer help on that. Thanks.

qyxf-book is a document class (template) developed by Qian Yuan Xue Fu (QYXF), a student club of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU). Up to now, the template is applied in several academic counseling materials ("course helpers") written by members of QYXF, including:

The document class used to be a part of the macro set qyxf-sets, which is deprecated due to the difficulties of using doc/docstrip utility. Currently, qyxf-book is developed and maintained independently and is licensed with MIT. Forks and improvements are welcomed through our source code repository:



  • Minimal document style, preferred for "cource helpers".
  • Several color schemes are offered, and easy to customize your own scheme.
  • Simple interfaces for users to customize the style of preface, main part and so on.
color scheme

How to use

A demo code (demo.tex) is in the folder, whose content makes up the user manual. Please complie the demo by XeLaTeX engine and refer to it while using the template.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (601.2k).

qyxf-book – Book Template for Qian Yuan Xue Fu

qyxf-book is a document class (template) developed by Qian Yuan Xue Fu (QYXF), a student club of Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU). Up to now, this template has been applied to academic counselling material (“course helpers”) written by members of QYXF, including

Features of the template:

  • Minimalistic document style, as preferred for “course helpers”.
  • Several color schemes are offered, and it is easy to customize your own scheme.
  • Simple interfaces for users to customize the style of preface, main part and so on.

Currently the template is only designed for Chinese typesetting.

Bug trackerhttps://gitee.com/qyxf/qyxf-book/issues
Version3.1.0 2020-09-11
LicensesMIT License
Copyright2020 Qian Yuan Xue Fu
MaintainerJiarui You
Contained inTeX Live as qyxf-book
MiKTeX as qyxf-book
TopicsBook publication
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