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Directory macros/latex/contrib/rst

rst package
Version 1.3, dated 17-Feb-2003

TeX Macros to typeset Rhetorical Structures (RSTs).

Written by David Reitter (reitter at mle.media.mit.edu)

All rights reserved. Usage is free, put please cite or point to the manual.
Copyright 2003 David Reitter. No redistribution, if .tar.gz file is altered.

New versions to be found here: http://www.reitter-it-media.de/ (CompLing/Lang.Tech. area)

This package provides the commands \dirrel, \multinuc, \rstsegment,
the standalone command \rl,
and the environment rhetoricaltext with the associated commands \unit, \source and \relr.

Please refer to rst-package.pdf for instructions.


Use .sty as usual with a \usepackage{rst} instruction.

This package requires the following other packages, which usually come with the standard TeX installations.

- color (can be avoided, see manual)
- ifthen
- calc

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (164.0k).

RST – Drawing rhetorical structure analysis diagrams in

This package is of interest for people working in linguistics and language technology.

Drawing rhetorical analyses is no fun when you need to change and update diagrams as you refine your work, or, more importantly, if a lot of analyses are to be drawn. Voila, there we go: This package enables us to typeset beautiful diagrams with no hassle. It is oriented towards the style of the diagrams shown in Mann&Thompson's Rhetorical Structure Theory and subsequent works. This package works perfectly with () and pdf and does not require any special PostScript capabilities in the output side.

LicensesLicense that prevents distribution
MaintainerDavid Reitter
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