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Directory macros/latex/contrib/expex

ExPex May 2017

ExPex is maintained by John Frampton <j.frampton@neu.edu>

ExPex is designed to assist linguists in typesetting examples and
glosses and in creating named reference to examples and parts of


COPYRIGHT 2006-2017  by John Frampton <j.frampton@neu.edu>

This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
of the LaTeX Project Public License, which can be found in the CTAN
archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.


The files in this distribution (v 5.1b) are:

   expex.tex            Main macro file
   expex.sty            Latex wrapper for expex.tex
   expex-doc.pdf        User's Guide

   eptexfn.tex          Tex footnote macros
   epltxfn.sty          LaTex footnote package
   epltxchapno.sty      LaTex package for chapter.number example

   expex-demo.tex       The code for most of the examples
   expex-doc.zip        The source code for the User's Guide



This file contains most of the examples in the documentation.  It is
intended to facilitate user experimentation with ExPex typesetting.
Users can easily modify examples and see what the effect is. It can be
run under either Plain Tex or LaTex.  Except for expex.tex and
expex.sty, all files needed to run expex-demo should be part of any
Tex installation.

John Frampton 5/25/2017

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (487.1k).

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