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Directory macros/latex/contrib/smart-eqn


The smart-eqn package

This package provides automatic math symbol styling for documents. For more information, see smart-eqn.pdf.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (87.7k).

smart-eqn – Automatic math symbol styling for documents

In typesetting, one usually needs to use different variants of a math symbol to clarify the meanings. For example, in linear algebra literature, it is common to use boldfaced symbols to represent vectors, and normal symbols to represent scalars. However, applying these variants by typing \mathbf, \mathrm commands manually can be daunting. This package aims to provide an automatic and customizable approach for math symbol styling which eliminates the need to enter style commands repeatedly.

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2021 Ziyue “Alan” Xiang
MaintainerZiyue Xiang
Contained inTeX Live as smart-eqn
MiKTeX as smart-eqn
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