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The DPS package Author: D. P. Story Dated: 2020-06-03

Das Puzzle Spiel (dps) is a package for creating a puzzle, a message actually, and a series of questions and answers. The document consumer matches the questions with the answers. With each match, another letter appears in the puzzle. Upon completion of all questions, the message hidden in the puzzle is revealed. The puzzle is primarily designed for the screen, but you can optionally create the game for paper. DPS was created as a learning tool.

What's new (2020-06-03) Several options usebtnappr and uselayers. These are to support the creation of extended questions; the latter uses layers to typeset the questions into the document; the former uses icon appearances to do the same. Also, new is you can optionally create a sideshow. A sideshow is a tiled graphic that is progressively revealed as the player works through the puzzle. There is an additional option of having the tiled graphic appear randomly in the designated area and have a bubble sort rearrange the tiles into their proper order. There are many other changes and bug fixes.

The package should work for users of dvips->distiller, pdflatex, lualatex, and xelatex. The usebtnappr option is available to all workflows. The uselayers option requires the dvips->distiller workflow and the aebpro package.

Now, I simply must get back to my retirement.

D. P. Story www.acrotex.net dpstory@uakron.edu dpstory@acrotex.net

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (47.5M).

dps – Create a "matching" game with a hidden message

Das Puzzle Spiel is a package (dps) for creating a puzzle, a message actually, and a series of questions and answers. The document consumer matches the questions with the answers. With each match, another letter appears in the puzzle. Upon completion of all questions, the message hidden in the puzzle is revealed. The puzzle is primarily designed for the screen, but you can optionally create the game for paper.

The package itself is distributed as a zip file embedded in the package documentation.

Version 2020-06-03
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2006–2020 Donald P. Story
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live Contrib as dps
MiKTeX as dps
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