Directory macros/latex/contrib/concmath
concmath --- LaTeX support for Concrete Math fonts. Copyright (C) 1995--99 Ulrik Vieth This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution; either version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DESCRIPTION: This directory contains the documented sources of the `concmath' package for LaTeX(2e) that provides access to the Concrete Math typefaces, which were derived from the Concrete Roman typefaces designed by Donald E. Knuth. The Concrete Math fonts provide a collection of math italics, math symbol, and math extension fonts that complement the Concrete Roman fonts, so that the Concrete family of typefaces may be used as a complete replacement for Computer Modern. (Orginally, Concrete Roman was designed as a text font for use with the Euler math font, designed by Hermann Zapf.) Since Concrete is considerably darker than Computer Modern, this variant may be of particular interest for use in low-resolution printing or in display-oriented applications such as posters, transparencies, or online documents. To use this package, you will need the following sets of fonts: * Concrete Roman (located in CTAN:fonts/concrete) * Concrete Math (located in CTAN:fonts/concmath) To facilitate the installation, the Concrete Math fonts are made available through a symbolic link, so that the contents of CTAN:fonts/concmath is automatically included as a subdirectory if you download this directory as a `.zip' or `.tar.gz' archive. OVERVIEW: The `concmath' distribution consists of the following files: README - some notes on the `concmath' package Makefile - Makefile to install the `concmath' package concmath.dtx - documented source of the `concmath' package concmath.ins - LaTeX installation script Subdirectory `fonts': README - some notes on the Concrete Math fonts Makefile - Makefile to install the `concmath' fonts Subdirectory `fonts/mf': xcc*.mf - Metafont drivers for various sizes and shapes Subdirectory `fonts/tfm': xcc*.tfm - TeX font metrics for various sizes and shapes INSTALLATION: (1) Before installing the `concmath' package and typesetting the documentation, make sure that you have the Concrete Roman and Concrete Math fonts installed. If you are lucky, both sets may have already been provided as part of your TeX distribution. Otherwise, if you have to install the Concrete Math fonts yourself, proceed by changing to the `fonts' subdirectory and installing the fonts from there. - If you have a TDS-compatible TeX installation, you may try to use the `Makefile' in the `fonts' subdirectory by calling: cd fonts ; make install - For manual installation of the font sources and font metric files, please consult the instructions in `fonts/README'. (2) After the fonts have been installed, return to this directory. To unpack the `concmath' package and to typeset the documentation, proceed as follows: - If you have a TDS-compatible TeX installation, you may try to use the enclosed `Makefile' by calling: make ; make install - For manual installation, run latex concmath.ins to unpack the package file `concmath.sty' and the corresponding font definition files (*.fd) from the source file `concmath.dtx'. To typeset the documentation, run latex concmath.dtx twice to generate `concmath.dvi'. Finally, to install the `concmath' package, copy the files `concmath.sty' and all `*.fd' to TEXMF/tex/latex/concmath or wherever else your installation keeps LaTeX(2e) `.sty' files. Happy TeXing!
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (352.1k).
concmath – Concrete Math fonts
A LaTeX package and font definition files to access the Concrete mathematics fonts, which were derived from Computer Modern math fonts using parameters from Concrete Roman text fonts.
Package | concmath |
Version | 1999-03-18 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Ulrik Vieth |
Contained in | TeX Live as concmath MiKTeX as concmath |
Topics | Font support |
See also | concrete ccfonts |