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Directory macros/latex/contrib/randomwalk


Random Walks for

The randomwalk package provides a user command, \RandomWalk, to draw random walks with a given number of steps. Lengths and angles of the steps can be customized in various ways.

This package uses pgf. It also uses the l3kernel and l3packages bundles.

All suggestions/comments/bug reports are welcome! See https://github.com/blefloch/latex-randomwalk

The package is extracted by running

pdflatex randomwalk.ins

The documentation is produced by running

pdflatex randomwalk.dtx
makeindex -s gglo.ist -o randomwalk.gls randomwalk.glo
makeindex -s gind.ist -o randomwalk.ind randomwalk.idx
pdflatex randomwalk.dtx
pdflatex randomwalk.dtx

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (471.2k).

randomwalk – Random walks using TikZ

The randomwalk package provides a user command, \RandomWalk, to draw random walks with a given number of steps. Lengths and angles of the steps can be customized in various ways.

The package uses lcg for its ‘random’ numbers and PGF/TikZ for its graphical output.

Version0.6 2018-12-28
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2011–2018 Bruno Le Floch
MaintainerBruno Le Floch
Contained inTeX Live as randomwalk
MiKTeX as randomwalk
Experimental 3
Graphics in
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