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Directory macros/latex/contrib/thmtools


The thmtools bundle provides several packages for commonly-needed features for theorems. As designed, the bundle should work with kernel theorems (theorems ‘out of the box’ with ), the amsthm package and the ntheorem package.

Provided features:

  • a keyval interface to \newtheorem and \newtheoremstyle
  • a \listoftheorem command with filtering ability
  • hyperref and cleveref compatibility
  • a way of restating entire theorems with a single macro call

License: LPPL 1.3c

Currently the package is maintained by Yukai Chou.

Previous Maintainer was Ulrich M. Schwarz.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (290.6k).

thmtools – Extensions to theorem environments

The bundle provides several packages for commonly-needed support for typesetting theorems. The packages should work with kernel theorems (theorems ‘out of the box’ with ), and the theorem and amsthm packages.

Features of the bundle include:

  • a key-value interface to \newtheorem;
  • a \listoftheorems command;
  • hyperref and autoref compatibility;
  • a mechanism for restating entire theorems in a single macro call.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/muzimuzhi/thmtools/issues
Version76 2023-05-04
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2008–2014 Ulrich M. Schwarz
2019 Frank Mittelbach
2020–2023 Yukai Chou
MaintainerYukai Chou
Ulrich M. Schwarz (inactive)
Contained inTeX Live as thmtools
MiKTeX as thmtools
Maths theorem
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