Directory macros/latex/contrib/elsarticle
This is Elsevier's new document class for typeset journal articles, elsarticle.cls. It is now accepted for submitted articles, both in Elsevier's electronic submission system and elsewhere. Elsevier's previous document class for typeset articles, elsart.cls, is now over 15 years old. It has been replaced with this newly written document class elsarticle.cls, which has been developed for Elsevier by the leading TeX developer STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd. elsarticle.cls is based upon the standard LaTeX document class article.cls. It uses natbib.sty for bibliographical references. Bugs and problems with elsarticle.cls may be reported to the developers of the class via The file manifest.txt provides a list of the files in the elsarticle bundle. The following are the main files available: - elsarticle.dtx, the dtx file - elsdoc.pdf, the user documentation - elsarticle-template-num.tex, template file for numerical citations - elsarticle-template-harv.tex, template file for name-year citations - elsarticle-template-num-names.tex, template file for numerical citations + new natbib option. Eg. Jones et al. [21] - elsarticle-num.bst, bibliographic style for numerical references - elsarticle-harv.bst, bibliographic style for name-year references - elsarticle-num-names.bst, bibliographic style for numerical referencces + new natbib option for citations. To extract elsarticle.cls from *.dtx: latex elsarticle.ins The documentation file is elsdoc.tex in the contrib directory. To compile it: 1. pdflatex elsdoc 2. pdflatex elsdoc 3. pdflatex elsdoc or use the makefile. Use the target `all' (eg: make all). The above procedure will create a print version, namely elsdoc.pdf. Copyright 2007-2025, Elsevier. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions and comments may be mailed to elsarticle.cls, related documentation and supporting packages are released under the LATEX Project Public Licence, either version 1.3 or any later version. This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'author-maintained'.
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.7M).
elsarticle – Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals
This class for typesetting journal articles is accepted for submitted articles both in Elsevier’s electronic submission system and elsewhere.
Please note that this webpage is meant for uploading updates to the elsarticle software itself, not for submitting articles using it .
Package | elsarticle |
Version | 3.4c 2025-01-11 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Copyright | 2007–2025 Elsevier Ltd |
Maintainer | C. V. Radhakrishnan Simon Pepping (inactive) Martin Ruck (inactive) |
Contained in | TeX Live as elsarticle MiKTeX as elsarticle |
Topics | Journal Class |