Directory macros/latex/contrib/eq2db
eq2db v2.0 2016/01/02 D. P. Story Short Summary: Converts a self-contained exerquiz quiz to one that is submitted to a server-side script. eq2db is meant to be used with the exerquiz package, one of the components of the AcroTeX eDucation Bundle ( The package redefines the 'End Quiz' button (of the quiz environment) appropriately so that when the user clicks it, the results of the quiz are sent to a server-side script. The eq2db package has several options for disposing of the quiz results: (1) eqRecord: save quiz results to a database (2) eqText: save quiz results to a tab-delimited text file (3) eqEmail: send quiz results to a list of recipients via email (New to v2.0) The submitAs option allows the document author to submit as FDF, HTML, or XML. The scripts provided by this package are designed FDF submittal. For FDF submittal, accompanying each of the three options listed above is a server-side script. These are ASP pages written with VBScript. A Windows server running Microsoft IIS is required; Adobe FDF Toolkit is also required to be installed on the server. Now, I simply must get back to my retirement. D. P. Story 2016/01/02
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (176.6k).
eq2db – Convert a quiz to one submitted to a server-side script
This package permits to convert a self-contained exerquiz quiz to one that is submitted to a server-side script.
eq2db is meant to be used with the exerquiz package, one of the components of the AcroTeX eDucation Bundle. The package redefines the ‘End Quiz’ button of the quiz environment appropriately so that when the user clicks it, the results of the quiz are sent to a server-side script.
Package | eq2db |
Home page | |
Version | 2.0 2016-01-02 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 1999–2016 D. P. Story |
Maintainer | Donald P. Story (deceased) |
Contained in | TeX Live Contrib as eq2db MiKTeX as eq2db |
Topics | Exam PDF forms CGI LaTeX |