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Directory macros/latex/contrib/logbox

Package: logbox - e-TeX showbox facilities (FC)
logbox provides facilities to display the contents of boxes in
the log file or print them with their dimensions in the final

For "exploration purpose".

The TeX primitive \showbox stops the compilation.
Looking at the box contents requires to set the \showboxbreadth
and \showboxdepth parameters accordingly.

logbox.sty sets those parameters, the \interactionmode is temporarily
set so that the compilation don't stop and the box description can
finally be explored in the .log file.

As a tracing command, \logbox also works in harmony with the tracing
parameter: \tracingoutput.

Commands provided:

\logbox          : TeX \showbox without stop in the compilation
                                + \showboxbreadth >=  10
                                + \showboxdepth   >=  10

\dimbox          : typeset the type (hbox, vbox or void) of the box
                   and its dimensions in the document.

\viewbox         : \dimbox + \logbox
\viewbox*        : \dimbox + \logbox + inserts the box in the document

\Viewbox         : same as \viewbox but the argument is the box contents
                   rather than the box register.

\ShowGroups      : e-TeX \showgroups without stop in the compilation.

\ShowLists       : e-TeX \showlists without stop in the compilation.

\ShowIfs         : e-TeX \showifs without stop in the compilation.

Copyright (C) 2011 by FC ------------------------------------

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (585.6k).

logbox – e- showbox facilities for exploration purposes

The command \logbox does \showbox without stopping the compilation.

The package's main command is \viewbox*: the box is typeset (copied) with its dimensions, and its contents are logged in the .log file.

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2011 Florent Chervet
MaintainerFlorent Chervet
Contained inTeX Live as logbox
MiKTeX as logbox
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