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Directory macros/latex/contrib/thorshammer


The thorshammer Package Author: D. P. Story Dated: 2021-06-24

WARNING: Adobe Acrobat DC or Adobe Acrobat XI is required for post PDF-creation. Any PDF-creator application is supported.

This package implements an idea by Thorsten G. for assessment using PDF quizzes produced by the exerquiz package. Thorsten not only wanted to pose multiple choice, multiple selection, and fill-in type questions, but also wanted to ask extended response questions that would be manually evaluated. Once the quiz is graded, the instructor may optionally pass the quizzes through an Acrobat action sequence to extract the student's name and grade from the quizzes. The extracted information is saved to a tab-delimited TXT file. The instructor can later merge this file into a larger spreadsheet.

Note: Unzip action-sequences.zip to obtain the action-sequences folder.

If intriguing, install thorshammer and try this workflow.

What's New (2021-06-24) Moved aebpro.js to the acrotex.js package, which is now required. Other minor changes and fixes.

What's New (2020-01-21) Published password of action sequences.


Now, I must get back to my retirement.

D. P. Story www.acrotex.net dpstory@uakron.edu dpstory@acrotex.net

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (3.7M).

thorshammer – Assessment based on Acro quizzes

This package implements an idea by Thorsten G. for assessment using PDF quizzes produced by the exerquiz package. Thorsten not only wanted to pose multiple choice, multiple selection, and fill-in type questions, but also wanted to ask extended response questions that would be manually evaluated. Once the quiz is graded, the instructor may optionally pass the quizzes through an Acrobat action sequence to extract the student’s name and grade from the quizzes. The extracted information is saved to a tab-delimited TXT file. The instructor can later merge this file into a larger spreadsheet.

WARNING: Adobe Acrobat DC or Adobe Acrobat XI is required for post PDF-creation. Any PDF-creator application is supported.

Version 2021-06-24
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.2
Copyright2020–2021 D. P. Story
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live Contrib as thorshammer
MiKTeX as thorshammer
PDF features
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