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Directory macros/latex/contrib/eqexpl


Align explanation for formulas in

The package is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).

The package was developed as an answer to the question on tex.stackexchange.com

The package eqexpl was developed to give the tool to make «perfect» explanation for formulas, not just the enumeration.

            I = U / Rs,            (1)
where   U --- voltage at the section, V;
       Rs --- total     section    resis-
              tance, Ohm.


  1. The variables (left side) must be aligned right.
  2. The dash must be aligned center one under another.
  3. The explanation (right side) must be justified, the last string must be aligned left and
    • if the explanation takes more than one line, the left side of explanation must be aligned (second explanation in the example).

The package adds new environment eqexpl with a command \item with one required parameter — variable to explain. The explanation in the example above was made with the code

  \item{U} voltage at the section, V;
  \item{Rs} total section resistance, Ohm.

See example eqexpl.tex for more details. You can compile it with pdflatex eqexpl.tex.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (88.0k).

eqexpl – Align explanations for formulas

This package was developed in response to a question on https://tex.stackexchange.com. Its purpose is to enable a perfectly formatted explanation of components of a formula.

The package depends on calc, etoolbox, and xparse.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/konstantin-morenko/latex-equation-explanation/issues
LicensesCC BY-SA 4.0
MaintainerKonstantin Morenko
Contained inTeX Live as eqexpl
MiKTeX as eqexpl
See alsonomencl
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