Directory macros/latex/contrib/normalcolor
normalcolor Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm. The work consists of the file `normalcolor.dtx` only. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHORT DESCRIPTION The package simple provides a command `\setnormalcolor` with the same syntax as command `\color' either of package `color' or package `xcolor'. But `\setnormalcolor' will not change the current colour but the normal colour. So using `\normalcolor' (implicit or explicit) afterwards will change the current colour to the colour given by the previous `\setnormalcolor'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGE GENERATION Simple way: To use the simple way you need the original `makefile' from the source distribution of `normalcolor' and `GNU make'. Then you can use: make all to generate all files of `normalcolor'. Manual way: If you cannot use make you can extract all the files using: tex normalcolor.dtx Note that you have to use `tex' not any LaTeX format! This will generate files `normalcolor.sty' and `README.txt'. Rename the generated `README.txt' to `README'. To make the documentation use: pdflatex normalcolor.dtx pdflatex normalcolor.dtx mkindex normalcolor pdflatex normalcolor.dtx pdflatex normalcolor.dtx This will result in the manual file `normalcolor.pdf'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Simple way: To use the simple way you need the original `makefile' from the source distribution of `normalcolor' and `GNU make' and a TeX-Live-compatible `kpsewhich'. Then you can use: make install to install normalcolor into your personal TEXMF tree. If you want to use the local TEXMF tree instead of the personal one, you may use: make INSTALLLOCAL=true install If you want to use another TEXMF tree, you may use make INSTALLROOT=<path to the TEXMF tree> install Manual way: Copy `normalcolor.sty' to `tex/latex/normalcolor/' inside the TDS tree you want to install `normalcolor'. Copy `normalcolor.pdf' and `README.txt' as `README' to `doc/latex/normalcolor/' inside the TDS tree you want to install `normalcolor'. Maybe you have to call `texhash' for the TDS tree you have installed `normalcolor'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USAGE See `normalcolor.pdf'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (156.4k).
normalcolor – Changing \normalcolor
This package provides a command \setnormalcolor with the same syntax as the command \color either of package color or of package xcolor. However, \setnormalcolor will not change the current colour but the normal / default color.
Package | normalcolor |
Version | r11 2016-03-22 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Maintainer | Markus Kohm |
TDS archive | |
Contained in | TeX Live as normalcolor MiKTeX as normalcolor |
Topics | Colour |