Directory macros/latex/contrib/hep
hep --- convenience wrapper for high-energy physics packages by Andy Buckley <> ----------------------------------------------------------- The hep package is a relatively thin wrapper package on a variety of packages useful for typesetting high-energy physics documents. It is aimed at HEP users who just want to write papers without having to worry about which packages are useful. hep includes a useful minimal set of packages by default, with more specialist ones being available via package options. The default packages (activated just by placing \usepackage{hep} in the document preamble) are: * url: provides \url{} macro for typestting (you guessed it) URLs. For example, \url{}. * cite: gathers consecutive citations to show e.g. [21-23] rather than [21,22,23] * amsmath: extended maths stymbols etc. * braket: provides \bra{}, \ket{} and \braket{} macros for Dirac notation * cancel/slashed: two different ways to do Feynman slash notation * hepnicenames: collection of macros for typesetting particle names. Also includes heppennames and hepparticles. See and for details. * hepunits: extends the SIunits package to provide HEP specific units, accessed via e.g. \unit{114.5}{\GeVovercsq} (the LEP2 lower bound on the Higgs mass). See for details. Options for these default packages can be passed using \usepackage[option1,option2,...]{hep} The available options are: * HNitalic, HNitforce, HNmaybess, HNnoss, corresponding to the hepnames/hepparticles options (without the "HN" prefix) * HUnoprefixcmds, HUcdot, HUthickspace, HUmediumspace, HUthinspace, HUthickqspace, HUmediumqspace, HUthinqspace, HUnoamssquareissue, HUamssymb, HUsquaren, HUpstricks, HUGray, HUitalian, HUtextstyle HUnotextstyle, HUbinary, HUnoams, HUderivedinbase, HUderived corresponding to the hepunits options (without the "HU" prefix) Additionally, the "fd", "hyper", "layout" and "float" options add useful packages for Feynman diagrams, hyperlinking (with sensible default options), layout additions (the booktabs, setspace, fancyhdr and tocbibind packages) and additional float handling (via the morefloats, afterpage, ccaption, subfigure and caption packages). The convenience option "all" includes all of the optional packages. While the hyper, layout and float options are not HEP-specific, they reflect the package author's prejudice that not enough authors know about these packages and that they should be encouraged to use them :-) Comments, criticism etc. should be directed at This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the details of that license.
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hep – A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages
Loads the author’s hepunits and hepnicenames packages, and a selection of others that are useful in High Energy Physics papers, etc.
Package | hep |
Version | 1.0 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Andy Buckley |
Contained in | TeX Live as hep MiKTeX as hep |
Topics | Physics |