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Directory macros/latex/contrib/fix2col

   OBSOLETE: do not use in new documents.
   This package will do nothing in LaTeX formats after 2015/01/01
   as the fixes that it implements were incorporated into fixltx2e
   package, which is itself obsolete as since the 2015/01/01 release
   these fixes are in format.

   a) Fix mark handling so \firstmark is taken from the first column
      if that column has marks at all.
      (A copy of Piet van Oostrum's fixmarks package, more or less.)
   b) Keep two column floats like figure* in sequence with single
      column floats like figure.
      (Modelled on  Ed Sznyter's 2.09 package, fixfloats.)

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (212.2k).

fix2col – Fix miscellaneous two column mode features

OBSOLETE: do not use in new documents.

This package will do nothing in formats after 2015/01/01 as the fixes that it implements were incorporated into the fixltx2e package, which is itself obsolete as since the 2015/01/01 release these fixes are in the format itself.

Fix mark handling so that \firstmark is taken from the first column if that column has any marks at all; keep two column floats like figure* in sequence with single column floats like figure.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright1997–2015 David Carlisle
MaintainerDavid Carlisle
Contained inTeX Live as fix2col
MiKTeX as fix2col
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