Directory macros/latex/contrib/moresize
Dear DANTE members, supporters and users, I have uploaded version 1.9 [1999/07/26] of the LaTeX2e `moresize' package. FILES moresize.dtx documented LaTeX2e source file. moresize.ins TeX installation script moresize.upl this info (can serve as README file, too) The moresize.* files are intended for replacing the corresponding files in the directory /tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/other. DESCRIPTION The `moresize' package allows using font sizes up to 35.83pt, for example with the new EC fonts. Two new author commands \HUGE and \ssmall for selecting font sizes are provided, together with some options working around current LaTeX2e shortcomings in using big font sizes. The package also provides options for improving the typesetting of paragraphs (or headlines) with embedded math expressions at font sizes above 17.28pt. COPYRIGHT Version: v1.9 [1999/07/26] Author : Christian Cornelssen <> Copyright 1997,1998,1999 Christian Cornelssen This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the License, or any later version. INSTALLATION is done as usual: Run TeX on `moresize.ins' for extracting the ready-to-use package file `moresize.sty' (DocStrip option `package') and a test file `msizetst.tex' (DocStrip option `testfile') from `moresize.dtx'. DOCUMENTATION can be obtained by running LaTeX on `moresize.dtx'. For general use, move `moresize.sty' into the LaTeX input files area and `moresize.dtx' and `moresize.ins' to the LaTeX documentation input files area (which might be the same as the LaTeX input files area). Happy LaTeXing, 1999/07/26 Christian Cornelssen <>
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (251.8k).
moresize – Allows font sizes up to 35.83pt
A package for using font sizes up to 35.88pt, for example with the EC fonts. New commands \HUGE and \ssmall for selecting font sizes are provided together with some options working around current LaTeX2ε shortcomings in using big font sizes. The package also provides options for improving the typesetting of paragraphs (or headlines) with embedded math expressions at font sizes above 17.28pt.
Package | moresize |
Version | 1.9 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 1997–1999 Christian Cornelssen |
Maintainer | Christian Cornelssen |
Contained in | TeX Live as moresize MiKTeX as moresize |
Topics | Font support |