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Directory macros/latex/contrib/didec


The package didec - version 1.0.0 (2024/02/28)

Copyright (c) 2024-2024 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
conditions of the Project Public License, either version 1.3
of this license or (at your option) any later version.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
version 2005/12/01 or later.
This work has the LPPL maintenance status author-maintained.
This work consists of all files listed in README.md

The didec package supports fixed-point arithmetic with two decimal places (di-decimal) which is typical for financial transactions in many currencies. The intended use case is (personal) bookkeeping.

Contents of the package

  • README.md this file
  • CHANGES.md log of changes (history)
  • didec.sty package file (style file)
  • didec.pdf Documentation for didec
  • didec.tex Source code of the documentation
  • didec.doc.sty Source code of the documentation


Copy the contents of the didec.tds.zip from CTAN to your local file tree.

Alternatively, put the files to their respective locations within the installation:

  • didec.sty -> /tex/latex/didec
  • all other files -> /doc/latex/didec

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (482.4k).

didec – Fixed-point arithmetic with two decimal places

This package supports fixed-point arithmetic with two decimal places (di-decimal) which is typical for financial transactions in many currencies.

The intended use case is (personal) bookkeeping.

Home pagehttps://github.com/T-F-S/didec
Bug trackerhttps://github.com/T-F-S/didec/issues
Version1.0.0 2024-02-28
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2024 Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm
MaintainerThomas F. Sturm
Contained inTeX Live as didec
MiKTeX as didec
Experimental 3
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