CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network


This topic contains packages with fonts themselves.

Font containing high quality icons of online academic profiles.
Accanthis fonts, with support.
OrnementsADF font with / support.
SymbolsADF with / support.
Virtual fonts for T1 encoded CMR-fonts.
Almost European Concrete Roman virtual fonts.
Add several kinds of guillemets to the ae fonts.
Special support for the æ character.
Remap Computer Modern fonts.
Alegreya fonts with support.
The Alfa Slab One font face with support for and pdf.
A revival of Frutiger's Algol alphabet.
Fonts and package for almost all runes.
Almendra fonts with support.
Arabic-Latin Modern Fixed extends -Gyre Latin Modern Mono 10 Regular to full Arabic Unicode support.
A classical Arabic typeface, Naskh style.
fonts from the American Mathematical Society.
andika fonts with support for all engines.
Use AnonymousPro fonts with .
Antykwa Półtawskiego: a Type 1 family of Polish traditional type.
Antykwa Toruńska: a Type 1 family of a Polish traditional type.
Virtual fonts for PostScript Antykwa Toruńska font.
Fonts for typesetting APL programs.
Literate programming in APL.
Capital A and capital R ligature for Aspect Ratio.
support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel.
Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic.
Fonts for Aramaic script.
Fonts and for Syriac written in Serto.
The Archivo font face with support for and pdf.
Fonts and support files for Arev Sans.
Arimo sans serif fonts with support.
A system for writing in Armenian with and .
Arphic (Chinese) font packages.
TrueType version of Chinese Arphic fonts.
Open Type font by Andrij Shevchenko.
The Arvo font face with support for and pdf.
A font to typeset maths in and Lua.
Use the ASCII “font” in .
Capital A and capital R ligature for Aspect Ratio.
Astronomical (planetary) symbols.
Support for the Atkinson Hyperlegible family of fonts.
Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting.
Artificial Uncial manuscript book-hand font.
Artificial Uncial font and support macros.
Calligraphic fonts for use with in T1 encoding.
Baekmuk Korean TrueType fonts.
Computer Modern and AMS fonts in outline form.
A comprehensive Bangla package.
Celtic bardic runes font.
A set of fonts supporting chess diagrams.
Bashkirian extension to OT2 fonts.
Baskervald ADF fonts collection with / support.
Extension and modification of BaskervaldADF with support.
Fry’s Baskerville look-alike, with math support.
A symbol (dingbat) font and macros for its use.
"Blackboard-style" cm fonts.
Sans serif blackboard bold.
An Adobe Type 1 format version of the bbold font.
Extension of the bbold package with a Blackboard Bold alphabet.
Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts.
Bengali in Velthuis transliteration or in UTF-8.
Bera fonts.
Berenis ADF fonts and / support.
Using Beccari’s fonts in betacode for classical Greek.
Improved quantifier stroke for Begriffsschrift packages.
(pdf) support for the Biolinum family of fonts.
The Bitter family of fonts with support.
A blackletter font.
T1-encoded versions of Haralambous old German fonts.
A font inspired by Baskerville design.
Support for the OpenType font Bonum.
A collection of book-hand fonts.
Mathematical alphabets derived from the STIX fonts.
A handwriting script font.
Byzantine Music Font.
A humanist Sans Serif font, with support.
Support for the Caladea family of fonts.
Calligraphic font.
Type 1 version of Calligra.
support for the Cantarell font family.
Capital baseball "matrix printer" font collection.
Support for Carlito sans-serif fonts.
Carolingan Miniscule manuscript book-hand font.
Adobe Type 1 format of Carolingian Minuscule fonts.
The Cascadia Code font with support for and pdf.
Typeset Cree/Inuktitut in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics.
Coptic fonts and macros for general usage and for philology.
Complete set of Greek fonts.
support for Creative Commons icons.
Polish extension of Computer Concrete fonts.
CharisSIL fonts with support for all engines.
Charter fonts.
Adobe chess font.
A font for the Cherokee script.
Fonts for typesetting chess boards.
Font and macros for Chinese calendar.
Using the free Chivo fonts with .
Fonts defined by character identifier.
support for Cinzel and Cinzel Decorative fonts.
Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams.
A circular glyphs alphabet.
Fonts for Cirth.
Typeset Hebrew with .
Chinese/Japanese/Korean bitmap fonts.
A serif font family.
URW Classico fonts.
Clear Sans fonts with support.
Computer Modern fonts.
Font for planetary symbols.
Computer Modern Bright fonts.
Computer Modern fonts with cyrillic extensions.
Russian fonts in "alternative" encoding.
A set of Type 1 Cyrillic fonts.
Reencoded versions of Haralambous fraktur fonts.
Generate GF format for CM.
Type 1 CM-based fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic.
Symbols for linear logic.
Sources of the Computer Modern fonts.
Extra files for CM.
Improve the kerning of CM fonts.
Old English glyphs to go with Computer Modern.
Virtual fount setup for using old style digits.
Outline versions of the Computer Modern fonts.
A Computer Modern Pica variant.
Upright punctuation with CM slanted.
Computer Modern for Serbian and Macedonian.
CM-Super family of fonts.
Upright punctuation with CM italic.
Computer Modern Unicode font family.
Cochineal fonts with support.
Coelacanth fonts with support.
Sans serif font, with support.
Use Comic Neue with (-alike) systems.
A font designed by a committee.
Concrete mathematics fonts.
Concrete based OpenType Math font.
Concrete Roman fonts.
Symbols for recipes.
, pdf, XeLaTeX and Lua support for the Cooper Hewitt family of sans serif fonts.
Cormorant Garamond family of fonts.
A font with the images of the countries of Europe.
Adobe Type 1 “free” copies of Courier.
Courier 10 Pitch BT with support.
Crimson fonts with support.
CrimsonPro fonts with support.
Fonts for Croatian Glagolitic and other Croatian scripts.
Font for graphical symbols used in crystallography.
Czech/Slovak-tuned Computer Modern fonts.
Czech/Slovak tuned CM fonts in Type 1 format.
Computer Sanskrit(/Extended) coding support on MS-DOS.
Hebrew fonts from the Culmus project.
A cuneiform font.
Cuprum font family support for .
The Cyclop typeface.
A script which was used on Cyprus for writing Greek.
A font for ancient Cypriot Greek inscriptions.
Slightly modified computer modern fonts with Cyrillics.
Font for Conan Doyle’s “The Dancing Men”.
A font for DANTE's logo.
The Day Roman typeface.
support for the DejaVu fonts.
A font for die faces.
DictSym font and macro package.
Two dingbat symbol fonts.
Virtual fonts to provide T1 encoding.
Drop-in replacement for Palatino.
A distribution of the DC fonts for em.
Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols.
A font for typesetting the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
Typeset documents using base twelve numbering (also called “dozenal”).
A complete family of fonts written in .
support for the Droid font families.
A double-struck serifed font for mathematical use.
Computer Duerer fonts.
A reworking of ESSTIX13, adding a bold version.
support for EBGaramond fonts.
support for EBGaramond fonts in mathematics.
Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings.
Sources for the European Concrete fonts.
Oldstyle numerals using EC fonts.
A font family supporting Devanagari and Latin script.
Generate code for EGA screen fonts.
Early Gothic manuscript book-hand font.
Traditional style Irish fonts.
Electrum ADF fonts collection.
Fonts for typesetting Tolkien Elvish scripts.
Font for typesetting Tolkien Engwar script.
A Greek and Latin font.
Typesetting the Epi-Olmec Language.
Font package derived from Heuristica and Utopia.
Utopia based OpenType Math font.
Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern.
Font esint10 in Type 1 format.
Provides a symbol set for describing relations between ordered pairs.
PostScript versions of the ESSTIX, with macro support.
Vector arrows.
An expansion of Edward Tufte’s ET-Bembo family.
Type 1 versions of Amharic fonts.
Fonts and support for typesetting Amharic.
Fonts for the Etruscan script.
OpenType version of Hermann Zapf’s Euler maths font.
Euler virtual math fonts.
Euro and CE sign font.
and macros for Euro sign.
Four basic fonts for Chinese typesetting.
A free Bembo-like font.
Fonts for African languages.
A maths symbol font.
Extended version of Knuth’s logo typeface.
A font for in-text Feynman diagrams.
A font for Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik.
Fira fonts with support.
Fira sans serif font with Unicode math support.
The title font of the Mads Føk magazine.
Support for the Danish "Dania" phonetic system.
Font containing web-related icons.
Font Awesome 5 with support.
Font Mfizz icons for use in .
Fonts for typesetting in Church Slavonic language.
Thai fonts for from TLWG.
Forum fonts with support.
Using Utopia fonts in documents.
Use New Century Schoolbook text with Fourier maths fonts.
SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L.
French cursive hand fonts.
An OpenType Greek calligraphy font.
Access to the 'frimurer' cipher for use with .
‘Startrek’ fonts, and macros to support them.
Fonts for the Older Futhark script.
Anglo-Friesic futhorc alphabet font.
The Garamond Libre font face.
An OTF math font matching EB Garamond.
‘Expert’-like extensions to URW Garamond, and maths italic.
support for the Gelasio family of fonts.
Math and small cap additions to Gelasio fonts.
Genealogy symbols.
A compilation genealogy font.
Gentium font and support files.
Support for the TrueType font GentiumPlus.
A complete Greek font with Latin and Cyrillic, too.
Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files.
Support for typesetting in Georgian.
A Georgian font.
The GFS font collection.
A modern Greek font design.
A Greek font, from one such by Baskerville.
A Greek and Latin font based on Bodoni.
A Greek font with a long history.
A Greek font based on Didot’s work.
The classic version of GFSDidot.
A font in the Neo-Hellenic style.
A math font in the Neo-Hellenic style.
A Greek font, originally from Porson.
A Greek-alphabet font.
Gillius fonts with support.
Virtual fonts for T2A-encoded fonts.
A Unicode font, with rather wide coverage.
Fonts and macros for typesetting go games.
Tolkien's goblin alphabet.
GoSans and GoMono fonts with support.
A collection of old German-style fonts.
Fonts for gray-scales.
A Greek font from 394BC.
A Greek font from the sixth century BC.
Fonts for typesetting Greek/English documents.
The Green Point logo.
The Gudea font face with support for and pdf.
Support for Gurmukhi in .
Font support for the Arka language.
Knuth’s halftone font and its uses.
Pointing hand font.
Harano Aji Fonts.
Harano Aji Fonts.
Support for Hebrew and other right-to-left languages.
Beautiful in-line microtonal just intonation accidentals.
Latin modern extended by computer modern.
Extended Greek and sans-serif math.
Using the OpenType fonts Gyre Heros>.
Experiments with the Hershey fonts.
Fonts extending Utopia, with support files.
The hfbright fonts.
Old style numerals with EC fonts.
An “Old English” font.
The "poor man's" Egyptian Hieroglyphic font.
Hieroglyph fonts and other support.
The HindMadurai font face with support for and pdf.
Typesetting Hittite cuneiform.
A collection of Korean (Hangul) fonts.
Describe card games.
Humanist manuscript book-hand font.
Fonts based on the half Uncial manuscript book-hand.
Bitmap versions of the Micropress HV-Math fonts (Helvetica Maths).
Half-width katakana fonts.
support for the Ibarra Real Nova family of fonts.
Fonts and macros to typeset ancient Greek.
A collection of symbols.
Fonts and macro to typeset Go diagrams.
IM Fell English fonts with support.
IM Fell Flower OpenType fonts.
A monospaced font, with support files for use with .
Inconsolata Nerd Font with support for XeLaTeX or Lua.
Indic Type 1 fonts converted from public sources.
Omega fonts for characters used in study of Sanskrit.
Adobe Type 1 decorative initial fonts.
Inria fonts with support.
Fonts based on the Insular Majuscule manuscript book-hand.
Fonts based on the Insular Minuscule manuscript book-hand.
The inter font face with support for , XeLaTeX, and Lua.
IPA (Japanese) fonts.
IPAex fonts converted to Type-1 format Unicode subfonts.
A two-element sans-serif font.
Support for the old Russian font "Izhitsa".
version of tiles in the style of Slavik Jablan.
Josefin fonts with support.
A TrueType and OpenType font family for mediaevalists.
A TrueType variable font family for mediaevalists.
Cartographic signs.
Greek fonts and macros.
Simple fonts for Greek.
Kerkis (Greek) font family.
Arabic font for university articles.
A font for KIX codes.
A Klingon font.
Produce knitting charts, in Plain or .
A Celtic knotwork font.
A complete set of fonts for text and mathematics.
OTF version of the Kp-fonts.
A two-element sans-serif typeface.
School handwriting fonts.
A collection of fonts used in distributions.
Lato font family and support.
The Adobe Type 1 font family Letter GothicType.
Fonts for typesetting classical greek.
The Lexend fonts for XeLaTeX and Lua through fontspec.
A Greek font with normal and bold variants.
Cyrillic fonts that support standard encodings.
Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with .
Libertine add-on to support Greek and Cyrillic.
Linux Libertine fonts for and pdf users.
Linux Libertine fonts for use with Lua and .
(pdf) support for the Libertine family of fonts.
The Libertinus font family.
Support for using Libertinus fonts with /pdf.
The Libre Baskerville family of fonts with support.
Libre Bodoni fonts with support.
Libre Caslon fonts, with support.
support for the Libre-Franklin family of fonts.
Libris ADF fonts, with support.
Access lilypond fragments and glyphs, in .
Linear A script fonts.
Linear B script used in the Bronze Age for Mycenaean Greek.
LinguisticsPro fonts with support.
The Literaturnaya family of fonts.
Latin modern fonts in outline formats.
OpenType maths fonts for Latin Modern.
Lobster Two fonts, with support for all engines.
Supplement to the Unicode math symbols.
Free monospace fonts.
Set of slide fonts based on CM.
A font to go with the Magic(TM) game.
The Magra font face with support for and pdf.
for Malayalam.
Fonts for typesetting Malayalam, with a pre-processor.
A sans-serif font family.
Knuth's "manual" fonts.
Marcellus fonts with support.
Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font.
Three series of mathematical symbols.
Outline version of the mathabx fonts.
Mathematical fonts to fit with particular text fonts.
Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino.
Use Times as default text font, and provide maths support.
Comprehensive blackboard bold fonts.
Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with support.
The package provides dedicated commands to generate (vectorial) meteorological symbols.
MFB Oldstyle serif fonts.
logo font.
The Miama Nueva handwriting font with support.
Enable use of Minion Pro with newtx.
support for MintSpirit font families.
A blacker Type 1 version of Computer Modern, with multilingual support.
Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro.
Mongolian .
Montserrat sans serif, otf and pfb, with support files.
Font for representing the phases of the moon.
Support for printing Morse code signs.
Computer Modern Type 3 fonts converted using .
Simulate msxm and msym fonts using msam and msbm.
A partial implementation of the old msym10 font.
Fonts used by Musix.
Adobe Type 1 versions of MusiX fonts.
A pair of fonts for different Georgian alphabets.
Font for Nabatean script.
Render nahuatl glyphs.
Type1 subfonts of Nanum Korean fonts.
Computer Modern fonts including matching non-latin alphabets.
Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics.
Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics.
Sans-math fonts for use with newtx.
Enhancement of typewriter fonts from newtx.
Support for fancy frames.
Type 1 versions of the fonts recommended in niceframe.
Support files for Nimbus 2015 Core fonts.
A "new" version of the karta cartographic fonts.
Support for Noto fonts.
Support for the condensed variants of the Noto fonts.
Noto Emoji fonts.
Math support for Noto fonts.
The Nunito font face with support for and pdf.
Glyphs used when transliterating ancient scripts.
Obyknovennaya Novaya fonts.
OCR A font.
Fonts for OCR-A.
Fonts for OCR-B.
OCR-B fonts in Type 1 and OpenType.
Font to provide the Österreichische Schulschrift.
Fonts for typesetting Ogham script.
Fonts for Klingon.
Compute Modern-like font with long s.
Fonts old Persian cuneiform script.
OldStandard fonts with support.
Type 1 versions of Old Standard fonts with support.
The Open Sans font family, and support.
Typesetting the Oriya script using .
The Oswald family of fonts with support for and pdf.
Modification of a Go package to create othello boards.
Overlock sans fonts with support.
Fonts packaged for use in Oz.
Fonts designed by Fra Luca de Pacioli in 1497.
Using the OpenType fonts Gyre Pagella.
A Tamil font for Macintosh users.
The Pandora font family.
The Pandora font family.
support for free fonts by ParaType.
Parisa family of fonts.
Contemporary Persian font for scientific and formal writings.
“Scheherazade New” adapted for Persian typesetting and scientific writings.
Fonts based on the Gothic Textura Prescisus manuscript book-hand.
Disk of Phaistos font.
Fonts for the Phoenician script in use from about 1600 BC.
Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern.
A font for the pigpen (or masonic) cipher.
Playfair Display fonts with support.
The Play font face with support for and pdf.
Support for IBM Plex fonts.
Polish extension to Computer Modern fonts.
Fonts with the Plimsoll symbol and support.
Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts.
Polish extension of CM fonts in Type 1 format.
PoiretOne family of fonts with support.
Antykwa Półtawskiego Family of Fonts.
Fonts for proto-Semitic cuneiform script.
support for Greek Type 1 fonts.
Addon to the newtx package.
PT Sans font and support.
PT Serif font and support.
Donald Knuth's punk font.
OpenType version of Knuth's Punk font.
Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics.
Virtual maths alphabets based on pxfonts and txfonts.
PostScript (Adobe Type 1) fonts in QX layout.
The QualiType font collection.
Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts with support.
Use Raleway with (-alike) systems.
A "very bad typewriter" font.
A font providing the "recyclable" logo.
A Hebrew font.
Malayalam fonts by Rachana Institute of Typography (RIT).
Support for the Roboto family of fonts.
A font with the images of the counties of Romania.
Romande ADF fonts and support.
Using the free Rosario fonts with .
Rotunda manuscript book-hand font.
Ralph Smith's Formal Script font.
Two rune fonts.
Fonts for Anglo-Saxon futharc script.
A for rustic capitals.
Roman Rustic manuscript book-hand font.
Sanskrit support.
Type 1 version of ‘skt’ fonts for Sanskrit.
Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths.
Extended Computer Modern sans serif fonts.
Archaic South Arabian script font.
Wide range of design sizes for CM fonts.
Using the OpenType fonts Gyre schola.
Extension of GyreSchola (New Century Schoolbook) with math support.
German “school scripts” from Suetterlin to the present day.
Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting in Schwell style.
Handwriting font.
A family of cyrillic fonts.
Semaphore alphabet font.
A Shavian spelling alphabet font.
An OpenType Devanāgarī font designed for scholars.
Simple Icons for .
source for Simpsons characters.
Fonts and macros for typesetting chess games.
The skak chess fonts redone in Adobe Type 1.
A font to draw a skull.
Use SourceCodePro with (-alike) systems.
Use SourceSansPro with (-alike) systems.
Use SourceSerifPro with (-alike) systems.
A font for an archaic South Arabia script.
Spectral fonts with support.
Square Capitals manuscript book-hand font.
Font STIX2 for Serbian and Macedonian.
Saxon rune font.
The StarFont Sans astrological font.
Typeset Icelandic staves and runic letters.
A free Times-like font.
A free Times/Elsevier-style Greek font.
A reworking of STIX2.
OpenType Unicode maths fonts.
OpenType Unicode text and maths fonts.
Type1 versions of the STIX Two OpenType fonts.
St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science.
Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting in Sütterlin style.
A font with symbols for use in physics texts.
A font for Syriac written in Estrangelo.
A pair of fraktur font families in T1 encoding.
A Greek cult font from the eighties.
Tamil support for Omega/Aleph.
A simple geometrical font.
Support for writing the Telugu Language.
Greek and Cyrillic to accompany Times.
Font to set Tolkien's Tengwar script.
Using the OpenType fonts Gyre Termes.
Fonts extending freely available URW fonts.
A font family that extends URW Gothic L.
A font family that extends URW Bookman L.
A font that extends URW Chancery L.
A font that extends URW Nimbus Mono L.
A font family that extends URW Nimbus Sans L.
Maths fonts to match tex-gyre text fonts.
Maths fonts to match Gyre Bonum.
Maths fonts to match Gyre Dejavu.
Maths fonts to match the tex-gyre-pagella text font.
Maths fonts to match Gyre Schola.
Maths fonts to match Gyre Termes.
A font family that extends URW Palladio L.
A font that extends URW Century Schoolbook L.
A font family that extends URW Nimbus Roman.
A font offering the new (Indian) Rupee symbol.
Gothic Textura Quadrata manuscript book-hand font.
DejaVu-compatible Thai fonts.
A font for Thai script.
A font for Thai script.
TheanoDidot fonts with support.
Theano Modern fonts with support.
Theano OldStyle fonts with support.
Fonts and macro package for drawing timing diagrams.
Tinos fonts with support.
Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters.
Bitmap versions of the Micropress TM-Math fonts (Times Maths).
Fonts from the Trajan column in Rome.
Symbols for transformations.
Type 1 EC fonts generated by trace.
Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting.
Twemoji font in COLR/CPAL layered format.
Times-like fonts in support of mathematics.
Extensions to txfonts, using GNU Freefont.
Font containing a set of web-related icons.
Fonts for Ugaritic cuneiform script.
A font for Ugaritic.
Extra mathematical characters.
Extra mathematical characters in Adobe Type 1 format.
Fonts to typeset with the xgreek package.
Uncial manuscript book-hand font.
A Unicode font table generator.
Herbert Bayer’s ‘universal’ font.
Universalis font, with support.
Always keep upright shape for some punctuation marks and Arabic numerals.
URW Antiqua condensed font, for use with .
URW Arial font pack for use with .
URW ‘Base 35’ font pack for .
URW Garamond No8 Adobe Type 1 fonts.
URW Grotesq font pack for .
A half-tone font.
Adobe Utopia fonts.
Handwriting fonts.
Venturis ADF fonts collection.
Vicentino fonts.
Scandinavian runic alphabet as used by the Vikings.
Using Bell's Visible Speech alphabet.
Support for Vietnamese.
URW Classico and URW Garamond extended for Vietnamese.
Wadalab (Japanese) font packages.
The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts).
Type 1 versions of wasy fonts.
Webomints font support.
University of Washington cyrillic fonts.
Ridgeway's fonts.
Tamil to converter.
International Phonetic Alphabet fonts.
Extension of Bitstream Charter fonts.
XCharter-based OpenType Math font for Lua and .
A crossed-out version of Computer Modern.
A Scientific Times-like font with support for mathematical typesetting.
Greek fonts by Yannis Haralambous.
OpenType version of the Old German fonts designed by Yannis Haralambous.
Old German-style fonts, in Adobe type 1 format.
Old German Fraktur font.
Old German Gothic font.
Extended maths fonts for .
Old German decorative initials.
Ysabeau fonts with support for traditional engines.
Old German Schwabacher font.
Virtual fonts to provide T1 encoding from existing fonts.
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