CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Packages W

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A collection of metrics for commercial fonts.
A comprehensive system for Windows.
Wadalab (Japanese) font packages.
A wall calendar class with custom layouts.
Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to documents, including tiling.
A package to prepare hex’n’counter wargames.
Global warnings at the end of the logfile.
Relative alignment of rows in numeric columns in tabulars.
A collection of small packages by Walter Schmidt.
The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts).
Type 1 versions of wasy fonts.
The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts).
Type 1 versions of wasy fonts.
support for the wasy fonts.
Draw “watermarks” on the output page.
Generate source from web.
The original literate programming system.
Conversion programs and supporting code to compile in C.
Converting from WEB to cweb.
Nine-point web listings.
Errata list for The Web Companion.
Include CWEB and/or Spidery WEB .
Brief Guide to Tools for Web publishing.
Use sans serif font in Web listings.
Webomints font support.
Write interactive web based quizzes.
Generate "day of week".
Use 3 to typeset Weiqi (Go).
Diagrams with circular or other shapes using TikZ and 3.
Assist in reducing document page counts.
Table macros for plain (and ).
An environment for typesetting tables of specified width.
Identify (typographic) widows and orphans.
Draw wiggly lines under text.
Use Wiki-style markup in a document.
Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams.
Easy basic book class, built on memoir.
Ready-to-use Emacs and Auc for Windows.
Create windows in paragraphs.
MS-Windows DVI viewer.
A Chicago style for Bib.
MS-Windows shell and editor for .
Em for windows.
Use fonts distributed with Windows XP.
FrontEnd for , Win98/NT, needs Microsoft VisualBasic-DLLs.
A MS-Windows32 user interface for .
A Win32 Editor with the MS Office look and feel.
In-place argument substitution.
“Aligned” math environments with arrows for comments.
University of Wisconsin-Madison Thesis Class.
style for Abteilung für Angewandte Informatik.
Windows metafile conversion.
Windows metafile conversion.
University of Washington cyrillic fonts.
Ridgeway's fonts.
support for wnri fonts.
Tamil to converter.
Generate the German weekday name for a date.
Woff to OpenType converter.
A translator from MS Word to documents.
Convert /MSWord to .
Word 6 format converter.
Drawing wordclouds with and Lua.
Estimate the number of words in a document.
Create wordle grids.
Simulating word processor layout.
XSLT to transform a WordML file to a source.
Literate programming using Microsoft Word.
Easy creation of worksheets.
Drawing flags with TikZ.
Draw Warnier/Orr diagrams.
Convert WordPerfect documents to .
Produces figures which text can flow around.
Wrap text around figures.
Wrapping text around stuff.
English version of the wrapstuff package documentation.
Define commands with optional arguments.
Write on grid lines.
Write files from a document.
class for Bavarian school w-seminar papers.
International Phonetic Alphabet fonts.
Translate wsuipa font commands into tipa font commands.
Extend ’s cross-reference system.
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