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Directory macros/generic/witharrows


Readme for the package witharrows

Author: F. Pantigny (fpantigny@wanadoo.fr).

CTAN page: https://ctan.org/pkg/witharrows


The extension witharrows for and is distributed under the LPPL 1.3 license.


The package witharrows provides environments {WithArrows} and {DispWithArrows} similar to the environments {aligned} and {align} of amsmath but with the possibility to draw arrows on the right side of the alignment. These arrows are usually used to give explanations concerning the mathematical calculus presented.

The extension witharrows can also be used with plain-.


The package witharrows is present in the distributions MiK, Live and Mac.

For a manual installation:

  • put the files witharrows.ins and witharrows.dtx in the same directory;
  • run latex witharrows.ins in that directory.

The files witharrows.sty and witharrows.tex will be generated.

The file witharrows.sty is the only file necessary to use the extension witharrows with (with \usepackage{witharrows}). You have to put it in the same directory as your document or (best) in a texmf tree.

The file witharrows.tex is the only file necessary to use the extension witharrows with plain- (with \input{witharrows}). You have to put it in the same directory as your document or (best) in a texmf tree.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.2M).

witharrows – “Aligned” math environments with arrows for comments

This package provides an environment WithArrows which is similar to the environment aligned of amsmath (and mathtools), but gives the possibility to draw arrows on the right side of the alignment. These arrows are usually used to give explanations concerning the mathematical calculus presented.

The package requires the following other packages: expl3, footnote, l3keys2e, tikz, and xparse.

Version2.9a 2024-10-19
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2017–2024 F. Pantigny
MaintainerFrançois Pantigny
Contained inTeX Live as witharrows
MiKTeX as witharrows
TopicsGeneric Macros
Experimental 3
Maths system equations
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