French documentation
This topic contains packages with documentation in French.
The book “Apprendre à programmer en TeX”.
Apprends LaTeX!.
French translation of booktabs documentation.
Using expl3 to implement some numerical algorithms.
French LaTeX FAQ (sources).
French version of "graphics in LaTeX".
Introductory LaTeX course in French.
French translation project.
A french guide on LaTeX – for beginners or advanced users.
French TeX Users Group information.
Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient".
French translation of l2tabu.
A French translation of “latex2e-help-texinfo”.
(Xe)LaTeX Appliqué aux sciences humaines.
Short introduction to LaTeX, French translation.
French translation of the documentation of array.
French translation of the documentation of booktabs.
French translation of the documentation of dcolumn.
French translation of the documentation of natbib.
French translation of the documentation of Tabbing.
FAQ LaTeX visuelle francophone.
Visual help for PSTricks based on images with minimum text.
Visual help for TikZ based on images with minimum text.