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Directory macros/luatex/generic/luakeys



luakeys is a Lua module that can parse key-value options like the packages keyval, kvsetkeys, kvoptions, xkeyval, pgfkeys etc. do. luakeys, however, accompilshes this task entirely, by using the Lua language and doesn’t rely on . Therefore this package can only be used with the engine Lua. Since luakeys uses LPeg, the parsing mechanism should be pretty robust.


Copyright 2021-2024 Josef Friedrich

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in


and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of version 2008/05/04 or later.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status maintained.

The Current Maintainer of this work is Josef Friedrich.


Key-value pair definitions

local defs = {
  key = {
    -- Allow different key names.
    -- or a single string: alias = 'k'
    alias = { 'k', 'ke' },

    -- The key is always included in the result. If no default value is
    -- definied, true is taken as the value.
    always_present = false,

    -- Only values listed in the array table are allowed.
    choices = { 'one', 'two', 'three' },

    -- Possible data types:
    -- any, boolean, dimension, integer, number, string, list
    data_type = 'string',

    -- To provide a default value for each naked key individually.
    default = true,

    -- Can serve as a comment.
    description = 'Describe your key-value pair.',

    -- The key belongs to a mutually exclusive group of keys.
    exclusive_group = 'name',

    -- > \MacroName
    macro = 'MacroName', -- > \MacroName

    -- See http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#6.4.1
    match = '^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$',

    -- The name of the key, can be omitted
    name = 'key',

    -- Convert opposite (naked) keys
    -- into a boolean value and store this boolean under a target key:
    --   show -> opposite_keys = true
    --   hide -> opposite_keys = false
    -- Short form: opposite_keys = { 'show', 'hide' }
    opposite_keys = { [true] = 'show', [false] = 'hide' },

    -- Pick a value by its data type:
    -- 'any', 'string', 'number', 'dimension', 'integer', 'boolean'.
    pick = false, -- ’false’ disables the picking.

    -- A function whose return value is passed to the key.
    process = function(value, input, result, unknown)
      return value

    -- To enforce that a key must be specified.
    required = true,

    -- To build nested key-value pair definitions.
    sub_keys = { key_level_2 = { } },

Parser options (opts)

local opts = {
  -- Result table that is filled with each call of the parse function.
  accumulated_result = accumulated_result,

  -- Configure the delimiter that assigns a value to a key.
  assignment_operator = '=',

  -- Automatically convert dimensions into scaled points (1cm -> 1864679).
  convert_dimensions = false,

  -- Print the result table to the console.
  debug = false,

  -- The default value for naked keys (keys without a value).
  default = true,

  -- A table with some default values. The result table is merged with
  -- this table.
  defaults = { key = 'value' },

  -- Key-value pair definitions.
  defs = { key = { default = 'value' } },

  -- Specify the strings that are recognized as boolean false values.
  false_aliases = { 'false', 'FALSE', 'False' },

  -- lower, snake, upper
  format_keys = { 'snake' },

  -- Configure the delimiter that marks the beginning of a group.
  group_begin = '{',

  -- Configure the delimiter that marks the end of a group.
  group_end = '}',

  -- Listed in the order of execution
  hooks = {
    kv_string = function(kv_string)
      return kv_string

    -- Visit all key-value pairs recursively.
    keys_before_opts = function(key, value, depth, current, result)
      return key, value

    -- Visit the result table.
    result_before_opts = function(result)

    -- Visit all key-value pairs recursively.
    keys_before_def = function(key, value, depth, current, result)
      return key, value

    -- Visit the result table.
    result_before_def = function(result)

    -- Visit all key-value pairs recursively.
    keys = function(key, value, depth, current, result)
      return key, value

    -- Visit the result table.
    result = function(result)

  invert_flag = '!',

  -- Configure the delimiter that separates list items from each other.
  list_separator = ',',

  -- If true, naked keys are converted to values:
  -- { one = true, two = true, three = true } -> { 'one', 'two', 'three' }
  naked_as_value = false,

  -- Throw no error if there are unknown keys.
  no_error = false,

  -- Configure the delimiter that marks the beginning of a string.
  quotation_begin = '"',

  -- Configure the delimiter that marks the end of a string.
  quotation_end = '"',

  -- Specify the strings that are recognized as boolean true values.
  true_aliases = { 'true', 'TRUE', 'True' },

  -- { key = { 'value' } } -> { key = 'value' }
  unpack = false,
local result = luakeys.parse('one,two,three', opts)


luakeys is developed using the Lua extension in Visual Studio Code. This extension understands the modified EmmyLua annotations. The Lua code is automatically formatted with the help of the LuaFormatter.



make install


The framework busted is used for the tests.

luarocks install busted
busted --exclude-tags=skip test/lua/*.lua


make test

Release a new version

This project uses semantic versioning.

Update version in:

  • luakeys-doc.tex
  • luakeys-debug.sty
  • luakeys.sty
  • luakeys.lua

Update copyright in:

  • luakeys-debug.sty
  • luakeys-debug.tex
  • luakeys.lua
  • luakeys.sty
  • luakeys.tex
  • README.md

Summarize the changes in the luakeys-doc.tex as changes.

Create a new git tag git tag -sa 0.7.0.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (442.3k).

luakeys – A Lua module for parsing key-value options

This package provides a Lua module that can parse key-value options like the packages keyval, kvsetkeys, kvoptions, xkeyval, pgfkeys etc. luakeys, however, accomplishes this task entirely by using the Lua language and does not rely on . Therefore this package can only be used with the engine Lua. Since luakeys uses LPeg, the parsing mechanism should be pretty robust.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/Josef-Friedrich/luakeys/issues
Version0.15.0 2024-09-29
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2021–2024 Josef Friedrich
MaintainerJosef Friedrich
Contained inTeX Live as luakeys
MiKTeX as luakeys
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