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Directory macros/luatex/generic/evangelion-jfm


Evangelion Japanese Font Metric

简介・簡単な紹介・Some Information




このメトリックは、縦書きと横書きの両方のテキストに対して、従来の中国語、簡体字中国語、および日本語のフォント とともに使用できます。これは、Lua-jaで提供される優先機能を最大限に活用するフォントメトリックを提供し、標準に基づき、一部の高度な(すなわち、めったに使用されない)機能をサポートすることを目的としています。



Eva-JFM is a JFM file which aims to support 'linegap puncutations', 'scaled font' and more features under Lua-ja. It can be used with Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Japanese fonts, supporting vertical typesetting, making full-use of the priority feature, and added special support for Traditional Chinese font. It's based on jlreq, and insipered by min10.tfm. All its nine features are embeded into one single file jfm-eva.lua to simplify the using.

For more datails please see the English documentation.

This package is also available on CTAN.

支持特性・サポート機能・Supported Features

  • 行间标点 行間句読点 Linegap Punctuations
  • 标点悬挂 ぶら下げ Hanging Punctuations
  • 简体中文 簡体字中國語 Simplified Chinese
  • 繁体中文 繁体字中国語 Traditional Chinese
  • 日本语 日本語 Japanese
  • 直书 縱組 Vertical Typesetting
  • 半宽西文 半角歐文 Half-width Alphabets
  • 全宽西文 全角歐文 Full-width Alphabets
  • 忽略标准 非標準 Non-standard
  • 原始 調整なし Plain
  • 原始比例宽度 プロポーショナル(調整なし) Proportional (with no aki adjust for punct)
  • 比例宽度 プロポーショナル Proportional

状态・現在のバージョン・Current Version

Ver 1.0.5 (c)


  • 2024.2.8 Ver 1.0.5 (c): fix the variable scope for extd_ratio, this should fix the nil error.
  • 2023.8.25 Ver 1.0.5 (b): add feature prop and propw for japanese typesetting.
  • 2023.8.23 Ver 1.0.5 (a): add character U+2E3A and U+2E3B to be compatible with Source Han Fonts' ligatures.
  • 2023.8.3 Ver 1.0.4 (f): ''optimized'' the behaviour of TC punct at line end.
  • 2023.5.19 Ver 1.0.4 (e): update japanese documentation and README.
  • 2023.5.17 Ver 1.0.4 (c): sync the documentation (en&sc) for the new feature.
  • 2023.5.16 Ver 1.0.4 (b): trobble with error handling is fixed (i hope).
  • 2023.5.14 Ver 1.0.4 (a): add feature plain for verbatim environments.
  • 2023.5.5 Ver 1.0.3 (d): revised code and documentation.
  • 2023.4.26 Ver 1.0.3 (c): jp doc (fin).
  • 2023.4.25 Ver 1.0.3 (b): jp doc (mid).
  • 2023.4.24 Ver 1.0.3 (a): the Japanese documentation (ini).
  • 2023.4.15 Ver 1.0.2 (h): revised English doc and add reference.
  • 2023.4.2 Ver 1.0.2 (g): typeset English document and revised both.
  • 2023.3.19 Ver 1.0.2 (f): fix extd_ratio and add end_adjust for midp.
  • 2023.3.18 Ver 1.0.2 (e): line-end adjust key fixed.
  • 2023.3.15 Ver 1.0.2 (d): revised documentation.
  • 2023.3.13 Ver 1.0.2 (c): entire documentation translated to English.
  • 2023.3.12 Ver 1.0.2 (b): the English documentation (section 3).
  • 2023.3.12 Ver 1.0.2 (a): the English documentation (section 1 & 2).
  • 2023.3.6 Ver 1.0.1 (f): adjust kanjiskip after lgp.
  • 2023.3.3 Ver 1.0.1 (e): fix extd_ratio.
  • 2023.2.27 Ver 1.0.1 (d): fix parbdd and boxbdd.
  • 2023.2.26 Ver 1.0.1 (c): users can now customize ratio for extd feature.
  • 2023.2.26 Ver 1.0.1 (b): docstrip, updated documentation.
  • 2023.2.25 Ver 1.0.1 (a): add feature hwid and fwid.
  • 2023.2.24 Ver 1.0.0 (d): more priority, revised document.
  • 2023.2.18 Ver 1.0.0 (c): fix bug and updated documentation, uploaded to ctan, and added feature hanging punc.
  • 2023.2.11 Ver 1.0.0 (b): fixed feature lgp and added documentation.
  • 2023.2.7 Ver 1.0.0 (a): initial version.


This project is under MIT License. (Ref license)

Author: RadioNoiseE, 黄京.

Email Addr: j18516785606@icloud.com.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (725.6k).

Evangelion-JFM – A Japanese font metric supporting many advanced features

This package provides a Japanese Font Metric supporting vertical and horizontal typesetting, ‘linegap punctuations’, ‘extended fonts’, and more interesting and helpful features using traditional (‘tc’) and simplified (‘sc’) Chinese or Japanese fonts under Lua-ja. It also makes full use of the ‘priority’ feature, meeting the standards, and allows easy customisation.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/RadioNoiseE/Evangelion-JFM/issues
Version1.0.5 (c) 2024-02-08
LicensesMIT License
Copyright2023–2024 RadioNoiseE (Jing Huang)
MaintainerJing Huang
Contained inTeX Live as evangelion-jfm
MiKTeX as evangelion-jfm
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