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Directory macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-fct


tkz-fct – Tools for drawing graphs of functions

Release 1.7c 2022/02/07


The tkz-fct package is designed to give math teachers (and students) easy access to programming graphs of functions with TikZ and gnuplot.


The packages may be modified and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Project Public License, version 1.3 or greater.


You can experiment with the tkz-fct package by placing all of the distribution files in the directory containing your current tex file.

You can also place all of the distribution files in the directory : /texmf/tex/latex/tkz.


  • needs tkz-base, fp.sty and gnuplot;
  • automatically loads the package TikZ;
  • compiles with utf8, pdflatex, lualatex.

How to use it

To use the package tkz-fct, place the following line in the preamble of your document.


If you use the xcolor package, load that package before tkz-fct to avoid package conflicts.



In order to format the numbers correctly, you place the following two lines




Documentation for tkz-fct is available on CTAN and in your distribution.


  • 1.7c Correction of the documentation
  • 1.6c Correction of bug which prevented "tkz" packages from being loaded at the same time. Minor corrections to the documentation
  • 1.5c Added a warning message that tkz-fct must be loaded before tkz-euclide
  • 1.4c Correction of a bug in the macro tkzFct. Correction of the documentation.
  • 1.3c Correction of a bug ( incompatibility between tkz-fct and tkzexample). Add compatibility between ttkz-fct and tkz-base. Correction of the documentation.
  • 1.2c Add compatibility with tkz-base > 3.01.
  • 1.16c correction of bugs now default domain is xmin:xmax and not -5:5.
  • 1.13 first version

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (746.1k).

tkz-fct – Tools for drawing graphs of functions

The tkz-fct package is designed to give math teachers (and students) easy access to programming graphs of functions with TikZ and gnuplot.

Home pagehttp://altermundus.fr
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2022 Alain Matthes
MaintainerAlain Matthes
Contained inTeX Live as tkz-fct
MiKTeX as tkz-fct
TopicsPGF TikZ
Graphics plot
See alsopgf
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