CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-rubans

%% Package `pst-rubans.tex'
%% Manuel Luque <Manuel.Luque27@gmail.com>
%% Herbert Voss <hvoss@tug.org> (Germany)
%% 2011-02-10

PSTricks offers excellent macros to insert more or less complex 
graphics into a document. pstricks.tex itself is the base for several 
other additional packages, which are mostly named pst-xxxx, 
like pst-rubans. 

Save the files


in any place, where latex or any other TeX program will find it.

pst-rubans uses the extended version of the keyval package. So
be sure that you 
- have installed xkeyval with the special pst-xkey
  (CTAN: tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/xkeyval/)
- do not load another package after pst-rubans, which loads
  the old keyval.sty or pst-key.tex

If you like to get the documentation file in another format run 

latex pst-rubans-doc.tex
bibtex pst-rubans-doc
latex pst-rubans-doc.tex
dvips pst-rubans-doc.dvi

to get a PostScript file. But pay attention, that the pst-rubans
files are saved in the above mentioned way, before you run
latex on the documentation file.

The intermediate DVI file works only with viewers which can 
interprete the embedded PostScript code.

For another PDF output read the introduction from
the documentation.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (558.4k).

pst-rubans – Draw three-dimensional ribbons

The package uses PStricks and pst-solides3d to draw three dimensional ribbons on a cylinder, torus, sphere, cone or paraboloid. The width of the ribbon, the number of turns, the colour of the outer and the inner surface of the ribbon may be set. In the case of circular and conical helices, one may also choose the number of ribbons.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2004–2011 Herbert Voß
MaintainerManuel Luque
Herbert Voß
Contained inTeX Live as pst-rubans
MiKTeX as pst-rubans
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