Directory fonts/baskervillef
The BaskervilleF Font Package -------------------------- BaskervilleF is a fork from the Libre Baskerville fonts (Roman, Italic, Bold only) released under the OFL by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo Fuenzalida. Their fonts are optimized for web usage, while BaskervilleF is optimized for traditional TeX usage, normally destined for production of pdf files. A bold italic style was added and mathematical support is offered as an option to newtxmath. The fonts are provided in OpenType and PostScript formats. As with LibreBaskerville, they are released under SIL's OFL, details of which are spelled out in the file OFL.txt accompanying the package. The TeX font metrics, font definition files and other support files for BaskervilleF, i.e., the other files in the archive, may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2003/12/01 or later. Those files and LaTeX support file baskervillef.sty are Copyright (c) 2016---2025 Michael Sharpe Files provided "as is", with no warranties. The support files are provided in encodings OT1, T1, TS1 and LY1 for users of Western scripts. Current version: 1.052 2025-01-06 Changes in version 1.052 Added missing fd files t1minbaskervillef.fd, ot1minbaskerville.fd and ly1minbaskerville.fd, needed only for mathematical processing using newtx. (Newtx.sty contains changes to properly support math in baskerville.) Changes in version 1.051 1. Corrected the serif size of the fi ligature in Regular weight and made slight adjustments to some side-bearlings. 2. Added a number of glyphs used by the TS1 encoding. Changes in version 1.049 Modified baskervillef.sty to comply with changes to latex with respect to mweights and fontaxes packages. Changes in version 1.048 Corrected errors in some of the OT1 fd files. (Thanks Frank Mittelbach.) Changes in version 1.047 Corrected some spacing errors involving ligatures, the most egregious involving italic f_f_i. Changes in version 1.046 Corrected some bad accented letters and accented small caps in BoldItalic. (Thanks to Ricardo Berlasso.) Changes in version 1.045 Corrected a number of repeated lines in Changes in version 1.044 1. Extended kerning table (regular only) to handle parentheses embedded in works, like (un)forseen. 2. Corrected the spacing of math comma and period under option baskervillef to newtxmath. Changes in version 1.043 Modified the sty file so that BaskervilleF text figure styles are selected always in the \AtEndPreamble hook. (Formerly, using babel would prevent this.) Changes in version 1.042 Added a Q_u ligature to the otf files, accessed through the hlig table. Changes in version 1.041 Added two entries to smcp table so that dotlessi and dotlessj map to correct small cap glyph. Changes in version 1.04 1. Changes to sty file, reworking \textfrac. 2. Changes to f-ligatures. Both f_j and f_f_j are now available in LY1 encoding. 3. Brought documentation up to date. Changes in version 1.032 Small changes to the kerning tables. Changes in version 1.031 Corrected settings in the OS/2 tables for BaskervilleF-BoldItalic.otf. (Thanks again Joost Ziff.) Changes in version 1.03 Corrected an entry in the lnum tables that erroneously pointed six.oldstyle to five.prop. (Thanks Joost Ziff.) Changes in version 1.02 1. Additional glyphs, mainly for symbols that, under LaTeX, will end up in the textcomp family. 2. New macro replacing the \textcircled macro from textcomp.sty, and which works as expected---that is, \textcircled{S} draws a reduced small-cap S centered in a circle. Changes in version 1.01 1. Several corrections of flaws in glyphs. 2. Cotrrection to some accented glyphs and to the accents themselves to they work better as math accents. Changes in version 1.00a 1. File omlzbami was omitted inadvertently from version 1.00. Now included. 2. A couple of minor fixes in math metrics. Please send comments and bug reports or suggestions for improvement to msharpe at ucsd dot edu
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (2.6M).
baskervillef – Fry’s Baskerville look-alike, with math support
BaskervilleF is a fork from the Libre Baskerville fonts (Roman, Italic, Bold only) released under the OFL by Paolo Impallari and Rodrigo Fuenzalida. Their fonts are optimized for web usage, while BaskervilleF is optimized for traditional TeX usage, normally destined for production of pdf files. A bold italic style was added and mathematical support is offered as an option to newtxmath.
Package | baskervillef |
Version | 1.052 2025-01-06 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 The SIL Open Font License |
Maintainer | Michael Sharpe |
Contained in | TeX Live as baskervillef MiKTeX as baskervillef |
Topics | Font t1enc Font OTF Font Font serif Font Type1 |