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Directory fonts/archaic/linearA

 The linearA package provides a simple interface to two
 fonts which include all known symbols, simple and complex, of the Linear A
 script. This way one can easily replicate Linear A ``texts'' using modern
 typographic technology. Notice that the Linear A script has not been
 deciphered yet and probably it will never be deciphered.
 Apostolos Syropoulos 
 Xanthi, Greece
 March 13, 2006

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (316.8k).

linearA – Linear A script fonts

The linearA package provides a simple interface to two fonts which include all known symbols, simple and complex, of the Linear A script. This way one can easily replicate Linear A “texts” using modern typographic technology. Note that the Linear A script has not been deciphered yet and probably never will be deciphered.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2006 Apostolos Syropoulos
MaintainerApostolos Syropoulos
Contained inTeX Live as lineara
MiKTeX as lineara
TopicsArchaic Font
Font Type1
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