CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory biblio/biber/base



Biber is a replacement for users of biblatex, with full Unicode support.

Please note–the default download for all platforms is 64-bit. Please look in the files section for the correct 32-bit platform instead of using the default download button if you want 32-bit.


Biber is written in Perl with the aim of providing a customised and sophisticated data preparation backend for biblatex.

You do not need to install Perl use biber–binaries are provided for many operating systems via the main distributions (Live, Mac, MiK) and also via download from SourceForge.

You only need a Perl installation to use biber in one of the following cases:

  • A binary version is not available for your OS/platform
  • You wish to keep up with all of the bleeding-edge git commits before they
  • are packaged into a binary.

For the vast majority of users, using the latest binary for the OS/platform you are using will be what you want to do. For details on the requirements for installing the Perl program version, please see the biber PDF documentation.

The git repository for Biber is kept on github:



After installing, biber --help will give you the basic documentation.

The latest PDF documentation can be found here:


More information, bugfix releases, forums and bug tracker are available at:



If you wish to build you own binary, see the main biber PDF documentation. There is a section there on how to do this. The PDF documentation is in the documentation folder for the release on Sourceforge.

biber – A replacement for users of Bib

Biber is a replacement for users of Bib.

Biber supports full UTF-8, can (re)-encode input and output, supports highly configurable sorting, dynamic bibliography sets and many other features.

The CTAN distribution offers a compressed tar archive of the sources, etc., together with “binary” distributions for a variety of platforms.

Note: on SourceForge biber is formally named “biblatex-biber”, to distinguish it from an earlier (now apparently moribund) project called “biber”.

Home pagehttp://biblatex-biber.sourceforge.net/
Bug trackerhttps://github.com/plk/biber/issues
Version2.20 2024-03-22
LicensesPerl Artistic License, version 2
MaintainerFrançois Charette
Philip Kime
Contained inTeX Live as biber
MiKTeX as biber-windows-x64
See alsobibtex
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