Suggestions for xcoffins
The following packages have something in common with the package xcoffins. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- l3experimental: Experimental LaTeX3 concepts
- l3keys2e: LaTeX2ε option processing using LaTeX3 keys
- l3packages: High-level LaTeX3 concepts
- xtemplate: A high-level interface for declaring document commands
- xparse: A generic document command parser
- l3backend: LaTeX3 backend drivers
- l3docstrip: Strip documentation in LaTeX3 source
- l3kernel-dev: Development pre-release of l3kernel
- l3kernel: LaTeX3 programming conventions
- l3backend-dev: LaTeX3 backend drivers (dev)
- xgalley: Control text feeding onto the page
- xargs: Define commands with many optional arguments
- kalendarium: Print dates according to the classical Latin calendar
- erw-l3: Utilities based on LaTeX3
- xfrac: Split-level fractions
- alertmessage: Alert messages for LaTeX
- dashbox: Draw dashed boxes
- eqparbox: Create equal-widthed parboxes
- efbox: Extension of \fbox, with controllable frames and colours
- fancybox: Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes
- lroundrect: LaTeX macros for utilizing the roundrect METAPOST routines
- makebox: Defines a \makebox* command
- minibox: A simple type of box for LaTeX
- pbox: A variable-width \parbox command
- nccboxes: Elaborate box commands
- fitbox: Fit graphics on a page
- collectbox: Collect and process macro arguments as boxes
- realboxes: Variants of common box-commands that read their content as real box and not as macro argument
- grabbox: Read an argument into a box and execute the code afterwards
- boxedminipage: Framed minipages of a specified total width (text and frame combined)
- fbox: Extended \fbox macro from standard LaTeX