Suggestions for todonotes
The following packages have something in common with the package todonotes. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- notebeamer: A template for printing presentations on notepaper
- todo: Make a to-do list for a document
- easyreview: Package to provide a way to review (or perform editorial process) in LaTeX
- easy-todo: To-do notes in a document
- fixmetodonotes: Add notes on document development
- fixme: Collaborative annotation tool for LaTeX
- snaptodo: A todo that snaps to the closer side
- ezedits: Commands for tracking document changes and notes
- zebra-goodies: A collection of handy macros for paper writing
- skeldoc: Placeholders for unfinished documents
- luatodonotes: Add editing annotations in a LuaLaTeX document
- nameauth: Name authority mechanism for consistency in body text and index
- bchart: Draw simple bar charts in LaTeX
- scratchx: Include Scratch programs in LaTeX documents
- bondgraphs: Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using PGF/TikZ
- havannah: Diagrams of board positions in the games of Havannah and Hex
- thuaslogos: Logos for The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS)
- scratch3: Draw programs like “scratch”
- gridpapers: Graph paper backgrounds and color schemes
- highlightx: Highlight formulas or paragraphs
- overarrows: Custom extensible arrows over math expressions
- quizztex: Create quizzes like in TV shows
- notes: Mark sections of a document
- debate: Debates between reviewers
- mindflow: Write your ideas in a clear way
- marginnote: Notes in the margin, even where \marginpar fails
- versonotes: Display brief notes on verso pages
- parnotes: Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere)
- ed: Editorial Notes for LaTeX documents
- draftcopy: Identify draft copies
- draftmark: Put draft marks on selected pages