Suggestions for simplified-latex
The following packages have something in common with the package simplified-latex. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- beginlatex: A beginner's guide to LaTeX
- lshort: A short introduction to LaTeX 2e
- mfwl: Making friends with LaTeX
- latex-veryshortguide: The Very Short Guide to LaTeX
- latex-refsheet: LaTeX Reference Sheet for a thesis with KOMA-Script
- intro-scientific: Introducing scientific/mathematical documents using LaTeX
- dtxtut: Tutorial on writing .dtx and .ins files
- first-latex-doc: A document for absolute LaTeX beginners
- latex-course: A LaTeX course as a projected presentation
- latex-mr: A practical guide to LaTeX and Polyglossia for Marathi and other Indian languages
- latex-for-undergraduates: A tutorial aimed at introducing undergraduate students to LaTeX
- dickimaw: Books and tutorials from the “Dickimaw LaTeX Series”
- cursolatex: A LaTeX tutorial
- lshort-slovak: Slovak introduction to LaTeX
- lshort-dutch: Introduction to LaTeX in Dutch
- lshort-finnish: Finnish introduction to LaTeX
- lshort-turkish: Turkish introduction to LaTeX
- lshort-spanish: Short introduction to LaTeX, Spanish translation
- lshort-bulgarian: Bulgarian translation of the "Short Introduction to LaTeX2ε"
- lshort-french: Short introduction to LaTeX, French translation
- lshort-estonian: Estonian introduction to LaTeX
- pdf-forms-tutorial: Tutorial on creating PDF forms using pdfLaTeX
- latex4musicians: A guide for combining LaTeX and music
- lshort-polish: Introduction to LaTeX in Polish
- lshort-english: A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2ε
- lshort-vietnamese: Vietnamese version of the LaTeX introduction
- lshort-portuguese: Introduction to LaTeX in Portuguese
- lshort-thai: Introduction to LaTeX in Thai
- lshort-italian: Introduction to LaTeX in Italian
- lshort-ukr: Ukrainian version of the LaTeX introduction
- lshort-russian: Russian introduction to LaTeX