Suggestions for kanbun
The following packages have something in common with the package kanbun. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- exercisesheets: Typeset exercise sheets for university courses and school classes
- codehigh: Highlight code and demos with l3regex and lpeg
- xecjk: Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX
- emojicite: Add emojis to citations
- emoji: Emoji support in (Lua)LaTeX
- evangelion-jfm: A Japanese font metric supporting many advanced features
- luatexja: Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX
- chinesechess: Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw
- xpinyin: Automatically add pinyin to Chinese characters
- japanese-mathformulas: Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using LuaLaTeX
- jlreq-deluxe: Multi-weight Japanese font support for the jlreq class
- luaxml: Lua library for reading and serialising XML files
- japanese-otf-uptex: Support for Japanese OTF files in upLaTeX
- japanese-otf: Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
- luahttp: Compile-time internet-interactive PDF-documents using Lua and LuaTeX
- njuvisual: Display logos related to Nanjing University
- resolsysteme: Work on linear systems using xint or pyluatex
- pyluatex: Execute Python code on the fly in your LaTeX documents
- hanzibox: Boxed Chinese characters with Pinyin above and translation below
- zitie: Create CJK character calligraphy practicing sheets
- ptex-fontmaps: Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese/Chinese/Korean fonts with (u)ptex
- tkz-euclide: Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry
- notes2bib: Integrating notes into the bibliography
- polyglossia: An alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- pxufont: Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts
- newpax: Experimental package to extract and reinsert PDF annotations
- wallcalendar: A wall calendar class with custom layouts
- addliga: Access basic ligatures in legacy TrueType fonts
- gurps: Typeset Generic Universal Role Playing System (GURPS) materials
- luatodonotes: Add editing annotations in a LuaLaTeX document
- luabibentry: Repeat BibTeX entries in a LuaLaTeX document body