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texshade – Package for setting nucleotide and peptide alignments

shade is alignment shading software completely written in /; it can process multiple sequence alignments in the .MSF and the .ALN file formats. In addition to common shading algorithms, it provides special shading modes showing functional aspects, e.g. charge or hydropathy, and a wide range of commands for handling shading colours, text styles, labels, legends; it even allows the user to define completely new shading modes. shade combines highest flexibility with output quality — all in a bundle that does not demand excessive development time of the user.

Home pagehttps://www.pharmazie.uni-kiel.de/en/pharmceitica/prof-dr-eric-beitz/biotex
LicensesGNU General Public License, version 2
Copyright1999–2024 Eric Beitz
MaintainerEric Beitz
Contained inTeX Live as texshade
MiKTeX as texshade
Mol bio

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