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bigstrut – Struts for opening up tabular spacing

\bigstrut produces a strut which is \bigstrutjot higher, lower, or both, than the standard array/table strut. Use it in table entries that are adjacent to an \hline, to leave an extra bit of space.

Note that the tabls package does the job automatically, and the booktabs package has a completely different mechanism for dealing with the problem, which obviates the need for manual adjustment.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/pietvo/multirow/issues
Version2.8 2021-03-15
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright1994 Jerry Leichter
2016–2021 Pieter van Oostrum
MaintainerPieter van Oostrum
Contained inTeX Live as multirow
MiKTeX as multirow
See alsomultirow

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