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Directory info/visualpstricks

The purpose for this documentation is not to replace the documentation of the package. But to have a quick look on the role of each fonction or parameter. 

The principle for this documentation : An image per fonction or per parameter. The text is reduced to the minimum. 

The basic document is ''VSP.tex''.

This documentation has been developped in french.
to change the langage, modify the lines 3 and 4 in the VPST.tex file.

Complilation method :  DVI -> PS -> pdf. 

After compilation the pdf file have been renamed ``visuel pstricks'' for the french version and ``visual pstricks'' for the english version.

This documation is not complete : Update will be reguraly proposed ! Please let me know any error encountered. 

New version will be available first hand : http://gte.univ-littoral.fr/sections/stage-latex/visuel-pstricks}

I am creating the same type of documentation fot TIKZ. the latest version available : http://gte.univ-littoral.fr/sections/stage-latex/visual-tikz 

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (14.5M).

VisualPSTricks – Visual help for PSTricks based on images with minimum text

Visual help for PSTricks based on images with minimum text. One image per command or per parameter.

LicensesGNU General Public License
MaintainerJean Pierre Casteleyn
Contained inTeX Live as visualpstricks
TopicsGraphics in
Graphics documentation
French documentation
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