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Verzeichnis graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-bspline

%% Package pst-bspline
%% Copyright 2011--2016 Michael Sharpe <msharpe@ucsd.edu>
%% Version 1.62, 2016/04/21

This package draws uniform, cubic B-spline curves, open and closed, based on a sequence of B-spline control points. There is also code which permits drawing the open or closed cubic B-spline curve interpolating a sequence of points. This update adds a number of macros allowing B-spline curves to be used as if they were parametric curves or graphs of functions,  including several macros for thickened B-splines.

The .tex and .sty files should be installed in a folder searched by TeX. All documentation is in pst-bspline-doc.pdf.

  This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
  version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any 
  later version: <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt>

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pst-bspline – Draw cubic Bspline curves and interpolations

The package draws uniform, cubic B-spline curves, open and closed, based on a sequence of B-spline control points. There is also code which permits drawing the open or closed cubic Bspline curve interpolating a sequence of points.

Graphical output is created using PStricks.

Version1.62 2016-04-21
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
BetreuerMichael Sharpe
Enthalten inTeX Live als pst-bspline
MiKTeX als pst-bspline
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