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Directory graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-am

pst-am: modulation and demodulation

pst-am.sty     - The LaTeX file
pst-am-doc.pdf - The documentation
pst-am-doc.tex - The documentation, source
pst-am-doc.bib - The documentation, bibfile

Herbert Voss 2012-12-08

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (831.9k).

pst-am – Simulation of modulation and demodulation

The package allows the simulation of the modulated and demodulated amplitude of radio waves. The user may plot curves of modulated signals, wave carrier, signal modulation, signal recovery and signal demodulation.

LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerManuel Luque
Herbert Voß
Contained inTeX Live as pst-am
MiKTeX as pst-am
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