Directory graphics/pgf/contrib/binarytree
Package 'binarytree' for LaTeX: Draw binary trees with TikZ. ========================== LICENCE ========================= Copyright (C) 2016 by Aleksandrina Nikolova <> This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in: and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. =========================== ABOUT ========================== The 'binarytree' package provides an easy but flexible way to draw binary trees using TikZ. It provides a macro \BinaryTree which takes two arguments: a path specification and a number indicating the maximum depth of the tree. The path specification and the setting of various options determine the style for each edge of the tree. The options can be set either by passing them as an optional argument to \BinaryTree, or by calling \btreeset. There is support for the external library of TikZ which does not affect externalization of the rest of the TikZ figures in the document (externalization is enabled locally for each \BinaryTree). There is an option to use automatic file naming: this is useful if the trees are often moved around or new ones are added in between, in which case using the default naming will cause all of them to be rebuilt. Instead, giving a unique name to each tree will have TikZ use the already compiled image no matter where in the document it is or how many times it has been used. This feature is still in its very infancy and more control over how the file name is generated is planned for the future. ======================= INSTALLATION ======================= Extract all of the files and run latex on binarytree.ins: latex binarytree.ins Move the generated binarytree.sty into a TeX searchable directory, for example on Linux: mkdir -p <TeX folder>/tex/latex/binarytree mv binarytree.sty <TeX folder>/tex/latex/binarytree The local user TeX directory is in 'C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\texmf' on Windows, '~/texmf' on Linux or '~/Library/texmf' on OS X. If you wish to (re)create the documentation: pdflatex binarytree.dtx pdflatex binarytree.dtx makeindex -s -o binarytree.gls binarytree.glo makeindex -s -o binarytree.ind binarytree.idx pdflatex binarytree.dtx pdflatex binarytree.dtx ========================== TESTING ========================= Provided are four files to test the package (also included as examples in the documentation: * 'examples/binarytree-ex1.tex' draws two trees, names them as nodes and uses them in a simple graph. To recompile it, simply run: pdflatex examples/binarytree-ex1.tex * 'examples/binarytree-ex2.tex' draws 4 identically structured trees using different level and sibling distance scalings. To recompile it, simply run: pdflatex examples/binarytree-ex2.tex * 'examples/binarytree-ex3.tex' draws a square with arrows on each side! To recompile it, simply run: pdflatex examples/binarytree-ex3.tex * 'examples/binarytree-ex4.tex' draws a similar square twice and exports them using the external library. It uses the 'list and make' mode, so it generates 'examples/binarytree-ex4.figlist' and 'examples/binarytree-ex4.makefile', requiring manual compilation of the exported figure: pdflatex examples/binarytree-ex4.tex make -f examples/binarytree-ex4.makefile pdflatex examples/binarytree-ex4.tex ========================== CHANGES ========================= v1.0 First published version of the 'binarytree' package
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (456.9k).
binarytree – Drawing binary trees using TikZ
This package provides an easy but flexible way to draw binary trees using TikZ. A path specification and the setting of various options determine the style for each edge of the tree.
There is support for the external library of TikZ which does not affect externalization of the rest of the TikZ figures in the document.
There is an option to use automatic file naming: useful if the trees are often moved around.
Package | binarytree |
Version | 1.01 2016-07-25 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Maintainer | Aleksandrina Nikolova |
Contained in | TeX Live as binarytree MiKTeX as binarytree |
Topics | Graphics in TeX PGF TikZ Tree |