CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis fonts/berenisadf


berenisadf consists of:
1. the Berenis ADF Pro fonts developed by Hirwen Harendel, Arkandis Digital
Foundry (ADF) and released under the terms set out in the files COPYING and
NOTICE.txt in opentype format;
2. converted fonts in postscript type 1 format (released, obviously, under
the same terms);
3. (La)TeX support by Clea F. Rees released under the LPPL. All files covered
by the LPPL are listed in the file manifest.txt.

The original, legally binding copy of the licence, COPYING, has Windows line
endings. For the sake of compatibility with CTAN's file usage, a converted
file with Unix line endings, COPYING.lnx, is provided for convenience. Note
that this file is provided for convenience only. The original file, COPYING, 
contains the font licence as issued by ADF. Should the files differ in their
legal import, COPYING is definitive.

Information and resources concerning Berenis ADF and other ADF fonts can be
found on the foundry's homepage:

(La)TeX Support

For details, please see berenisadf.pdf.

The (La)TeX support requires nfssext-cfr and xkeyval. These packages are
available from CTAN.

The (La)TeX support should be considered somewhat experimental. If you find
any problems, please let me know and I will try to correct them. If you can
send a fix, so much the better.

Contact Details

If you have comments about the fonts themselves, please contact Hirwen
Harendal (harendalh <at> hotmail <dot> ac <dot> uk). 

Clea F. Rees (reesc21 <at> cardiff <dot> ac <dot> uk)

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (2.8M).

berenisadf – Berenis ADF fonts and / support

The bundle provides the BerenisADF Pro font collection, in OpenType and PostScript Type 1 formats, together with support files to use the fonts in nANSI (LY1) and standard T1 and TS1 encodings.

LizenzenFree license not otherwise listed
BetreuerHirwen Harendal
Clea F. Rees
Enthalten inTeX Live als berenisadf
MiKTeX als berenisadf
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren