Suggestions for exam-zh
The following packages have something in common with the package exam-zh. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- bhcexam: An exam class for mathematics teachers in China
- hanzibox: Boxed Chinese characters with Pinyin above and translation below
- zitie: Create CJK character calligraphy practicing sheets
- xecjk: Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX
- tetragonos: Four-Corner codes of Chinese characters
- latex-notes-zh-cn: Chinese Introduction to TeX and LaTeX
- hfutexam: Exam class for Hefei University of Technology (China)
- jnuexam: Exam class for Jinan University
- sexam: Package for typesetting arabic exam scripts
- resumecls: Typeset a resume both in English and Chinese
- cqubeamer: LaTeX Beamer Template for Chongqing University
- hithesis: Harbin Institute of Technology Thesis Template
- hfutthesis: LaTeX Thesis Template for Hefei University of Technology
- buctthesis: Beijing University of Chemical Technology Thesis Template
- nanicolle: Typesetting herbarium specimen labels
- install-latex-guide-zh-cn: A short introduction to LaTeX installation written in Chinese
- xsim: eXercise Sheets IMproved
- exsheets: Create exercise sheets and exams
- chinesechess: Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw
- xpinyin: Automatically add pinyin to Chinese characters
- xduts: Xidian University TeX Suite
- xepersian-hm: Fixes kashida feature in xepersian package
- tikzquests: A parametric questions’ repositories framework
- exercisesheets: Typeset exercise sheets for university courses and school classes
- asymptote-manual-zh-cn: A Chinese translation of the asymptote manual
- context-notes-zh-cn: Notes on using ConTeXt MkIV
- asymptote-by-example-zh-cn: Asymptote by example
- asymptote-faq-zh-cn: Asymptote FAQ (Chinese translation)
- tlmgr-intro-zh-cn: A short tutorial on using tlmgr in Chinese
- kanbun: Typeset kanbun-kundoku with support for kanbun annotation
- njuvisual: Display logos related to Nanjing University