Suggestions for biblatex-ms
The following packages have something in common with the package biblatex-ms. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- biblatex: Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX
- biblatex-subseries: Manages subseries with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-source-division: References by “division” in classical sources
- biblatex-ijsra: BibLaTeX style for the International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology
- biblatex-socialscienceshuberlin: BibLaTeX-style for the social sciences at HU Berlin
- biblatex-opcit-booktitle: Use op. cit. for the booktitle of a subentry
- biblatex-true-citepages-omit: Correction of some limitation of the citepages=omit option of BibLaTeX styles
- biber-ms-windows: Biber (multiscript) binaries for Windows
- biber-ms-macos: Biber (multiscript) binaries for MacOS
- biber-ms-linux: Biber (multiscript) binaries for Linux
- etex-pkg: E-TeX support package
- bxcalc: Extend the functionality of the calc package
- xskak: An extension to the skak package for chess typesetting
- glosmathtools: Mathematical nomenclature tools based on the glossaries package
- etoc: Completely customisable TOCs
- csquotes: Context sensitive quotation facilities
- scrbase: Provide basic features for KOMA-Script
- etoolbox: e-TeX tools for LaTeX
- biber-ms: A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX (multiscript version)
- ecobiblatex: Global Ecology and Biogeography BibLaTeX styles for the Biber backend
- citeall: Cite all entries of a bbl created with BibLaTeX
- windycity: A Chicago style for BibLaTeX
- biblatex-bwl: BibLaTeX citations for FU Berlin
- biblatex-nottsclassic: Citation style for the University of Nottingham
- biblatex-shortfields: Use short forms of fields with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-claves: A tool to manage claves of old litterature with BibLaTeX
- biblatex-morenames: New names for standard BibLaTeX entry type
- biblatex-multiple-dm: Load multiple datamodels in BibLaTeX
- biblatex-realauthor: Indicate the real author of a work
- biblatex-jura: BibLaTeX stylefiles for German legal literature
- biblatex-luh-ipw: BibLaTeX styles for social sciences