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semantic-markup – Meaningful semantic markup in the spirit of the Text Encoding Initiative

The package provides simple commands to allow authors (especially scholars in the humanities) to write with a focus on content rather than presentation. The commands are inspired by the XML elements of the Text Encoding Initiative. Commands like \term and \foreign are aliases for \emph. \quoted and \soCalled are aliases for quoting commands. These commands could be easily redefined for different formats.

The package also provides a footnote environment so that long footnotes can be more cleanly separated from the main text.

Because the author is a music scholar, the package also includes some macros for musical symbols and other basic notations for musical analysis.

Version 2020-01-29
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2020 Andrew A. Cashner
BetreuerAndrew A. Cashner
Enthalten inTeX Live als semantic-markup
MiKTeX als semantic-markup

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