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mathcommand – \newcommand-like commands for defining math macros

This package provides functionalities for defining macros

  1. that have different behaviors depending on whether in math or text mode,
  2. that absorb Primes, Indices and Exponents (PIE) as extra parameters usable in the code; and
  3. it offers some iteration facilities for defining macros with similar code.

The primary objective of this package is to be used together with the knowledge package for a proper handling of mathematical notations.

Version1.04 2021-06-07
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2019–2021 Thomas Colcombet
MaintainerThomas Colcombet
Contained inTeX Live as mathcommand
MiKTeX as mathcommand
TopicsIterating Macros
Experimental 3
Defining Macro

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