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FitR – Set a rectangular destination and jump to it

The package is an implementation of the FitR view-type destination as described in the PDF Reference; it defines one new command \jdRect. The command (optionally) sets a jump to and/or sets a destination of a FitR (Rectangle). (Can you see where \jdRect comes from?).

The package requires eforms (part of the AeB) and collectbox (by Martin Scharrer). Drivers supported are dvips and dvipsone (using Adobe Distiller as the PDF creator); pdf (including Lua); and dvipdfm, dvipdfmx, and .

The package was developed in response to a user of the AeB Bundle who was interested in developing documents for students with low vision; the idea is to magnify regions of the document so the student can read more comfortably. Optional special effects are included (JavaScript functions) to help focus one the rectangle as it is magnified, and as the previous view is restored.

Version1.3.2 2020-07-09
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2012–2020 D. P. Story
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live Contrib as fitr
MiKTeX as fitr
TopicsPDF forms
Visual support
Adobe Distiller

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