CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis support/epspdf

Epspdftk.tcl is a GUI ps/eps/pdf converter. Epspdf.tlu, its
command-line backend, can be used by itself.

Both are scripts: epspdf.tlu is written in texlua and uses the
texlua script interpreter from TeX Live or MiKTeX. Epspdftk.tcl
requires Tcl/Tk, either a full installation or a tclkit runtime. TeX
Live already includes a minimal Tcl/Tk for Windows.

Epspdftk.tcl can find the other files as long are they are all in
the same directory. epspdf4tk.cmd is needed only when running
epspdftk.tcl under Windows.

Full documentation is available in the doc subdirectory.

Windows MiKTeX users: the epspdftk GUI currently does not work with
a MiKTeX installation. Therefore, the former epspdf-setup package is
not being offered any more.

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epspdf – Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF

Epspdftk.tcl is a GUI ps/eps/pdf converter. Epspdf.tlu, its command-line backend, can be used by itself. Options include grayscaling, cropping margins and single-page selection. Some conversion options are made possible by converting in multiple steps.

LizenzenGNU General Public License, version 2
Copyright2006–2023 Siep Kroonenberg
BetreuerSiep Kroonenberg
Enthalten inTeX Live als epspdf
MiKTeX als epspdf
ThemenEPS- und PDF-Grafik
Siehe auchepstopdf
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren