Directory macros/luatex/latex/luainputenc
The luainputenc LaTeX2e package luainputenc is an adaptation of inputenc for LuaTeX, as the old inputenc does not work (at all) with the LuaTeX engine. It is used only for compatibility with old documents. New documents should be encoded in UTF-8 and use Unicode fonts (eg with a recent verion of the fontspec package). This package automatically calls the old inputenc when running with pdfTeX, and xetex-inputenc when running XeTeX, so you can safely use it with all your documents. This package is developed on <>, see the 'NEWS' file for version history. Installation ------------ Here are the recommended installation methods (preferred first). 1. If you are using TeX Live 2008 or later, use 'tlmgr install luainputenc'. Alternatively, try your (TeX or Linux) distribution's package management system. 2. a. Grab on the CTAN. b. Unzip it at the root of one or your TDS trees. c. You may need to update some filename database after, see your TeX distribution's manual for details. 3. a. Grab the sources from CTAN or github. b. Run 'make install TEXMFROOT=/path/to/texmf'. c. See 2c. Manifest -------- Source files: luainputenc.dtx the single file source & doc Derived files: luainputenc.pdf the documentation luainputenc.sty the LaTeX package luainputenc.lua the lua functions for encoding translation lutf8.def replacement for utf8.def lutf8x.def idem, with new functionalities for Unicode fonts inputenc.sty.diff: patch for inputenc.sty to load luainputenc automatically if running LuaTeX License ------- This work is under the CC0 license, with an additional restriction: the article 6 of the LaTeX Project Public License (lppl), that applies to code that has been taken from LaTeX files. You can find the text of the lppl at The lppl can be found at You can find the CC0 full text at The file luainputenc.dtx contains code with the lppl restriction as well as the derived files luainputenc.sty luainputenc.pdf lutf8.def lutf8x.def For further details about their license, please see the comments in these files. The other derived files are luainputenc.lua inputenc.sty.diff These files are under the CC0 license only.
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (406.4k).
luainputenc – Replacing inputenc for use in LuaTeX
LuaTeX operates by default in UTF-8 input; thus LaTeX documents that need 8-bit character-sets need special treatment. (In fact, LaTeX documents using UTF-8 with “traditional” — 256-glyph — fonts also need support from this package.)
The package, therefore, replaces the LaTeX standard inputenc for use under LuaTeX. With a current LuaTeX, the package has the same behaviour with LuaTeX as inputenc has under pdfTeX.
Package | luainputenc |
Repository | |
Version | 0.973 |
Licenses | Public Domain Software |
Copyright | 2009 Elie Roux |
Maintainer | Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard (inactive) Élie Roux (inactive) |
TDS archive | |
Contained in | TeX Live as luainputenc MiKTeX as luainputenc |
Topics | LuaTeX Inputenc |